
第54章 道教Daoism(2)

The dao part traditionally has 37 chapters. Dao is usually translated into English as“the way ahead,”and the dao is thought to be responsible for the creation and maintenance of the universe in being. The dao begets one; one begets two; two begets three; three begets the myriad creatures (道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物).

The de part comprises the other 44 chapters of the book. De has the approximate meaning of“righteousness”or“virtue”in the original English sense of inherent power. The de chapters discuss the virtue with relation to the nature or the universe and state that even the dao must follow nature.



What is the dao?

The dao (道) is the central focus of Dao De Jing. It refers an unnameable, inherent order or force of the universe. The book begins by saying“The dao is that can be spoken of, is not the constant way; the name that can be named, is not the constant name (道可道,非常道。名可名,非常名).”

The dao is thought to be responsible for the creation and maintenance of the universe in being. One may say that it is misleading to say that the dao produced the universe. However, the book does not say that it produced the universe like a father produces a son. It produced the universe only in a figurative sense.

The dao is ineffable but then suggests some similes and gives a hint at its nature. It is humble like water, which flows downwards and always seeks the lowest place. It is like the yin-passive and yielding, not active or dominating. It is like empty space, but not an emptiness that has no value. The central Daoist philosophy is the nation that great inner peace and power come to persons who center their lives on the dao, the way of the universe.



What is wuwei ?

Wuwei (无为) literally means“action through non-action”or“harmony with the flow of things.”As has been said, the dao is like the yin or humble. Daoism stresses a person’s harmonious place in the natural world and it advises people to abandon self-effort and ease themselves into the rhythm of the universe, life and death. Chapter 66 says,“River or sea can be lord of a hundred valleys because they excel in taking the lower position. Thus they can be lord of the hundred valleys. Accordingly, if one desires to rule over others, one must humble oneself in one’s speeches, and if one desires to lead others, one must in one’s whole person follow them (江海之所以能为百谷之王者,以其善下之,故能为百谷王。是以圣人欲上民,必以言下之;欲先民,必以身后之).” Such behavior is wuwei. A person of wuwei is like water in his movement, like a mirror in his stillness, like an echo in his responses...He never leads, but always follows. He achieves happiness by forgetting his own happiness and following the happiness of others. This does not mean that one should sit around and do nothing! It means rather that actions taken in accordance with the dao are easier and more productive than these that actively attempt to counter the dao.




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