Also by John Katzenbach
Red 1-2-3
What Comes Next
In the Heat of the Summer
First Born
The Traveler
Day of Reckoning
Just Cause
The Shadow Man
State of Mind
Hart's War
The Analyst
The Madman's Tale
The Wrong Man
The book is for my mother, and to the memory of three men: V.A. Eagle, Wm. A. Nixon, and H. Simons.
I am especially grateful for the assistance of my friends Joe Oglesby, of The Miami Herald, and Athelia Knight, of The Washington Post. Their wise suggestions immeasurably aided the preparation of this manuscript. It, of course, would have been impossible to accomplish without the help and tolerance of my wife, Madeleine Blais, and children, as well.
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.
Beyond Good and Evil
Hell is paved with good intentions, not with bad ones.
Maxims for Revolutionists