书城英文图书Wintering Out

第2章 Acknowledgements and Notes

Acknowledgements are due to the editors of the following magazines where most of these poems appeared, a number of them in slightly different form:

Aquarius, Atlantis, Criterion (Galway), The Critical Quarterly, Gown, The Guardian, Hibernia, Honest Ulsterman, Irish Press, Irish Times, Listener, The Malahat Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, New Statesman, Occident, Phoenix, Poetry (Chicago), Poetry Book Society Supplement, Stand, Threshold;

and to the editor of Modern Poets in Focus 2 (Corgi) and The Young British Poets (Chatto).

'Fireside' and Sections II and V of 'Summer Home' (originally entitled 'Home' and 'Aubade') ? The New Yorker, 1971.

'Land', 'Servant Boy' and Sections III and IV of 'Summer Home' appeared as broadsheets from Poem of the Month, The Red Hanrahan Press and Tara Telephone respectively.

'Bye-Child' appeared in Twelve to Twelve (Camden Festival, 1970); 'Servant Boy' appeared in Responses (National Book League and Poetry Society, 1971).

'The Tollund Man' and 'Nerthus' originated from a reading of P. V. Glob's The Bog People (Faber).

'Maighdean Mara' is the Irish for 'mermaid'.