
第48章 S(3)

show up2(及物,可分)揭露

We will show up every evildoer.我们要揭发一切做坏事的人。

I did not hesitate to show up his tricks.我毫不犹豫地揭穿了他的诡计。

If he provokes me further,I shall show him up.如果他再惹我,我就要揭发他。

shut down1(不及物)关闭,停业

Some businesses shut down and then reopened.有些商店关张之后又开张。

The factory shut down for lack of materials.那家工厂停工待料。

A lot of small groceries have shut down since the advent of supermarkets.自从超级市场出现以来,许多小杂货店都停业了。

During the economic depression some enterprises were obliged to shut down.经济萧条期间有些企业被迫歇业。

shut down2(及物,可分)使关闭,使停业

It's the demand for reforms to shut down certain plants temporarily.(or:It's the demand for reforms to shut certain plants down temporarily.)暂时让某些工厂停业是改革的要求。

More than a thousand factories were shut down in that state in the first two months of the year.今年头两个月那个州有1000多家工厂停产。

shut off(及物,可分)关上(收音机、自来水、煤气等)

Please shut off the lights.(or:Please shut the lights off.)请把灯都关掉。

The radio is too noisy;shut it off.收音机太吵,把它关上。

He hadn't paid for his water,so the company shut it off.他没付水费,因此公司把水源切断了。

shut out1(及物,可分)不让…进来,挡住

She closed the door to shut out the cold.她关上门不让冷空气进屋。

In summer many people like to wear sunglasses to shut out the sunlight.在夏天许多人爱戴墨镜以挡住阳光。

Clouds shut the moon out.云彩把月亮遮住了。

The sun can't be shut out by the highest mountains.高山挡不住太阳。

shut out2(及物,可分)(在比赛中)使(对手)不能得分

Chicago shut out Los Angeles by a score of 5to 0.芝加哥队以5:0的比分大胜洛杉矶队。

The football team shut its opponents out,3to 0.这支足球队以3:0的比分胜其对手。

shut up(不及物)住口

Shut up,won't you?住口,行不行?

Shut up!Be quiet!(not polite).闭嘴!安静!(不礼貌)。


She has been chattering interminably;shut her up.她一直不停地唠叨,叫她住口!

Shut him up at once,or I'll throw him out.叫他马上闭嘴,要不然我就要把他轰出去。

side with(及物,不可分)支持,袒护

If both Taft and Newman want to become the president,which one will you side with?如果塔夫脱和纽曼两人都想当总统,你将支持哪一位?

I don't understand why you side with those people.我不明白你为什么支持那些人。

He has invariably sided with the thieves.他一直总是袒护那些小偷。

sign up [on](不及物)签订雇佣合同

One should not sign up without thinking carefully about it.任何人都不应未经仔细考虑就签订雇佣合同。

The manager signed up for another two hundred workers.经理签订了再雇用200名工人的合同。

She signed up as a firm's accountant for a year.她签约在一家公司当一年会计。

single out(及物,可分)选拔(常指一个)

The students singled out Lily to speak at the meeting on their behalf.学生们选中了莉莉代表他们在会上发言。

The authors of the report singled out this criminal case as a precedent.这份报告的作者们选出这个刑事案件作为先例。

Mary singled him out as her assistant.玛丽选中了他做自己的助手。

He was singled out for promotion.他被选拔为提升对象。

sit about [around](不及物)赋闲

He sat about at home when the factory had closed.工厂关闭后他就赋闲在家。

His mother cautioned him not to sit about.他母亲告诫他不要游手好闲。

I have never seen such a boy,who sits about all day long.我从没见过这样的男孩,他成天无所事事。

sit back(不及物)休息,放松

We are really tired out.Let's sit back for a while.我们实在太累了,休息休息吧。

Playing the piano will help you sit back.弹钢琴会帮助你放松心情。

sit by(不及物)袖手旁观

The children played in the park while I sat by.孩子们在公园里玩时,我在旁看着。

The two boys are having a fight with each other in the street while the passersby were sitting by.两个男孩正在街上打架,过路人却袖手旁观。

