书城英文图书Dam Busters

第3章 Cast List


Lt-Commander L. Lane, RNVR

Directorate of Miscellaneous Weapons Development

Rear-Admiral E. de F. Renouf

Director of Special Weapons, the Admiralty

Air Ministry

Group Captain J. W. Baker

Director of Bomber Operations (DB Ops) at Air Ministry

Air Vice-Marshal Norman H. Bottomley

Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Ops) (ACAS)

Group Captain Sydney O. Bufton

Deputy Director of Bomber Operations (D/DB Ops) at the Air Ministry

Air Marshal Sir Wilfrid Freeman

Vice-Chief of the Air Staff, Air Ministry

Air Vice-Marshal Frank Inglis

Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (ACAS (I))

Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles Portal

Chief of the Air Staff

Air Vice-Marshal R. S. Sorley

Assistant Chief of the Air Technical Requirements (ACAS[TR]), Air Ministry

Wing Commander Fred Winterbotham

Head of Air Intelligence Section, MI6

A. V. Roe

Roy Chadwick

Chief Designer at A. V. Roe (and designer of Lancaster)

Ministry of Aircraft Production (MAP)

Air Vice-Marshal F. J. Linnell

Controller of Research and Development (CRD) at MAP

Benjamin Lockspeiser

Deputy Director of Scientific Research (D/DSR) at MAP. Civilian

Air Commodore Bernard McEntegart

Deputy Controller of Research and Development (D/CRD)

Air Commodore G. A. H. Pideock

Director of Armament Development (D Arm D) at the MAP

Dr David Pye

Director of Scientific Research (DSR), MAP. Civilian

Norbert Rowe

Director of Technical Development (DTD), MAP. Civilian

Sir Henry Tizard

Scientific advisor to MAP. Enemy of Prof. Lindemann

Group Captain W. Wynter-Morgan

Deputy Director of Armaments (D/D Arm D), MAP

Ministry of Home Security

A. R. Collins

A scientific officer in the Concrete Section at the Road Research Laboratory (RRL), part of the Ministry of Aircraft Production (MAP)

Dr A. H. Davis

Assistant Director at the Road Research Laboratory

Dr W. H. Glanville

Director of the Road Research Laboratory (and pro-Wallis)

Prime Minister's Office

Professor Frederick A. Lindemann (Lord Cherwell)

Scientific Advisor to the Prime Minister

RAF Bomber Command

Air Vice-Marshal the Hon. R. A. Cochrane

Air Officer Commanding (AOC) No. 5 Group, Bomber Command

Air Marshal Sir Arthur Harris

Since February 1942, Commander-in-Chief, Bomber Command

Air Vice-Marshal Robert Oxland

From February 1943, Senior Air Staff Officer (SASO)

Group Captain H. V. Satterly

SASO, 5 Group

Air Vice-Marshal R. H. M. S. 'Sandy' Saundby

Senior Air Staff Officer (SASO), Bomber Command, later Deputy Commander-in-Chief


Sir Charles Craven

Chairman, Vickers-Armstrong

Captain R. C. Handasyde

Assistant Chief Test Pilot, Vickers-Armstrong

Major Hew Kilner

Managing Director, Vickers-Armstrong Aviation

Squadron Leader 'Shorty' Longbottom

Test pilot seconded from the RAF

Rex K. Pierson

Chief Designer, Vickers-Armstrong Aviation Department, Weybridge

Captain 'Mutt' Summers

Chief Test Pilot, Vickers-Armstrong

Barnes Wallis

Assistant Chief Designer, Vickers-Armstrong Aviation Department, Weybridge

617 Squadron

Avro Lancaster aircraft: Codes AJ

Order: Pilot, Flight Engineer, Navigator, Wireless Operator, Bomb-aimer, Front Gunner, Rear Gunner (mid upper turret not fitted)

'G' ED932


W/C G. P. Gibson DSO DFC

Sgt John Pulford

F/O Harlo 'Terry' Taerum RCAF

F/L R. E. G. 'Bob' Hutchison DFC RAAF

P/O F. M. 'Spam' Spafford

P/O George A. Deering RCAF

F/L R. A. D. Trevor-Roper DFM

(Deering had been commissioned before the operation, and

Taerum promoted to F/O, without their knowledge.)

