
第16章 E

ease off [up]1(不及物)放松点

Sit down and ease off.坐下来放松一下。

I've been very busy today,I'm going to ease off this evening.我今天太忙,晚上要休息休息了。

I always ease off for an hour after dinner.饭后我总要休息一小时。

ease off [up]2(不及物)缓和,减轻

The situation in that region has not yet eased off.那个地区的局势还没有缓和下来。

When the doctor had performed an operation on the girl for appendicitis,her sufferings eased off.医生为那女孩动了阑尾炎手术后,她的痛苦减轻了。

eat away(及物,不可分)侵蚀,腐蚀

The river eats away its banks.河水侵蚀河岸。

Acids eat away metals.酸类腐蚀金属。

Rust eats away iron.锈腐蚀铁。

The running water ate away a gully.流水冲刷出一条沟壑。

The human body was eaten away by cancer.肌体被癌症侵蚀了。

eat into(及物,不可分)花掉一部分(钱、时间等)

My recent travel has eaten into my savings.我最近的旅行已用掉我一部分积蓄。

He eats into his money on books every month.他每月都花一些钱买书。

The writer eats into his time reading newspapers every day.这位作家每天都花一些时间看报。

I usually eat into my energies on handling trifles.我通常花一些精力在处理琐事上。

eat up1(及物,可分)吃光

He was so hungry that he ate up everything on the dinner table.他饿极了,所以把餐桌上的东西都吃光了。

I ate up the whole roast duck.我把整整一只烤鸭吃光了。

In a short while,the birds ate up millions of locusts.不多一会儿,这些鸟就吃光了无数只蝗虫。

Have you eaten the bread up?你把面包吃完了吗?

eat up2(及物,可分)耗竭

What an exhausting day!I'm completely eaten up.今天真累人!我筋疲力尽了。

His patience was eaten up.他忍无可忍。

The athletes have eaten up all their energies.运动员们已经耗竭全部精力。

Arguing about details ate two hours up.关于细节的争论整整花了两小时。

eke out(及物,不可分)填补,补贴

Fisher eked out his salary by repairing radios for other people during his spare time.费希尔靠业余给别人修收音机来弥补薪金之不足。

Elgar eked out a living by moonlighting as an odd hand.埃尔加靠兼做临时工贴补生活。

They eked out the coal with shavings and sawdust.他们用刨花和锯末弥补煤的不足。

end in(及物,不可分)以…而告终

His plot ended in a total defeat.他的阴谋以完全失败而告终。

The warmonger ended in being sentenced to death.那个战争贩子终于被判处死刑。

The War of Resistance Against Japan ended in the final victory of the Chinese people.抗日战争以中国人民的最后胜利而告终。

end up1(及物,不可分)终于成为

Gell studied hard on his own and ended up a scholar.盖尔努力自学,终于成了学者。

He will end up president someday.他终究有一天会当总统。

end up2(及物,不可分)最后做(某事)

The warmonger ended up in prison.那个战争贩子最后进了监狱。

Every time he gave a lecture in the classroom,he ended up telling a joke.他每次在教室里讲课,最后都讲一个笑话。

end up with(及物,不可分)以…结束

The meeting ended up with warm clapping.会议在热烈的掌声中结束。

The dinner started with assorted cold dishes and ended up with pastry.宴会上先吃拼盘,最后吃点心。

engage in(及物,不可分)投身到

Few women engaged in sports in those days.那时很少有妇女从事体育运动。

He engaged in a serious study of the problem.他参加了这个问题的认真研究。

Rutz has no intention to engage in politics.鲁茨无意从政。

enter for(及物,不可分)报名参加

He entered for the mathematics contest.他报名参加数学竞赛。

Longfellow entered for the examination for bus drivers.朗费罗报名参加招收公共汽车司机的考试。

enter into(及物,不可分)开始

Both sides entered into negotiations with each other.双方开始了谈判。

The meeting was declared open,and the deputies entered into discussion about the agenda.会议宣布开始,于是代表们着手就议程进行辩论。

Last year she enteced into her career as a lawyer.去年她开始了律师生涯。

enter on [upon](及物,不可分)开始

He entered on a lawsuit against Mr Donner over the copyright of a book.他为了一本书的著作权问题开始起诉唐纳先生。

The general manager has entered on his office for over two months.总经理开始上任已两月有余。