

The number is legion.I mention a few of those of history and today: Demosthenes,Nero,Julius Caesar,Christopher Columbus,Galileo,Cleopatra,Balzac,de Maupassant,Sir Isaac Newton,Joan of Arc,Cromwell,Edgar Allan Poe,Benjamin Franklin,Alexander Hamilton,Bismarck,Alexander Graham Bell,General Grant,Abraham Lincoln,Cecil Rhodes,P.T.Barnum,Clemenceau,Lord Kitchener,Woodrow Wilson,Sir Thomas Lipton,Mussolini,Hitler,Winston Churchill,Joseph Stalin,Lenin,Franklin D.Roosevelt,Charles E.Hughes,Lloyd George,Mahatma Gandhi,Will Rogers,Douglas Fairbanks,Henry Ford,Thomas Edison,John Burroughs,Charles Lindbergh,Alfred E.Smith,Jane Addams,George Washington Carver,Al Jolson,Eleanor Roosevelt,Marion Anderson,Ralph Bunche,Harry Truman,Jawaharlal Nehru,Dwight D.Eisenhower,Ezio Pinza,Bernard Baruch,Jimmy Stewart,Jane Froman,Cecil B.DeMille,Albert Einstein and Dr.Albert Schweitzer.

You could go on and on,each name calling to mind a personality,living or dead,who has been unique in expression and achievement.Such individuals have been and are found in every walk of life.It will always be so,as their use of the power within elevates them to the top in their profession or endeavor.

You will note the inclusion of such names as Nero,Julius Caesar,Mussolini,Hitler,Stalin and Lenin in this list.They were all brilliant in their way,and attained their positions of great power through use of "that something” within—but they trampled humanity in the dust doing it.As history evaluates them,it must weigh the evil they have done against the good.You can become a headliner by using this inner power wrongly as well as rightly.That's why it's so wonderful and so dangerous at the same time! That's why you must learn how to control it,in a way helpful to you and to others—and(if you become a headliner),to the world!

Gandhi used this power,I am sure,and I think he was perhaps the greatest headliner of modern times.You can find many pictures showing him in the civilized garb of present-day man,but in his later years he kept his hair cropped short,wore only a loincloth and a pair of huge spectacles.I have no right to say that Gandhi affected this attire for any specific purpose,but I believe he did it with the realization that this appearance helped focus the world's attention upon himself for India's cause.

I make no attempt to explain why those who use this power are showmen.But you'll notice,as you begin to exercise this power in your own life,that it will make you stand out among your friends and loved ones.They will immediately detect a difference in you,the way you express yourself,the way you act.This doesn't mean that you will be showing off or trying to attract attention.It just means that you are starting,for the first time,perhaps,to be really yourself,to take advantage of the opportunities that are all about you,to cut loose from your old hidebound ideas and limitations,and to claim that which is rightfully yours—which you might have attained long ago,had you understood how to release the power of T N T m your life.

Remember: you can't be a shrinking violet and win any recognition or respect for yourself in this world.

"A city that is set upon a hill cannot be hid.Neither do men light a candle and place it under a bushel…"


"The great truths of life become known only to those who are prepared to accept them…"

Thousands who used the power within for evil brought on their own destruction.Look back through history and you can pick these men and women out for yourself.

We get out of life exactly what we put into it—no more,no less.This is an old truism,but it cannot be emphasized enough.When we put in good thoughts,constructive efforts,and do good,then we receive like in return,for

"Whatsoever a man soweth,that shall he also reap."

What is “that something"—the T N T that rocks the earth?The power within every and any individual which he has to use,if he is to amount to anything in life!

Have you figured it out yet?It's you,your real self,the hidden power of your own inner mind,released under purposeful control,and directed to serve you in the meeting of any experience,the removal of any obstacle and the overcoming of any condition,economic,physical,mental or spiritual.

Picture the force!

It is the explosive force of a mental picture of what you want in life,given by you to your subconscious,touched off by faith in yourself and faith in God.

Whatever you picture,within reason,can come true in your life if you have sufficient faith in the power within!

That's your TNT—a mental image of what you want and the faith that you can and will get it!

It's as simple as that: so simple that millions of men and women won't believe it,won't take the time to learn about this power,would rather go on beating their heads against stone walls of willful blindness,ignorance and stubbornness,and keep on creating all manner of misery,economic loss and ill health for themselves through wrong thinking.

Remember,I stumbled along for thirty years with a bit of T N T in my pocket.All I had to do was reach for it,and I had hold of a power which could have saved me worlds of grief.But I knew more than the happy,successful men and women around me who were using this power and who were inviting me to share it.I thought I could do it all myself,that this success business was largely luck,that you couldn't depend on faith or any God Power.I was exposed to this truth,time and time again,but it didn't take.I had vaccinated myself against it by my skeptical,scoffing attitude.

Let's hope you don't get as sick of life and as despondent and despairing as I was before you clean out the pockets of your mind and find the TNT that's waiting for you there.

What's that? You say you've come across a detonating cap already?Good,Get it set.Put out the caution signals.Proceed carefully and prepare yourself for the first explosion in your consciousness which is going to blast away you wrong thinking and open up a new pathway that will change the course of your entire life—for the better!