
第3章 达尔文理论和新达尔文理论(2)

自然选择的含义并不难掌握。如果一个物种中每个个体的基因不同,这种区别会影响每个个体在其环境中的生存和生殖能力,在下一代中,带“好的”基因的个体就会比带“不太好的”基因的个体要多。随时间的推移,生物的群体就逐渐变的越来越适应其环境,有益的基因产生并传播到生物的群体,而有害的基因产生被清除掉(Coyne 2009)。





Behe,M.J.(2007).The edge of evolution :the search for the limits of Darwinism.New York,Free Press“Random mutation,natural selection,common descent ——three separate ideas welded into one theory.Because of the welding of concepts,the question,Is Darwinism true?has several possible answers.One possibility,of course,is that those separate ideas ——common descent,natural selection,and random mutation ——could all be completely correct,and sufficient to explain evolution.Or,they could all be correct in the sense that random mutation and natural selection happen,but they might be inconsequential,unable to account for most of evolution.It‘s also possible that one could be wholly right while the others were totally wrong.Or one idea could be right to a greater degree while another is correct to a much lesser degree.Because they are separate ideas,evidence for each facet of Darwin’s theory has to be evaluated independently.Previous generations of scientists readily discriminated among them.Many leading biologists of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries thought common descent was right,but that random mutation/natural selection was wrong.”Coyne,J.A.(2009).Why evolution is true.Oxford ;New York,Oxford University Press.

The idea of natural selection is not hard to grasp.If individuals with a species differ genetically from one another,and some of those differences affect an individual's ability to survive and reproduce in its environment,then in the next generation the “good”genes that lead to higher survival and reproduction will have relatively more copies than the “not so good”genes.Over time,the population will gradually become more and more suited to its environment as helpful mutations arise and spread through the population,whiledeleterious ones are weeded out.Ultimately,the process produces organism that are well adapted to their habitats and way of life.“Darwin,C.T.H.Huxley,et al.(1983).Autobiographies.Oxford Oxfordshire ;New York,Oxford University Press”In October 1838,that is,fifteen months after I had begun my systematic inquiry.I happened to read for amusement “Malthus on Population,”and being well prepared to appreciate the struggle for existence which everywhere goes on from long—continued observation of the habits of animals and plants,it at once struck me that under these circumstances favorable variations would tend to be preserved and unfavorable ones to be destroyed.The result of this would be the formation of new species.Montagu,A.and I.Asimov,Eds.(1984).Science and creationism.A Galaxy book.Oxford Oxfordshire ;New York,Oxford University Press.