书城英文图书The Chronicles of Faerie


The giant roared like a wounded beast in the night, maddened beyond all sense. The mountain closed around him like a tomb. The weight of stone bore him down. Tripling in force, the spell worked its magic with more songs and more words to tighten his bonds.

Seothó, a thoil, ná goil go fóill,

Seothó, a thoil, ná goil aon deoir,

Seothó, a linbh, a chumainn's a stóir.

Hush, dear heart, no need to cry,

Hush, dear heart, no need for tears,

Hush, my child, my love and treasure.

Now an image flickered in the darkness of his mind. A great bonfire burning on a distant hill. He strove to draw nearer, to see more clearly. The night sky was dusky with the warm breath of midsummer. Was it he who stood in the flickering shadows, surrounded by creatures of every kind? Not only animals but elemental beings of the woods and the waters, shimmering like the stars above. He was laughing with the others, yet he did not join the circle that danced around the flames. His eyes were constantly watching the sky.

Then he raised his arms, for he knew the time had come, and he let out a cry that flew like thought.

Let her come to me now, she for whom I have waited so long!