

Look within.Within is the fountain of good,and it will ever bubble up,if thou wilt ever dig.


Before you can really reach and control and direct "that something," you need to know just how your mind functions.This creative power is the most important part of your mind,but it is elusive and intangible and difficult to contact,consciously,until you have gained an understanding of your inner consciousness.

Did you know,for instance,that you actually do not think in words ...you think in pictures! And,because you think in pictures,and not in words,your mind,in its "mechanical" functioning,operates no differently from that of Primitive Man,who lived thousands of years ago.

He,too,thought in pictures,before language was evolved.When he was gone from his cave home,on the hunt,and returned to his tribe,the only way he could convey to them what had happened to him was to draw crude pictures in charcoal or chisel them on the stone walls of his cave.

Gradually,as primitive man drew pictures of similar experiences over and over again,and associated sounds with certain objects and happenings,he had only to start a familiar picture and onlookers knew instantly what he meant.These early pictures eventually reduced themselves to symbols,the symbols grouped together became letters,then words,and finally sentences ...and first language was born.

But with all our vaunted civilization of today,with all the languages that have evolved,with the enormous vocabulary of words that modern man possesses to describe his feelings and ideas and the world about him,he still thinks basically in mental pictures.I can easily prove this to you.

Take your time,and think of some little unusual experience you have had this day.As you recall it to mind,you see,in your mind's eye,pictures of your doing something,being somewhere,meeting someone—whatever the incident may have been.But,you are powerless to convey to me what happened to you until you grope for words,the symbols of this happening,so you can tell me about it.I,in turn,as I listen to your words,have to translate these words into pictures in my own mind's eye,in order to see and comprehend what you experienced.

So it is clearly evident that you think basically,as I have said,in pictures.This is one of the most important facts you can ever learn about your mind.And the next important fact is this: what you picture in your mind,if it unites with the creative power within,can attract to you whatever you fear or desire.

The creative power is like a magnet

This is true because this creative power operates like a magnet.Give it a strong,clear picture of what you want and this creative power starts to work magnetizing conditions about you—attracting to you the things,resources,opportunities,circumstances and even the people you need,to help bring to pass in your outer life what you have pictured!

You don't believe it? Think back over your life! Recall the times you lived in fear something would happen and eventually it came to pass.You perhaps didn't realize it—but those fear pictures had so impressed "that something" within that you caused it to attract wrong conditions to you and made you susceptible to the very thing you feared.

You see,this creative power within doesn't reason.It just produces for you what you order in the form of a mental picture,with strong feelings of fear or desire behind it.That's why that inner power is T N T,either for or against you,depending on whether your thinking is constructive or destructive.

Now you can understand how certain good,as well as bad,things have happened throughout your life."That something" has been serving you,and the kind of results you have obtained has depended on the kind of mental pictures you have presented to it.

How does your life add up on this basis? Has it been filled,thus far,with about as many unhappy experiences as happy ones? If so,you'll want to change that in a hurry! And you can change it,at once,by a fundamental change in your mental attitude,by overcoming your fears and worries and replacing them with positive,confident,courageous thinking.

There is no longer any doubt about it(and there never has been to those who have understood the operation of consciousness) that "as you picture in your mind and heart,so are you!"

Keep this great fact always before you.Let it dominate your every-day thinking.Check yourself each time you tend to become disturbed,mentally and emotionally,and to store unhappy,destructive mental pictures in your mind.Do you want to pass on such pictures for your creative power to work upon? Do you wish these fears or desires to be magnetized so that they attract similar experiences to you? If not,let go of this kind of pictures at once.Change them for the better.Drop all feelings of fear or resentment or hate or jealousy—whatever these feelings may be—and substitute the right kind of feelings and mental attitudes.The moment you do so,you destroy the power these wrong pictures would eventually have over you.

Beware of the wrong use of T N T!

T N T is wonderful when you use it right—but it can "mow you down" if you set up the wrong charge in yourself.

Once you have cleared your mind of wrong mental pictures and emotional reactions,you are ready to picture,with faith and confidence,the achievement of good things.

Faith is the energizer of the creative power,"that something" within.I'll have more to say about that later,but you must believe that what you picture can come to pass.Doubt will destroy your picture and demagnetize the creative power so that you will get a half-result or no result at all,or even a wrong result.