
第36章 中国医药学Traditional Chinese Medicine(2)


What are different attitudes between Chinese and Western medical practitioners towards disease?

According to Chinese cosmology, all is born from the marriage of yin and yang. Harmony between the two produces good health; disharmony leads to disease. One of the major assumptions of traditional Chinese medicine is that disease is due to an internal imbalance of yin and yang, and so the strategy is to restore harmony and traditional Chinese doctors use acupuncture, herbs and special food to help correct yin-yang imbalance until the body returns to a healthy state. Another assumption is that each organ has a mental as well as a physical function, and all parts of the bodily whole are intimately connected.

Western medicine assumes that a disease is due to external forces such as a virus or bacteria. It is based on the Cartesian philosophy that the body represents one functional system, and the mind another. It recognizes that each system may affect the other, but it sees disease as either primarily physical or mental.



What are traditional methods for treating illness?

Traditional Chinese physicians use numerous ways to treat illness by restoring the desired balance between yin and yang and among qi, shen, blood and bodily fluids. These include acupuncture, herbology, moxibustion, food therapy, cupping, qigong exercises, coin-rubbing and others.

Moxibustion is a traditional therapy utilizing moxa or mugwort. Mugwort is aged and ground up to a fluff. Then the fluff is further processed into a stick that resembles a cigar, and it is used to warm area of the body and acupuncture points.

Dieda (跌打) means“fall and strike.”Practitioners of dieda specialize in healing traumas due to sports’ injuries, such as bone fractures, cuts, bruises, etc. It is not strictly a branch of medicine, but a spin-off from the long history of Chinese martial arts. Practitioners may also use more typical Chinese medical therapies if an internal injury is involved.



Could you tell me something about the acupuncture?

An acupuncturist usually inserts acupuncture needles at critical points in the human body for multi-medicinal purposes. It is thought that there exists a web of pathways called channels (经络) that link all parts of the body, and more than 360 acupuncture points are located at these channels. Qi or vitality flows through these channels and passes these points to support tissue, muscles and organs, and when qi is blocked at critical points, the function of tissue, muscles and organs will be weakened, so an acupuncturist inserts acupuncture needles at these points to help qi flow, correct qi imbalances, and raise the level of internal energy.



Does acupuncture cause pain?

Patients have different sensations. They may feel sore, numb, warm or swelling; but many say they feel relaxed when the needle is inserted beneath their skin. Many doctors commonly use six to eight needles during treatment at most of times, but they may use ten or more needles if two or more symptoms need acupuncture treatment at the same time. For instance, if a patient has both back pain and a headache, the acupuncturist treats him or her for both symptoms at the same time. Some acupuncturists insert as many as 30 or more needles at the same time.

Normally, each treatment takes 20 to 30 minutes, however, this depends on the sensitivity and condition of the patient as the disease is treated. Generally speaking, the success of a treatment depends on the experience and skill of the acupuncturist on a correct diagnosis of symptom, accuracy in hitting acupuncture points, timing, the depth and angle of insertion, etc.



How do people decoct herbal medicine at home?