
第46章 S(1)

save up1(及物,可分)攒(钱)

He has saved up a few thousand dollars.他已攒了几千美元。

Tom has saved some money up.汤姆攒了些钱。

He saved up quite a lot of money in a bank to buy a flat.他在一家银行存了不少钱,准备买一套单元住宅。

save up2(不及物)攒钱

It took me a year to save up for a new coat.我花了一年时间攒钱,准备买件新大衣。

They couldn't buy a car tomorrow,but they could save up for it.他们没有力量明天就买一辆小汽车,但是可以一点一点地攒钱来买。

His son is saving up for a car and a house.他的儿子正攒钱准备买车买房。

I've been saving up for years.我已经储蓄了多年。

savour of(及物,不可分)有…的味道[意味]

This type of music savours of Russian folk songs.这种音乐带有俄罗斯民歌的味道。

The plan savours of ignorance on the part of its makers.这项计划说明制订计划者的无知。

Her speech savoured strongly of malice.她的讲话带有强烈的恶意。

screw up(及物,可分)把…搞乱

Don't screw up my clean room.别把我的干净房间搞得乱七八糟。

Her late arrival screwed our plans up.由于她迟到,我们的计划给搅乱了。

The house was screwed up because of the young children.因为有幼小儿童,屋内弄得乱糟糟的。

see about [after]1(及物,不可分)照护,照看

Mothers and fathers often get up at night to see about the baby.父母经常夜间起床照护婴儿。

Two nurses saw about that patient.有两个护士护理那个病人。

He has a maimed son to see about.他有个残废儿子要照护。

see about2(及物,不可分)安排,办理

The tourist bureau saw about everything for our journey.旅游局为我们的旅行做了详尽安排。

It is up to you to see about the funds.应当由你去筹措资金。

They saw about a press conference.他们安排了一次记者招待会。


Some football fans went to the airport to see the players off.一些足球迷去机场给选手们送行。

We went to see the visiting professor off at the railway station.我们去火车站为这位访问教授送行。

They drove to the pier to see a friend off.He is sailing for Europe.他们驱车去码头给一位朋友送行。他要乘船去欧洲。

I was seen off by many of my friends.许多朋友为我送行。


Lily will see you out.莉莉将送你到屋外。

“Don't bother to see me out,”said the visitor when leaving.“请留步。”客人临走时说。

sell off(及物,可分)削价出售(存货)

We are selling off last year's clothing to make room for the latest fashions.我们正在减价出售去年的衣服,为新时装腾出地方。

A few farmers sold their cattle off because feed was so expensive.由于饲料很贵,少数农民把他们的牲口廉价卖掉。

sell out1(及物,可分)卖光(商品)

They have sold out their whole stock of sewing machines.他们已经把缝纫机存货卖光了。

It's so sultry today that the cold drink shopkeeper has sold his ice cream out.今天天气太闷热,这冷饮店主的冰淇淋都卖光了。

The concert tickets have been sold out.There are still some people waiting for the refunded tickets.音乐会入场券已卖完,有些人还在等着买别人的退票。

sell out2(及物,可分)叛卖

I thought he was too loyal to sell out his friends.我以为他甚为忠诚不至于出卖朋友。

He would never sell out his country.他决不会背叛他的祖国。

The traitor sold them out by talking to the enemy.叛徒向敌人告密出卖了他们。


Send Lait away;he is a lazybones.把莱特解雇了吧,他是个懒汉。

The boss sent little Abe away.老板把小阿布解雇了。

send away for(及物,不可分)向…邮[订]购

Tony has sent away for some new books from China.托尼向中国邮购了几本新书。

They sent away for petroleum products from us.他们向我们订购了石油产品。

send for(及物,不可分)派人去叫[请、取]

He sent for a taxi and took her to a hospital.他派人去叫了一辆出租车送她去医院。

George fell ill;we sent for a doctor.乔治病了,我们派人去请了个医生来。

Once his mother caught cold,he sent for some medicine.一旦他妈妈伤风了,他就叫人去拿点药来。

send off(及物,可分)为…送行

The whole staff went to send off their chief.全体工作人员都去为首长送行。

They may send the guests off with flowers and other presents.他们可能用鲜花和别的礼品给客人们送行。

A number of friends came to send him off at the airport.许多朋友到机场为他送行。

send on(及物,可分)把(邮件)转寄到(新地址)

Holm moved last week.Please send on his letters to his new address.霍尔姆上星期搬家了,他的信请转寄到新住址。

I'm moving tomorrow.Would you mind sending my mail on to my new dwelling hereafter?我明天搬家。劳驾今后把我的邮件寄到我的新住所好吗?

send out for(及物,不可分)派人去取(某物)

The old man has no time for cooking now,so he cannot but send out for a hamburger.此刻这位老人没时间做饭,他只好派人去买个汉堡包。

We're having roast duck for supper;I'll send out for it at a nearby restaurant.我们今天晚饭吃烤鸭,我将派人去附近一家餐馆买。

send...out for...(及物,必分)派(某人)去取(某物)

Rogers sent Sulivan out for fried chicken.罗杰斯吩咐沙利文去取炸鸡。

I forget to buy some apples on my way home,hence I sent my son out for them.我在回家的路上忘了买几个苹果,于是我派我儿子去买。

send up1(及物,可分)使上升

The wind sent up the fallen leaves from the ground.风吹起了地上的落叶。

His outstanding work in earthquake prediction has sent his reputation up.他在地震预报方面的出色工作提高了他的声誉。

send up2(及物,可分)向上级呈递

She sent up an application to the society for membership.她呈递了入会申请书。

We sent the plan up to a committee for consideration.我们把这项计划提交一个委员会审议。

set about(及物,不可分)着手

The firm set about its business last month.这家公司上月开始营业。

I must set about cooking the dinner without delay.我必须立即着手做饭。

The meeting was declared open,and the deputies set about arguing the agenda.会议宣布开始,于是代表们着手就议程进行辩论。

set aside [apart,by]1(及物,可分)留存

Every year I set aside 200dollars for the insurance premium.每年我都留200美元交保险费。

He sets four hours aside for writing every day.他每天都留四个小时来写作。

We must set some money aside for a possible emergency.我们必须存点钱,以备应急。

set aside2(及物,可分)撤销

The supreme court set aside the verdict of the higher court.最高法院撤销了高级法院的裁决。

The court set our claim for compensation aside.法院驳回了我们提出的赔偿要求。

set back(及物,可分)阻碍(…的进程)

The fire in the factory has set back production.工厂里的这场火灾延误了生产。

Some people say the principal's suggestions will set education back twenty years.有些人说这位校长的建议将使教育落后20年。


The purchase of furniture has set me back 200dollars.我购置家具已花了200美元。

How much did your new house set you back?你的新房屋花多少钱买的?

set down(及物,可分)把…记录下来

I forgot to set down his address.我忘了把他的地址写下来。

For contacting him henceforth,I set down his phone number.为了今后保持联系,我记下了他的电话号码。

You had better set it down on paper,so you won't forget it.你最好把它记在纸上就不会忘了。

set forth(及物,不可分)陈述,阐释

In a treatise she set forth a new viewpoint.她在一篇论文中阐明了一个新观点。

The teacher set forth the text carefully.老师详细地解释了课文。

The delegation deems it necessary to set forth its position.代表团认为有必要说明自己的立场。

set in(不及物)来到

The very hot weather is setting in.盛暑就要来临。

The storm sets in.暴风雨来了。

It looks as if a catastrophe may be setting in.看来好像一场大灾难可能就要来临。