
第3章 择偶




I went to Universal Robots Company.

The general manager took me to the company supermarket.





He was evidently an experienced salesman for he did not just put the beautiful robot models on display for people to enjoy and to choose, he had them working in the supermarket as shop assistants and other staff attending to the customers who came to appreciate them. This supermarket has ten thousand robot girls in stock waiting for the right persons to choose them as wives, and they were sold together with other goods, but only for people holding the special cards.

There were too many of them for the eye to take in and I was simply dazzled by them.

Each one seemed more beautiful than the one before: it was like being in a park where the flowerbeds merge into an undifferentiated riot of colour.

It is a top-grade company. For one thing it employs the most prominent artistic designers of our time; they were all world-famous. Secondly, it has a strong lineup of talented aesthetic staff of painters, sculptors and industrial artists. It possesses the most perfect aesthetic modeling data on the most beautiful women of various races, ancientand modern, oriental and western.




During the four thousand years since the beginning of history, human beings have employed the method of love between man and woman to conduct natural selection based on aesthetic law, but it has been a very slow process. Besides, it has always been damaged and interfered with by various factors such as power and property, politics and economics, pride and prejudice and so on. Now, since the appearance of robots, this process can be controlled by man's will, and the achievements in a few weeks or a few months can surpass those made in several centuries.

Stored in the archives of Universal Robots are all the vital statistics and specifications of oriental beauties of the past such as Xi Shi, Wang Qiang, Yang Yuhuan, Zhao Feiyan, Luzhu, Yingying, Zhuo Wenjun and so on.

There are also data of Western types: Parisiennes, gypsies, classical Roman women, Mediterranean charmers, other worldly types like Helena and romantics like Shakespeare's Desdemona and Pushkin's Akulena.



If none of these ready-made models (each has her strong points and her own lofty elegance having nothing in common with each other) appeals to you, you can have one made to order.

You can be quite specific. Aesthetic files are available—all indexed in great detail of the most beautiful actresses. Or you may have met a girl whose appearance inspired you in real life—in the street, on the seashore or in the park even. If you can provide enough information the company can immediately gather all the aesthetic specifications needed by means of a hologram very skillfully. The data will be analyzed and then it is decided which to use in accordance with the established principles of proportion and aesthetic law. The result will be a perfection you thought existed only in dreams or in the highest of heavens. You would of course fall instantly and passionately in love with her.





The general manager steered me from one counter to another, giving me enough time to appreciate the beauty of these girls in detail.

A certain artist once said that man is nature's sublime achievement: of all natural forms, man is the most perfect of all. There's a time-honoured Chinese adage about man being the intellect and cream of the universe.

Of all beauty forms and beauty shapes in the universe, no form or shape is more beautiful than that of man.

These robot girls are like fresh flower buds just breaking into bloom, with one more delicate and charming than the other. The general manager was saying proudly, "These girls with their charm and beauty are destined to win everybody's admiration; they are rare specimens, recreations of the most beautiful women the world has ever known—peerless champions. They are pleasing to both the eye and the mind. And you know it's not only what you can see: there's more to it than that. What you can't see is their internal beauty—the perfect disposition which will inspire your love and keep you happy all your life. In ancient China people used to say love between a man and a woman was like a jade ring—jade for purity, the ring for eternity. This exactly describes our robot girls' attitude towards love. They are programmed with thought-processes as clear and direct and unalterable as a geometric theorem. They can only love one man. Once the purchaser's name is written on a robot girl's dispatch list, she will remain faithful to him till the day of her death."



"What if I die?" I asked with a smile.

The general manager patted me on the shoulder, "She is designed according to the universal law of symmetry, her life-span and existence corresponding to yours. While you live, she will live; when you die, she dies. The symmetry is like the compensating balance of applied force and reacting force, centripetal force and centrifugal force. Do you understand?"




We walked on slowly among the flower beds appreciating these wonderful scientific flowers.

The general manager went on smilingly, "This is only one side of the matter. On the other hand these girls are not only more beautiful but also more tender than fresh flowers. Your future wife won't even quarrel with you, let alone fight with you—not ever."

"Is that so?" I asked in amazement. As far as I knew no single couple had gone through life without a quarrel: even the most affectionate couples on earth quarreled sometimes. And according to a survey by the United Nations, divorce cases among human couples had increased in recent years.





"Don't you know the three famous laws of the robot?" The general manager stared at me in surprise, apparently wondering how I could be so ignorant. Then he pointed at a panel of white marble at the centre of the supermarket on which the three laws of the robot by Asimov were inscribed, glistening in the lights:

First law: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

Second law: A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders could conflict with the First Law.

Third law: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First and Second Laws.


"We accept these laws as mandatory in manufacturing robots," the general manager told me."Every robot has to undergo rigorous inspection in this respect when leaving the factory. Any company producing robots which infringes these laws or fails to conduct proper inspections in accordance with these laws will be fined or closed down or even punished by law." Pointing to the second law—A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings—he assured me, "You will become her master—you might even say her ruler—and she will be obedient to you, be loyal and faithful to you forever. She will serve you like your own hands and feet. She won't seem like an independent person but simply an extension of your own body and obey all your orders unconditionally. She is your band, and she will ever provide perfect harmony to your melody. Like a tuning fork she will vibrate to your frequency. She will forever listen attentively to your call and resonate with you with the frequency completely identical to yours. You see what a paragon you will have!"








I was in a daze, yet listening to the general manager's voice rattling on in my ear, "The natural person reacts to an instruction by the following logical programme: instructive information—appraisal—decision (to implement it or not)—action. But the robot's logical programme is much simpler and more concise: instruction—implementation.

