Acknowledgements are due to the editors of the following where some of these poems appeared for the first time: Antaens, Ciphers, Encounter, Honest Ulsterman, The Irish Press, The Irish Times, The Listener, Little World Machine, Mars, The New Review, The New Yorker, The New York Review of Books, The Paris Review, Poetry Now (BBC Radio), Poetry Wales, Prospice, Sewanee Review, Thames Poetry, Threshold and The Times Literary Supplement.
The quotation from Dante, Purgatorio, used in The Strand at Lough Beg, is taken from the Penguin translation by Dorothy L. Sayers (1955).
Elegy and Leavings appeared in a limited edition from Deerfield Press. Glanmore Sonnets were published by Charles Seluzicki under the title Hedge School (Janus Press).