I was in the worst mood ever because I couldn't fall asleep. I really hated that, especially when the next day was a school day. And Valentine's Day of all days! I needed to look my best. I needed my beauty sleep, literally. Friday was going to be big. Brendan was going to ask me out, no doubt about it. And I was going to look awesome in my red cashmere sweater, the one I got for Christmas last year, the one I only wore on special occasions.
But even that magical sweater would look bad on me if I was half asleep with bags under my eyes!
I couldn't fall asleep because I felt bad about what I had done to Olivia's notebook. It was so annoying. Why did I feel bad? I did it for her own good; she needed to know she had gone off the deep end. And I, as her best friend, had to be the person to tell her. There was just no debating it anymore: My best friend, Olivia Feiler, was a crazy person. She was obsessed with this boy she didn't even talk to, and who probably didn't even remember she existed. And Olivia thought she was going to marry him! How insane was that?
Still, I felt bad. Maybe ripping a page out of her notebook wasn't the best way to show I cared. But she needed something extreme.
"Dude, you're keeping me up," Grace said from across the room. "I keep hearing you tossing and turning. What's bothering you?"
"Nothing. Forget it." I didn't feel like talking to her about it. Grace was this high-and-mighty person who always believed in doing the right thing, and if I told her what I did to Olivia, she'd bug out.
"Fine. Then go to bed, and stop moving all your pillows around."
I didn't answer her. Sharing a room was so annoying sometimes. Most of the time, actually.
"Did you hear there's gonna be a snow day tomorrow?" she asked a few minutes later. Now she was the one keeping me up!
"Yeah, right," I grumbled. "Never gonna happen."
"No, for real."
"Fine, whatever you say, genius Grace Suzanne Bailey. But if you're so sure there's gonna be a snow day, why are you worried about getting to sleep?"
"I have no idea what is bothering you, but your attitude is fierce," Grace said.
Clearly, she knew I was right but wouldn't admit it. After that, I still couldn't fall asleep, but I tried as hard as I could not to roll over or toss and turn, so I wouldn't disturb precious little Grace. But now I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about what she said. Seriously, what would I do if there was a snow day tomorrow? I'd be stuck at home with her all day.
Or stuck in the building with Olivia, who probably hated me.
And it was Valentine's Day! A snow day on Valentine's Day! Are you kidding me? What about Brendan? And my sweater?
A snow day on Valentine's Day?
Grace had to be wrong.