
第10章 C(5)

come on1(不及物)出场

The boxer came on ten minutes ahead of time.拳击手提前了10分钟出场。

They are the actors and actresses coming on tonight.他们是今晚出场的演员。

A celebration was held on the occasion of the inauguration of this railway.The Minister of Railway didn't come on.在这条铁路通车的时候举行了庆祝会,铁道部长没有到会。

come on2(不及物)(戏剧等)上演[放映]

A popular film is coming on at the cinema now.现在电影院正在放映一部受欢迎的影片。

I'm glad to hear that "King Lear"is coming on next week.听说《李尔王》将在下周上演,我很高兴。

"The Red Sun"will come on at the Great Wall Cinema tomorrow.长城电影院明天放映《红日》。

come out1(不及物)结果是

It's come out nice and sunny again.天气终于又是阳光普照了。

My carelessness came out serious.我的粗心导致后果严重。

The accident came out the death of four passengers.这次事故的结果是四名乘客死亡。

come out2(不及物)出版,发行

That magazine comes out once a month.那本杂志一个月出版一次。

When will Kinsley's novel come out?金斯利的长篇小说何时出版?

Vast numbers of old people greeted "Health Protection"series coming out.广大老年人欢迎《保健》丛书出版。

come out against(及物,不可分)表示反对

We come out against hegemonism.我们公开反对霸权主义。

Lots of legislators came out against that proposal.许多议员声明反对那项提案。

He came out against the proposed reorganization.他声称反对拟议中的改组。

come out for(及物,不可分)表示支持

Two-thirds of the delegates came out for the draft resolution.三分之二的代表公开表示支持那项决议草案。

The workers and peasants came out for the guerilla forces.工人和农民声明支持游击队。

Large enterprises came out for the president elect.大企业声言支持这位当选总统。

come out with(及物,不可分)忽然说出

I never expected he would come out with the secret in public.我从没料到他会突然当众说出这个秘密。

She came out with the truth that she had once been an actress.她突然透露出她曾当过演员的事实。

He came out with the fact that he had been in prison for five years.他猝然泄漏了他坐过五年牢的实情。

come over1(不及物)过来

Why don't you and your wife come over?你和你的夫人为什么不过来玩?

Come over and have a chat with me when you're free.有空过来聊聊天。

It has been long since you came over here to see me.你已经好久没有来这儿看我了。

Come over here,quick!快过来!

come over2(不及物)远道来访

When did you come over to France last?你上次来法国是什么时候?

Could you get leave and come over to Beijing?你能获准假期来北京玩吗?

Won't you come over to Bangkok for a holiday?你来不来曼谷度假?

come over to(不及物)转到…方面来

A troop of the enemy came over to us.一支敌军向我方投降。

It is naive to expect that large numbers of enemy soldiers will come over to us.指望大批敌兵向我方投降,那就太天真了。

Henry will come over to our point of view if you give him time.如果你给亨利时间,他会转变立场同意我们的观点的。

come round(不及物)苏醒

This old man has just fainted but is coming round again.这位老人刚才晕倒了,但现在正在苏醒过来。

I doubt whether the patient in a coma will ever come round.我怀疑这位昏迷病人到底能不能苏醒过来。

She remained unconcious for more than an hour before she came round.她昏迷了一个多小时才苏醒过来。

He fainted from apoplexy,I thought he could hardly come round.他由于中风昏迷了,我以为他很难恢复知觉了。

come through1(及物,不可分)经历(危险等)

It is a wonder how she came through those difficult years.她如何度过那些艰难岁月的,真是个奇迹。

Miss Ede came through an operation on the abdomen and recovered well.伊德小姐动了腹部手术,恢复得不错。

Only one building in the block came through the big fire.经历这次大火,这个街区只有一座大楼没有烧毁。

They pledged to be ready to come through fire and water for the people's benefit.他们保证准备为人民的利益赴汤蹈火。

come through2(不及物)获胜,成功

Did our baseball team come through?我们的棒球队赢了吗?

Twelve students from this class came through in the college entrance examination.这个班有12名学生考上了大学。

come to1(及物,不可分)关于

When it comes to art,I am a layman.谈到艺术,我是外行。

When it comes to the problem of housing,I think we can entirely rely on ourselves for a solution.说到住房问题,我认为我们完全可以依靠自己的力量解决。

When it comes to this question,I've no more to say.关于这个问题,我没有更多的话要说。

come to2(及物,不可分)总计达

Our charges for water and electricity came to twenty pounds last month.我们上月的水电费共计20英镑。

The articles you have bought will come to much money.你所买的这些东西,加起来将是很多钱。

come under1(及物,不可分)列在…下面

All these expressions should come under the heading of "slang".所有这些词句都应列在“俚语”项下。

These questions may come under the same category.这些问题可归为一类。

What entry does this phrase come under?这个短语列在什么条目下面?

come under2(及物,不可分)受到(批评等)

The novel came under severe criticism from the reading public.这部小说受到了广大读者的严厉批评。

He came under a heavy blow on the head from a falling stone.他的头部被落下来的石头重重地砸了一下。

come up1(不及物)走过来,来到

The snowstorm was coming up from the North.从北方来的暴风雪即将到达。

He came up saying,"This is your letter."他边走过来边说:“这是你的信。”

When we entered the police station,a policewoman came up and asked what she could do for us.当我们走进警察局时,一位女警察走过来问我们有什么事。

Then a bus came up and we got on it.那时来了一辆公共汽车,我们都上去了。

come up2(不及物)发生,出现

Several surprising things came up in the class that day.那天班上发生了几桩惊人的事。

An accident came up to him last week.上星期他出了事。

In 1919,the May 4th Movement came up in China.1919年,中国发生了“五四”运动。

In this disease spots come up on the skin.患这种病,皮肤上会出现斑点。

come up against(及物,不可分)遇到(不利的事等)

The new policy came up against public disfavor as expected by some people.这项新政策就像有些人预料的那样受到公众的冷遇。

They came up against a hard nut to crack.他们遇到了一个难题。

We came up against the enemy and routed them.我们与敌人遭遇,把他们打垮并赶走了。

They came up against little resistance to the plan.对这项计划他们几乎没遇到什么反对意见。

come up to(及物,不可分)达到,符合

The products failed to come up to the standards set by the factory.产品没有达到厂方规定的标准。

His statement came up to our principled stand.他的声明符合我们的原则立场。

That vehicle comes up to an ordinary tractor in size.那辆车的体积与一台普通拖拉机相等。

His character doesn't come up to my imagination.他的人品不像我想象中的那样好。

come up with(及物,不可分)赶上

A man on foot can't come up with a man on horseback.步行者赶不上骑马的人。

The motorboat came up with the sailing boat soon.汽艇很快就赶上了帆船。

A car came up with me although I was driving very fast.虽然我开得很快,但是有一辆汽车赶上了我。

cook up(及物,不可分)编造

The swindler cooked up a story.骗子编造了一个故事。

Reed cooked up a pretext of playing truant.里德为自己编造了一个逃学的借口。

He cooked up a falsehood about how he had got the money by honest work.他编造了一套谎言,说他的钱是靠老实工作得来的。

The diploma was cooked up.这文凭是伪造的。

cool off[down]1(不及物)变凉

The weather has started to cool off.天气已经开始变凉。

I won't drink the coffee before it cools off.等咖啡凉了我才喝。

He stopped the engine and it cooled off.发动机被他关了,并渐渐冷却下来。