书城英文图书Like Pickle Juice on a Cookie


We had a going-away party for Bibi.

All of her friends came.

Angela and Connie and Blossom and Dee.

Everyone gave her presents.

Except for me.

I could not make Bibi a good-bye present.

Or pick one out.

My mom gave Bibi a picture of me in a pretty frame.

Bibi said she would keep it by her bed

so she could see me when she woke up

and when she went to sleep.

Everybody at that party cried.

My dad cried.

My mom cried.

Angela and Connie and Blossom and Dee cried.

Bibi cried.

And I cried.

I cried a lot.

It was not a fun party.

I hope you never go to a party like that.

I really do.