

Dr.Rhine undertook his experiments,years ago,on the theory that the human mind can become aware of facts or conditions,at varying or unlimited distances from the body,with or without the agency of another mind in transmission and receiving.He began his experiments with cards of his devising,containing the heavy,black symbols of a cross,a circle,a square,a triangle,and a wavy line.His subjects were required to sit in different rooms or buildings,and attempt to transmit and receive impressions of these symbols.Others sought to get impressions of the order of these symbols in a deck by concentration upon the deck,without any other human mind knowing the order in advance.Still others sought to record their impressions of the order that these cards would fall in when they would be shuffled at some future moment in time,to see if it was possible for the mind to foretell the coming of a specific event or happening.

All of these experiments,repeated laboriously and painstakingly,with every precaution taken against possible conscious or unconscious fraud,suggestion or physical causation,have produced quantitatively and positively results that were definitely above and beyond chance.

There is no longer any scientific doubt that these higher powers of mind exist.In fact,the influence of mind upon animals and plants and inanimate objects has also been demonstrated.And still we aren't even out of the kindergarten with respect to the knowledge of consciousness and its fundamental relationship to the world within and without ourselves,which will one day be revealed.

There are thousands upon thousands of authentic,well-witnessed cases of men and women and children who have received impressions either of a telepathic,clairvoyant or precognitive nature.These impressions have come to them in the form of mental pictures,strong feelings or knowing sensations,in the waking or dream state.They have sensed or "seen" happenings to friends and loved ones,or even strangers,taking place at a distance from them,or still to take place in some future moment of time.Under certain established conditions of receptivity and concentration,mind can communicate with mind,unobstructed by such supposed barriers as time and space.

You can develop similar powers of mind

But it has already been pointed out that your subconscious mind,and the powers it possesses,is not limited by time and space.When you have learned how to control your own mind and emotions,you,too,can transmit and receive thoughts.

Should you wish to attempt any telepathic experiments of your own,there is a definite pattern to follow.Many men and women have tried it and have reported their amazement at the correct impressions they have received.First,relax your physical body from head to foot,letting go of it completely with your conscious mind.This in itself is not easy,but it can be acquired with practice.Then,having made your conscious mind passive(divesting it of all thoughts) look within your mind,figuratively turning your physical eyesight inward,focusing it upon what I call a "mental-picture screen." This is an imaginary white screen which hangs in the darkness of inner consciousness,and on which,on the principle of television,is flashed the images that hit the mind from the outside source.

It is my conviction that we all possess these higher sensory powers in dormant or partially developed form and that when we give recognition to them—when we have faith that these powers can and will serve us—they commence to function for us! Doubt and disbelief keep these powers from manifesting just as definitely as doubt and disbelief prevent your creative powers of mind from operating in and through you.These extra-sensory faculties are all part of the same great power.When you get a sudden,unexplainable impulse or urge to do or not to do,this is your intuition.These extra-sensory perceptions are trying to deliver a message to you.

Occasionally you will receive an impression or a mental picture flash of a future event,some happening that is coming toward you in time.Don't let your conscious mind argue you out of it if you get a strong feeling of conviction that this premonitory impression is genuine.

I believe that man has it in his power to create,to a very large degree,his own future,his own destiny.The more he can learn to develop and depend upon his higher powers of mind,his intuitive faculties,and follow his genuine hunches and premonitions,the more he can avoid unhappy experiences and attract good happenings to him.

While I have devoted years to such development as I have attained,almost everyone at some time in his life can testify to an experience when his mind tuned in on the thoughts of another.I am indebted to Mrs.J.R.Hutchinson of Lajolla,California,for this outstanding illustration:

"When my daughter was about three years old,possibly four,which would have been in l925,I attended a party one night.The favors were little paper Japanese parasols.I told my friends at the party that I was going to take my parasol home to my daughter and they gave me their parasols to give to her,too.She loved them and played with them for a long,long time,during which time I found a cute little song about a 'paper parasol' and she and I used to sing it together.Since then,I don't recall having thought of the words or the tune.