

Your conscious mind is a sieve and a filter at the same time.It takes everything that happens to you in this outer world into it and passes it on to the subconscious in the form of mental pictures.That's its normal,automatic process,unless you stop certain pictures and alter them,or don't permit what you recognize as a wrong picture to go through!

Now this thought is going to come as a shocker! The uncontrolled conscious mind of any individual is little more than an open sewer which takes in all manner of refuse and debris in the form of wrong thoughts and feelings,along with the good.Unless you stand guard over what you take in,there is no sifting,no filtering of the good from the bad.It all goes into your inner consciousness.And what goes in must eventually come out in the same form,or remain within to attract more of the same ...because like always attracts like!

You've heard of the "stream-of-consciousness"

That's a pretty accurate description.Thoughts are streaming into and out of your mind all the time.

Control the nature of your pictures!

Warning: Don't let your stream of consciousness become any more polluted than it is! Put up your filter screen.Stop all fear and worry thoughts,all wrong emotional reactions before they get into your inner consciousness where they can do you untold damage.Begin to screen out the wrong thoughts and feelings that are already floating around in the stream of your subconscious.Bail them out.Get rid of them.Clear up this stream so it can reflect the good,clean thoughts you are now sending in upon the waters of your life experience.

Write down what you want to be.Write out of your life what you don't want to be!

Constant practice of writing down your wishes and using a mirror will work wonders.Shortly you can form the pictures at will,without the use of either cards or mirrors,and you will find yourself tapping the subconscious mind almost automatically.But you still may wish to continue the writing-down technique ...the reading and rereading of your cards.

Practice—practice—always keep tapping!

Don't be afraid of overdoing,or becoming extravagant with your wishes and desires because,as I have said before,you can have every single thing you wish,but you must become adept at doing exactly as I tell you.

When you visualize and keep the pictures constant,action follows because action,after all,is nothing more than energized thought.

Never lose your vision(your mental picture)for,as King Solomon said nearly three thousand years ago: "Where there is no vision,the people perish."

Bear in mind that this whole theme is as old as man.I am merely giving you the message in words of today and outlining a simple system of mechanics which may be used by anyone.

As we all know,"The proof of the pudding is in the eating." And if you have any doubts as to whether or not I am giving you an exact science,try it! The automobile will begin to take shape,you will get the new shoes and the bricks of the mansion will fall into place as though a magical hand had touched them.

The weight of evidence is on the side of the thousands and thousands of happy,successful,healthy men and women who have already demonstrated and are demonstrating the working of "that something"—the God-given creative power—in their daily lives!

Keep a written record of the things you want,and check against it.You'll soon be checking the things off as you attain them!

Stop your day-dreaming,eliminate your doubts,get busy,try writing down your desires.It works!


There's a saying I thoroughly believe in: "If you believe it,it's so!"

This is simply a cryptic statement or digest of what I have been telling you over and over.All the great teachers,Buddha,Confucius,Mohammed,Jesus and many philosophers taught this great fundamental idea.It is found in all religions,cults,creeds and sects.Everywhere runs the same general theme,the gist of which in my words is: "If you believe it,it's so!"

I quote from the Bible: "As a man thinketh in his Heart so is he." You've heard this quotation many times before,but I repeat for emphasis: "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he." If you believe it,it's so.Note the similarity? Reduce the whole thing to one word: "Faith."

I have heard many,many people say the day of miracles is past,but never in my life have I heard a thinker,a student or a believer make such a declaration.Surely,the days of Aladdin and his lamp are gone,and perhaps they never existed ...so with the magic wand,the magic carpet,and all of those things of fairy tale and legend.Entertaining but no basis in fact,no reality.

When I refer to miracles,I mean those things which can be accomplished through faith ...faith in your belief; faith in yourself; faith in the persons with whom you are associated; faith in a power; faith in "that something" which controls the destinies of everyone....If you can get that faith and dissipate the negative side,nothing in this world can stop you from acquiring what you desire.While this may sound facetious,it is true—you can have anything obtainable if you really want it.

Faith is the main spring of attainment.You must have it to achieve—to move yourself—and others!