书城英文图书Ethiopia Boy



What's for dinner? Dad calls

flooring bulgy briefcase…

we holler all we're worth

Wot's for dinner, Dad!

his forehead puzzles up

that's what I'd like to know!

by now we're giggling so hard

we nearly wet our pants

three shrieky wriggle-sacks

he scoops to covered basket

tears off ant-hill hat

look! spongy pancake splashed

with knuckle-squirts of stew

and staring eggs, long sticktooth

shreds of goat, gooey

angel peas and half-bean kikwot

Dad prissies at our fists

tearing food apart

looks on scandal-browed

out, forks! out, schooly Englishness!

we trill, loading our strips

of injera with bombs of

senafich and slither-chicken

drop them on our tongues

three, two, one….. blast-off!!!

then wave our gluey hands

straight up like gum-trees

Asfaw marching in

with bowls and towels, sprays us

in a froth of tut-tuts, scruba-

dubs all reeky colours back to pink

…bar little nubs of black

tucked under our nails

like shrapnel

in the chattery corpse

of our freckle-potato fingers

wot: wot and injera is the Ethiopian national dish, eaten with the fingers. Wot is a hot spicy stew made with chicken, beef, eggs, tripe. Strips of injera are used to scoop up the wot

kikwot: half-bean stew

senafich: mustard