

Each owner of this book can set up his own nucleus and start to work with his own interested friends and associates.The secret is all here…ready to be unfolded to each reader,each student.

It helps your development to work with an understanding friend or loved one,it gives you added impetus.You can each check,assist,and encourage the other.The more you talk about inner power of mind,the more thought and study you give to it,the more it becomes manifest in your life.

Keep tapping…never let up…never give up…because the answer exists for the solution of every problem you have had or could have—in your own mind!

And remember,always,to share your good fortune with others.You will be rewarded a hundredfold…a thousand…as your sharing continues,because good compounds itself—multiplies,keeps on multiplying…expanding…returning more and more good to the original giver.

Persevere,have faith,visualize,you can't miss!


I am the master of my fate;I am the captain of my soul.



As a man thinketh in his heart—so is he.


I know it,I believe it and it's so.



This book will do everything for you that is claimed,but you must reread it and reread it until every sentence,every word is thoroughly understood; and then you must apply the principles and mechanics with your whole heart and soul.Make them a part of your daily life and when you put into practice the ideas offered,you will find that they will work just as they've always worked and always will.If you are in deadly earnest with yourself,you will find the entire scheme very simple.

After you have studied the book and have reflected upon the ideas set forth,you will appreciate the tremendous force which lies in the science of thought repetition and positive action.

You can,by repetition of the same thought "tap" yourself upward or downward—depending on whether you have depressed or constructive thoughts.And as you build yourself powerfully,you will find that you can influence others by your thoughts.

Therefore,let me again admonish you to exercise great care that you do not misuse your power.Keep your mind filled with good,constructive thoughts,and then act with all the energy you possess as the ideas come to you.

Stop looking backward.You know where you've been: you want to know where you are going: Train your mind's eye on the future.This is the glorious land in which your opportunities lie.Gradually,as you become more and more adept in the control and direction of "that something," the creative power within,your intuition will bring you glimpses of your future.

The future is an extension of time and causation beyond the reach of the five physical senses.

Study this statement; read and reread it,and the realization will come that the causative forces you set in motion by your thinking today are producing their effects for you in the world of tomorrow.Nature abhors a vacuum.Something is happening everywhere at all times...and everything that is happening is repercussing on everything around it.A great scientist said it all in one sentence when he declared: "The only thing permanent in the universe is change." Millions of cells in your body are dying and millions of new cells are being born every day.Old ideas are dying and fading away as new ideas originate in mind.You are not the same today as you were yesterday—in body or thought!

Many great seers,throughout the ages,have been able to look into the future and intuitively sense what was coming toward the peoples of the world—in time—as a result of their own thinking.

Alfred,Lord Tennyson left this earth in i892,but listen to his prophetic voice as he says:

For I dipt into the future,far as human eye could see,

Saw the Vision of the world,and all the wonder that would be;

Saw the heavens fill with commerce,argosies of magic sails,

Pilots of the purple twilight,dropping down with costly bales;

Heard the heavens fill with shouting,and there rain'd a ghastly dew

From the nations' airy navies grappling in the central blue….

Till the war drum throbbed no longer and the battle flags were furled