
第44章 R(1)

rain off [out](及物,不可分)因下雨而延期[取消](比赛、群众大会等)

The scheduled football game was rained off.原定的足球赛因雨停止举行。

The Thursday mass rally on the square was rained off.星期四在广场上举行的群众大会因下雨而取消了。

read out(及物,可分)大声读出

Could you read out this passage of news louder?I'm hard of hearing.我耳背。你能把这段新闻念得更大声点儿吗?

It's a letter from my elder brother;let me read it out for you,mother!这是我哥哥的来信,让我大声念给你听吧,妈妈!

read through [over](及物,可分)(从头到尾)读完(书等)

I'll give you my opinion when I've time to read through this book.当我有时间把这本书看完后,我将告诉你我的看法。

Nina opened the letter and read it through twice.尼娜拆开信从头到尾看了两遍。

read up on1(及物,不可分)通过阅读增长(某方面的知识)

He has decided to read up on Chinese literature.他已决定通过阅读增长关于中国文学的知识。

My hobby is to read up on the recent developments in pop music.我的业余爱好是阅读流行音乐新发展方面的书,以长见识。

read up on2(及物,不可分)攻读

Miss Miller has read up on Shakespeare's plays.米勒小姐攻读过莎士比亚的戏剧。

The scientists are reading up on solar energy.这些科学家正在对太阳能进行深入的研究。

reckon on [upon]1(及物,不可分)指望

I reckon on the day when the plan will be carried out.我指望有一天会实现这个计划。

They reckon on our help in doing the job.他们指望我们协助做这项工作。

They don't recken on the dying patient's recovery.他们对那个危急病人的康复不存希望。

reckon on [upon]2(及物,不可分)依赖,依靠

That country reckoned on foreign aid for funds.那个国家依赖外援获得资金。

These people had to work hard on their farms because their lives reckoned on their crops.这些人必须努力种田,因为他们靠庄稼维持生活。

We cannot reckon on others.We must reckon on ourselves.我们不能依赖别人,而必须依靠自己。

reckon with(及物,不可分)看重

The creative efforts of the masses should be reckoned with.群众的发明创造应当受到重视。

The No.202Middle School table tennis players are to be reckoned with.202中学乒乓球选手是必须认真对待的对手。

refer to1(及物,不可分)参看

I have forgotten the date of the battle,so I referred to a history book.我忘了那次战役的日期,所以我查了历史书。

I wasn't quite clear about the meaning of this word until I referred to my dictionary.我查了字典才弄清这个词的含义。

refer to2(及物,不可分)对准

I had no idea what he referred to.我不知道他指的是什么。

When I said some people are stupid,I wasn't referring to you.当我说一些人很笨时,我不是指的你们。

The abbreviation UNO refers to the United Nations Organization.缩写字母UNO系指“联合国组织”。

result from(及物,不可分)是…的结果

His illness resulted from malnutrition.他的病是营养不良所致。

His death resulted from heart attack.他因心脏病发作而死。

result in(及物,不可分)导致

What resulted in his illness?是什么使他生病的?

The traffic jam resulted in him to be late.由于交通堵塞,他迟到了。

Right policies resulted in economic prosperity.正确的政策引起了经济繁荣。


The mayor called on the people to rid the city of flies.市长号召人民把全市的苍蝇消灭掉。

It is not easy to rid oneself of a bad habit.去掉自己的一种不良习惯并不容易。

I've now rid myself of debts.我现在已经把债还清了。

ride out(及物,可分)安然渡过(坏天气、困难等)

A boat rode out the billows.一只小船在波涛中安然无恙。

The businessman just managed to ride out the period of depression.这个商人好不容易才渡过了萧条时期。

We had a rough time,but we managed to ride it out.我们曾吃苦受难,但是我们设法渡过了难关。


They rigged the little boy out as an old man.他们把那个小男孩打扮成老头儿的样子。

The girls rigged themselves out in their Sunday best.姑娘们穿着节日盛装。

Some of the old people also like to be rigged out in the latest fashion.有些老年人也喜欢穿时装。

ring for(及物,不可分)按铃召唤(某人)来

When the bank robbery happened,the cashier rang for the police.当发生银行劫案时,出纳员按铃报警。

If a person in a hospital is in unusual pain,he may ring for a nurse.一个住院病人如果非常痛苦,他可以按铃叫护士来。

ring off(不及物)挂断电话

She got angry when answering the telephone because it suddenly rang off.她接电话时,对方突然把电话挂了,她很生气。

Telling the caller that she had dialed a wrong number,I rang off.我对来电话的人说她拨错了号码,接着就把电话挂了。


I'll ring you up this evening.今天晚上我会给你打电话。

Henry rang me up when I was out.我外出时亨利给我打了电话。

ring with(及物,不可分)充满…的声音

The square rang with a hubbub.广场上人声鼎沸。

The hall rang with stormy applause to welcome the victorious table tennis players.大厅里响彻了暴风雨般的掌声,欢迎获胜的乒乓球运动员。

The party rang with happy voices.联欢会上洋溢着欢声笑语。

rinse off [out](及物,可分)用清水冲洗

He rinsed off his mug.(or:He rinsed his mug off.)他把杯子涮干净了。

The dentist told me to rinse off my mouth three times a day.牙医叫我每天要漱三次口。

She rinsed off her hair with clean water after shampooing.她用洗发剂洗完头发之后再用清水冲干净。

rip off(及物,可分)偷,抢

Someone ripped off my motorcycle.有人偷了我的摩托车。

A pickpocket ripped my purse off.扒手偷走了我的钱包。

Two masked bandits ripped off a savings bank yesterday.两个戴面具的匪徒昨天抢了一家储蓄所。

roll around [by,round](不及物)(时光)流逝

Half a year has rolled around since he was hospitalized.他住院已经半年。

Twenty years had rolled by when the dictionary was finally completed.这字典最终完成时,20年已经过去。

Time rolls round like an arrow.光阴似箭。

roll up(不及物)(引人注目地)出现

He didn't roll up until the party was nearly over.晚会快结束时他才来。

The concert had begun when an arrogant film star rolled up.音乐会已经开始,一位盛气凌人的电影明星出现了。

root for(及物,不可分)为(运动员等)欢呼

The spectators rooted for their favourite horse.观众都为他们看好的马加油。

The spectators rooted for the runners as they started on the last lap of the race.正当运动员开始跑最后一圈时,观众为他们欢呼打气。

rub off [out]1(不及物)擦拭

The dirty marks on the glass window rub off easily.玻璃窗上的污点容易擦掉。

The ink spots on my dress won't rub off.我衣服上的墨水迹擦不掉。

rub off [out]2(及物,可分)擦拭

Helen rubbed off the greasy dirt from the table.海伦把餐桌上的油污擦掉了。

He rubbed the pencil-marks off before returning the book.在还书前,他把铅笔做的记号擦掉了。

rub up(及物,可分)复习

He is rubbing up his English in preparation for studying abroad.他正复习英语为留学做准备。

Preparing for the exam,John rubbed his notes up.在准备考试时,约翰复习了他的笔记。