

A man's true greatness lies in the consciousness of an honest purpose in life,founded on a just estimate of himself and everything else,on frequent self-examinations,and a steady obedience to the rule which he knows to be right,without troubling himself about what others may think or say,or whether they do or do not do that which he thinks and says and does.


I take it there isn't an intelligent man or woman who isn't really interested in getting ahead,but I have often wondered if there isn't a negative quality or some inertia in most of us which precludes us from getting started.

It repeat an old story:

Down on a levee in Mississippi,two Negroes were dozing.One of them yawned,stretched his arms and sighed:

"Gee,I wish I had a million watermelons."

The other Negro asked:

"Rastus,if you had a million watermelons.would you give me half of them?"


"Would you give me a quarter of them?"

"No,I wouldn't give you a quarter of them."

"Rastus,if you had a million watermelons,wouldn't you give me even ten of them?"

"No,sir! I wouldn't give you ten of them."

"Well,wouldn't you give me one lousy water—melon?"

"Say,Sam,I wouldn't give you even a bite of one if I had a million watermelons."

"Why not,Rastus?"

"Because you're too lazy to wish for yourself!"

There's much to be gleaned from that story.You'll understand as I proceed.

I am fully cognizant that some will scoff.There have always been scoffers,but scoffers never succeed.They never get any place in life,but simply become envious,while the doer or the person who is moving forward has to jump over or go around them.They have nothing but a nuisance value in life.Some of you may dismiss all of this as you have done before—as you always will—but for those of you who are interested,are still willing to learn,I promise you can learn and make progress for yourself.

It is easier to go with the current than fight against it,but you must harmonize with others,with everything around you.

In the words of a great philosopher:

"No longer let thy breathing only act in concert with the air which surrounds thee,but let thy intelligence also now be in harmony with the intelligence which embraces all things."

It requires little effort to breathe but it does require the expenditure of energy to think.It shouldn't be necessary for me to explain further that I am suggesting that you put yourself in tune with the very stream of life itself.You who understand will appreciate that nature provides ways and means for all things to grow rightly.

Meditate for a moment and you'll realize I am giving truths which many may have forgotten.There's the great fundamental law of compensation which makes all things right.

There's no set rule for doing anything,because some of us perform one way and some another,just as two people might go across the river ...one goes by one bridge and one by another...but they both ultimately get to their destination.In other words,after all is said and done,it's results that count,and,if you will make up your mind to exactly what you want and follow the simple rules which are given herein,everything you are after will be yours.

The time has come for you to stop and think and analyze yourself!

Just what do you believe about yourself—and why?

Do you believe you are getting out of life what you should? Do you believe you are giving to life what you should? Life,you know,is not a one-way street.It's a gift to you from God,the Great Creator,But from the moment you are born,you are basically on your own.You have to draw the first breath to live—and you have to keep on breathing,if you wish to remain on earth.You have to take reasonable care of your body or you will suffer some form of ill health.You have to use your head and what is inside it for something more than a hatrack.If you don't,you won't get very far with either your mind or your body.

The condition you are in right now largely depends upon what you have been thinking and doing to and for yourself—all your life.Nothing just happened to you by accident.You are the sum total of all the causes and effects you have set up in yourself through your mental and emotional attitudes.Their end result is the you that you are right this minute!

Take a look in the mirror.Study every physical movement.It tells a story.Each move you make marks your personality,in outer expression.

Examine that look on your face: it indicates the way you think.Your eyes—how do they appear to you? Are they clear,steady and direct? The person you see in the mirror is the one the other person sees.What kind of an impression do you wish to make on him? That's entirely up to you.

You know whether or not you have personality.If it is absent or undeveloped,make up your mind to get it.You can and you will,when you make up your mind and do as suggested herein.

What is personality? What is it,when you get in the presence of another person who has personality,that grips you? What is it that causes you to feel his very presence—that overshadows you?

It's nothing more than a dynamic force coupled with will power which he is drawing from that huge reservoir of the subconscious.There are millions of people who have this personality(some say it's natural with them,and perhaps it is,but they are unconsciously using this power).It has been thrust upon them,or they have developed it without realizing,early in life,and when that thing called personality is backed up with will power,things move.

The appealing personality belongs to that man or woman who possesses self-confidence,self-assurance.These are people with a purpose; they know where they are going and how to get there; and this intensity of purpose shows in their faces.They have poise.They attract others to them as a magnet attracts iron filings.Everyone just groups around a radiant personality.