sit on1(及物,不可分)停止进行,拖延

We've sat on our holiday plans because the baby is ill.我们已把度假计划搁下,因为宝宝病了。

The Government repeatedly gave orders to crack down on smuggling long ago,but certain organs concerned have been sitting on it ever since.政府很久以前就三令五申打击走私,但某些相关机关一直拖着不办。

sit on2(及物,不可分)严厉管教

The teachers agreed to sit on that student who had the bad habit of pilfering.教师们一致赞成对那个有小偷小摸不良习惯的学生严加管教。

He is too proud.It's necessary to sit on him.他太骄傲了,有必要好好管管他了。

sit up(不及物)熬夜

We don't let the children sit up dancing.我们不让孩子们不睡觉跳舞。

I shall sit up for a while.I want to read the newspaper.我将暂时不睡,我要看看报纸。

Bob always sits up for his father.鲍勃经常熬夜等他爸爸。

We sat up till midnight,gossiping over tea.我们熬夜喝茶聊天,聊到半夜才睡。

sit up with(及物,不可分)护理(病人)

All his time is spent in sitting up with his paralysed wife.他的全部时间都花在照护他的瘫痪妻子身上。

There were two nurses sitting up with the patient in critical condition.有两个护士看护着那个危急病人。

She sat up with me after the operation.我动手术后她护理我。

slacken [slack]off1(不及物)(生意等)萧条

Our business slackened off for a time this year.今年我们的生意一度清淡。

Business slackens off there now.眼下那里商业萧条。

slacken [slack]off2(不及物)松懈

I often slacken off near the end of a hard day's work.我往往在辛苦工作一天接近尾声时松懈下来。

We mustn't slacken off when the victory is in sight.胜利在望,我们不能松劲。

sleep on[upon,over]把(问题)留待次日解决

I'll sleep on this matter and let you know tomorrow.我将彻夜考虑这个问题,明天告诉你。

“Let's not decide now.Let's sleep on it,”Walson said.“我们现在不做决定,让我们考虑一宿吧。”沃尔森说。

slow down [up]1(不及物)减速

A bus slowed down coming into a stop.一辆公共汽车逐渐减速进站。

In automobile races,he never slows down.在汽车竞赛中,他从不减速。

We slowed down long before we came to a stop.我们减速好久之后车子才停靠在站边。

slow down [up]2(及物,可分)使减速

In a narrow section of the street I slowed down the car.在街上狭窄的路段我就把车速减了下来。

Her severe illness slowed her growth down.她的重病阻碍了她的成长。

slow down [up]3(不及物)轻松起来

You can't continue studying so hard;you must slow down.你不能还这样紧张学习,你必须悠着点劲儿。

I've had a busy day.I'm going to slow down this evening.我今天忙了一天,晚上要轻松轻松了。

smack of1(及物,不可分)带有…的味道

The pork smacks of onion.这猪肉带有洋葱味。

Every dish prepared by this cook smacks of pepper.这位厨师烧的每一道菜都有胡椒味。

smack of2(及物,不可分)有…的意味

Her speech smacks of anarchism.她的演说有无政府主义的意味。

His manner smacks of conceit.他的举止显得有点自满。

That statement smacks of treason.那项声明有叛国的迹象。

smell out(及物,可分)发觉,查出

The doctor smelt out the patient to be in convulsions.医生发觉患者正在抽风。

The search party soon smelled the fugitive out.搜索救援组很快察觉了逃犯的行踪。

smile on [upon](及物,不可分)有利于

The weather has smiled on the sowing of maize lately.最近的天气对播种玉米有利。

The situation smiles on us to carry out the plan.形势有利于我们执行计划。

snap at1(及物,不可分)立即接受

He asked her to marry him and she snapped at him.他向她求婚,她马上接受。

Mr Tyler snapped at an invitation to dinner.泰勒先生欣然应邀赴宴。