'A' Flight

'A' ED887


S/L H. Melvin 'Dinghy' Young DFC & bar

Sgt D. T. Horsfall

F/S C. W. Roberts

Sgt L. W. Nichols

F/O V. S. MacCausland RCAF

Sgt G. A. Yeo

Sgt W. Ibbotson

'B' ED864


F/L W. (Bill) Astell DFC

Sgt J. Kinnear

P/O F. A. Wile RCAF

WO2 A. Garshowitz RCAF

F/O D. Hopkinson

F/S F. A. Garbas RCAF

Sgt R. Bolitho

'J' ED906


F/L David J. Maltby DFC

Sgt W. Hatton

Sgt V. Nicholson

Sgt Anthony J. Stone

P/O Jack Fort

F/S V. Hill

Sgt H. T. Simmonds

'L' ED929


F/L David J. Shannon DFC RAAF

Sgt R. J. Henderson

P/O Danny R. Walker DFC

F/O Brian Goodale DFC

F/S Len J. Sumpter

Sgt B. Jagger

P/O Jack Buckley

'E' ED927


F/L Robert N. G. Barlow DFC RAAF

P/O S. L. Whillis

F/O P. S. Burgess

F/O C. R. Williams DFC RAAF

P/O A. Gillespie DFM

F/O H. S. Glinz RCAF

Sgt J. R. G. Liddell

'H' ED936


P/O Geoff Rice

Sgt E. C. Smith

F/O R. MacFarlane

Sgt C. B. Gowrie RCAF

F/S J. E. Thrasher RCAF

Sgt T. W. Maynard

Sgt S. Burns

'C' ED910


P/O Warner Ottley DFC RCAF

Sgt R. Marsden

F/O J. K. Barrett DFC

Sgt J. Guterman DFM

F/S T. B. Johnston

Sgt H. J. Strange

F/S Freddie Tees

'F' ED918


F/S Ken W. Brown RCAF

Sgt H. Basil Feneron

Sgt D. P. Heal

Sgt H. J. Hewstone

Sgt S. Oancia, RCAF

Sgt D. Allatson

F/S G. S. McDonald, RCAF

'K' ED934


P/O Vernon W. Byers RCAF

Sgt A. J. Taylor

F/O J. H. Warner

Sgt J. Wilkinson

P/O A. N. Whitaker

Sgt C. Mc. A. Jarvie

Sgt J. McDowell RCAF

'B' Flight

'Z' ED937


S/L Henry E. Maudslay DFC

Sgt J. Marriott DFM

F/O R. A. Urquhart DFC RCAF

WO2 A. P. Cottam RCAF

P/O M. J. D. Fuller

F/O W. J. Tytherleigh DFC

Sgt N. R. Burrows

'M' ED925


F/L John V. Hopgood DFC & bar

Sgt C. Brennan

F/O K. Earnshaw (Canadian)

Sgt J. W. Minchin

P/O J. W. Fraser RCAF

P/O G. H. F. G. Gregory DFM

P/O Anthony F. Burcher DFM RAAF

'P' ED909


F/L Harold B. 'Mick' Martin DFC RAAF

P/O Ivan Whittaker

F/L Jack F. Leggo DFC RAAF (Squadron Navigator)

F/O Len Chambers RNZAF

F/L R. C. 'Bob' Hay DFC RAAF (Squadron Bombing Leader)

P/O B. 'Toby' Foxlee DFM RAAF

F/S Tammy D. Simpson RAAF

'W' ED921


F/L J. Les Munro

Sgt F. E. Appleby

F/O F. G. Rumbles

Sgt Percy E. Pigeon RCAF

Sgt J. H. Clay

Sgt William Howarth

F/S H. A. Weeks RCAF

'T' ED825


F/L Joe C. McCarthy RCAF

Sgt W. Radcliffe RCAF

P/O D. A. MacLean RCAF

Sgt L. Eaton

Sgt G. L. Johnson

Sgt R. Batson

F/O D. Rodger RCAF

(MacLean had been commissioned before the operation,

without his knowledge.)

'S' ED865


P/O Lewis J. Burpee DFM RCAF

Sgt G. Pegler

Sgt T. Jaye

P/O L. G. Weller

W/O2 S. J. L. Arthur RCAF

Sgt W. C. A. Long

W/O2 J. G. Brady RCAF

(Arthur had been promoted to W/O2 before the operation,

without his knowledge.)

'N' ED912


F/L Les G. Knight RAAF

Sgt R. E. Grayston

F/O H Sidney Hobday

P/O R. G. T. (Bob) Kellow RAAF

F/O E. C. Johnson

Sgt F. E. Sutherland RCAF

Sgt H. E. O'Brien RCAF

(Kellow had been commissioned before the operation,

without his knowledge.)

'O' ED886


F/S W. C. (Bill) Townsend

Sgt D. J. D. Powell

P/O C. L. Howard RAAF

F/S G. A. Chalmers

Sgt C. E. Franklin

Sgt D. E. Webb

Sgt R. Wilkinson

'Y' ED924


P/O Cyril T. Anderson

Sgt R. C. Paterson

Sgt J. P. Nugent

Sgt W. D. Bickle

Sgt G. J. Green

Sgt E. Ewan

Sgt A. W. Buck

(Anderson had been commissioned before the operation,

without his knowledge.)