It was in the chapel of the Castle of Rouen,on the 21st of February,that the trial of Jeanne was begun.The judges present numbered about forty,and are carefully classed as doctors in theology,abbots,canons,doctors in canonical and civil law,with the Bishop of Beauvais at their head (the archepiscopal see of Rouen being vacant,as is added:but not that my lord of Beauvais hoped for that promotion).They were assembled there in all the solemnity of their priestly and professional robes,the reporters ready with their pens,the range of dark figures forming a semicircle round the presiding Bishop,when the officer of the court led in the prisoner,clothed in her worn and war-stained tunic,like a boy,with her hair cut close as for the helmet,and her slim figure,no doubt more slim than ever,after her long imprisonment.She had asked to be allowed to hear mass before coming to the bar,but this was refused.It was a privilege which she had never failed to avail herself of in her most triumphant days.Now the chapel--the sanctuary of God contained for her no sacred sacrifice,but only those dark benches of priests amid whom she found no responsive countenance,no look of kindness.
Jeanne was addressed sternly by Cauchon,in an exhortation which it is sad to think was not in Latin,as it appears in the /Procès/.She was then required to take the oath on the Scriptures to speak the truth,and to answer all questions addressed to her.Jeanne had already held that conversation with L'Oyseleur in the prison which Cauchon and Warwick had listened to in secret with greedy ears,but which Manchon,the honest reporter,had refused to take down.Perhaps,therefore,the Bishop knew that the slim creature before him,half boy half girl,was not likely to be overawed by his presence or questions;but it cannot have been but a wonder to the others,all gazing at her,the first men in Normandy,the most learned in Paris,to hear her voice,/assez femme/,young and clear,arising in the midst of them,"I know not what things I may be asked,"said Jeanne."Perhaps you may ask me questions which I cannot answer."The assembly was startled by this beginning.
"Will you swear to answer truly all that concerns the faith,and that you know?""I will swear,"said Jeanne,"about my father and mother and what Ihave done since coming to France;but concerning my revelations from God I will answer to no man,except only to Charles my King;I should not reveal them were you to cut off my head,unless by the secret counsel of my visions."The Bishop continued not without gentleness,enjoining her to swear at least that in everything that touched the faith she would speak truth;and Jeanne kneeling down crossed her hands upon the book of the Gospel,or Missal as it is called in the report,and took the required oath,always under the condition she stated,to answer truly on everything she knew concerning the faith,except in respect to her revelations.
The examination then began with the usual formalities.She was asked her name (which she said with touching simplicity was Jeannette at home but Jeanne in France),the names of her father and mother,godfather and godmothers,the priest who baptised her,the place where she was born,etc.her age,almost nineteen;her education,consisting of the Pater Noster,Ave Maria,and Credo,which her mother had taught her.
Here she was asked,a curious interruption to the formal interrogatory,to say the Pater Noster--the reason of which sudden demand was that witches and sorcerers were supposed to be unable to repeat that prayer.As unexpected as the question was Jeanne's reply.
She answered that if the Bishop would hear her in confession she would say it willingly.She had been refused all the exercises of piety,and she was speaking to a company of priests.
There is a great dignity of implied protest against this treatment in such an answer.The request was made a second time with a promise of selecting two worthy Frenchmen to hear her:but her reply was the same.She would say the prayer when she made her confession but not otherwise.She was ready it would seem in proud humility to confess to any or to all of her enemies,as one whose conscience was clear,and who had nothing to conceal.
She was then commanded not to attempt to escape from her prison,on pain of being condemned for heresy,but to this again she demurred at once.She would not accept the prohibition,but would escape if she could,so that no man could say that she had broken faith;although since her capture she had been bound in chains and her feet fastened with irons.To this,her examiner said that it was necessary so to secure her in order that she might not escape."It is true and certain,"she replied,"whatever others may wish,that to every prisoner it is lawful to escape if he can."It may be remarked,as she forcibly pointed out afterwards,that she had never given her faith,never surrendered,but had always retained her freedom of action.
The tribunal thereupon called in the captain in charge of Jeanne's prison,a gentleman called John Gris in the record,probably John Grey,along with two soldiers,Bernoit and Talbot,and enjoined them to guard her securely and not to permit her to talk with any one without the permission of the court.This was all the business done on the first day of audience.
On the 22d of February at eight o'clock in the morning,the sitting was resumed.In the meantime,however,the chapel had been found too small and too near the outer world,the proceedings being much interrupted by shouts and noises from without,and probably incommoded within by the audience which had crowded it the first day.The judges accordingly assembled in the great hall of the castle;they were forty-nine in number on the second day,the number being chiefly swelled by canons of Rouen.After some preliminary business the accused was once more introduced,and desired again to take the oath.