"Robot software is designed like that. Therefore your robot wife will never cease to be faithful to you. You are two persons but you'll have only one mind. You will be in perfect conformity with the wonderful love formula: 1+1=1.

"My lad, don't you think a wife like her is just the ideal incarnate?"

"But she is unable to bear children," I muttered.

"Now really…!" He looked reprovingly at me. "Is that a defect? Of course not; it's one of her good points.

Remember, she will never get old and feeble! She will stay young, always in the bloom of youth. What do you want children for anyway? To look after you when you are old? Don't forget that when your daughter marries she will always think first of her husband. As for your son—sons often forget their parents when they marry. But with a wife it's quite different—she will be faithful to you and look after you devotedly until you die in bed of old age. She will be both a wife and a daughter to you. Could you find a more perfect wife on earth? As to this matter of child bearing, it's a laborious business! I don't deny that children can bring joy to a family, but they bring a lot of hard work and poverty and endless worries. They would take up all your energy. And—by the way—if you really want to have such a plaything morally in your old age—a son or a daughter—(he or she is just like a toy having life to you by then) then come back to me and we will contrive a robot child for you, son or daughter,

whichever you like. He or she would have both your and your wife's genetic factors based on optimization. I can tell you—when you see such a little child you wouldn't believe it was a little robot. You'd really think it was your own child brought up in the nursery or your own flesh and blood restored to you after years of separation… You said just now that the robot girl was unable to bear children. True, but that has not prevented her from performing a considerable historical service for mankind. It's precisely because the robots are unable to have children that the problem of world population crisis, which began in the 1960's of the twentieth century, has been solved. For some decades now the population of the world has remained stable at around four billion. As a result the problems of inflation, economic crisis, starvation, turmoil and war have ceased to plague us. We are no longer haunted by the fear of a worldwide catastrophic collapse of civilization as a result of over-population. In this sense we may say the robot has saved mankind. Can you really say it's a defect?"







I was rendered speechless.

I was not only speechless but I almost couldn't speak.

Because I had discovered her—Lily.

I was unable to give an explanation. I don't know why I chose her from among the ten thousand flowers at a glance!

The general manager's tide of eloquence flowed on, "It's precisely because the robot girls are unable to bear children that our company can exist. Otherwise human girls would have wrecked it long ago. They are jealous of the robot girls for they are far more beautiful than they.

If the robot girls could bear children, the human girls would feel themselves inferior and also feel their very existence was threatened, but now that they can't bear children, the human girls are in a position to be swollen with arrogance and sneer at the robots as 'hens that can't lay eggs'. This is why the human girls find themselves in the privileged position of being rationed in response to applications. Another thing—human girls can get on well with robot girls like sisters because the robot girls particularly behave well and would never try to seduce their husbands. Robot girls are warm and loving to their own husbands but like ice to other men. Of course, they will defend their chastity; you remember the self defence clause in the Third Law… Hullo, what's happened to you?" He suddenly noticed I had lagged behind.

Behind the wine counter stood this goddess. She was gazing at a large fish tank near the counter, lost in thought. The golden carp and other bright platax teira jostled each other for the food.


Her beauty was beyond description—no words could do justice to her. At first sight of her I seemed to catch fire—my blood, my whole body were alight with fire. It was a feeling that made me quiver with intense excitement, which could only be sensed, but could not be explained by words.






Was it love? I was intoxicated from the first glance at her.

She didn't notice me in the least. She was watching the fish. Her eyes shone like diamonds under her long lashes, and she had enchanting little dimples on her face which was like a shining moon… What does this look mean? Is it joy? Coquettishness? Yearning for something? Or conjecture? … I saw her as a jade statue standing at the centre of the fountain in the shimmering radiance of spray.

She was the sun of the girls; she was the girl in the sun.

The general manager immediately grasped what had happened. He came over to me and patted my shoulder warmly, saying genially, "Well, you've got very good judgment, my lad! She is our company's gold-medalist this year. Now she's yours!"





He promptly took out his pen and wrote Lily's name on my card. Then he called, "Lily!" It was too late for me to stop him.

She raised her head, startled, her charming eyes wide with surprise. On seeing that the general manager was bringing a smart young man to her she immediately blushed and hung her head. The girls around her giggled.

The general manager went to her and handed her the pink card. Then he said, "Stretch out your hand, please!"

She kept her head bent and her eyes with long lashes cast down, not daring to look at me and she was so shy that she looked as if she wished she could disappear from view. Obediently she stretched out her delicate little hand.





The general manager pulled a jewel case from his pocket, opened it and took out two betrothal rings. He solemnly put the ruby one on my finger and the cat's eye one on hers.

The girls crowded round us, laughing and pushing.

No sooner had the rings been put on our fingers than cheers and music arose all round us. Flowers rained down on us—roses, jasmine, lilac, plum blossom… red, yellow, violet, white… cascaded from our hair and shoulders till we stood in a fragrant, multi-coloured sea of petals. The best man and the bridesmaid came to embrace us and then lead us away to take a bath and be decked up in wedding finery.

Later, when Lily and I met again, her long braid which signified her unmarried status had been cut off. She stood before me, slim and graceful, in her filmy wedding gown with her hair lying in soft curls on her shoulders.

Universal Robots immediately broadcast the news of our wedding over the TV networks.





We were escorted to the entrance to the sound of jubilant music. My car had already been decorated with red silk flowers and green leaves.

The general manager softly kissed us both on the forehead. It was easy to see that he enjoyed this traditional ceremony. Then he blessed us:"May you love each other dearly and remain a devoted couple to the end of your lives!"

When we were in the car I looked at Lily and found she was just turning her head to steal a glance at me. Our eyes met and she was so shy that she trembled as if she had been burnt by fire. She quickly turned her head away.

I felt light-headed with happiness.