书城英文图书Ship of Gold in the Deep Blue Sea




The Other Side of Murder

Light Years:

An Investigation into the

Extraterrestrial Experiences

of Eduard Meier


Kristin and Lindsay

from whom but a smile is worth more to me

than all of the gold on the Central America

IN THE TEN years since I began researching this book, many things have happened. My father used to say he was going to die before I finished. When he said this, my brother, Randy, and I would laugh, certain he would outlive us all. As I worked to complete what I thought were the final rewrites, my father did die, in January 1995. Three months later, my mother suffered a series of strokes and was committed to a nursing home. Two years later, as I was finally bringing the project to a close, Randy died suddenly, all teachings of the bitter lesson that while we are tending relentlessly to one part of our lives, the other parts do not stand still. So much remained unsaid and undone. For their sakes, and for the sake of others close to me, I wish I could have comprehended quicker and written faster, but I couldn't. During this difficult time of my life, friends filled the void, and I am indebted to them. Three deserve a special thanks for always being there and always caring: Scott Easter, Gary Williams, and my cousin Steve Chamberlain. Thanks, too, to others like Mike and J. J., who came through.

Morgan Entrekin is my editor and publisher and friend. We've been together almost twenty years. He's brilliant on the page, honest, and he cares about the people who write for him. Long before Tommy Thompson found the gold, Morgan encouraged me to stay with the story. Then over the next several years, he spent countless hours in Seattle hotel rooms, helping me to see and shape it. It's a trite thing to say, but nevertheless true: Without his commitment to the project and his belief in me, I would never have completed Ship of Gold in the Deep Blue Sea.

At Columbus-America, certain people were especially helpful: Bob Evans and Barry Schatz, Rick Robol and Bill Kelly, Judy Conrad, Paula Steele, Don Hackman, and the rest of the tech crew, who are the characters inhabiting the story but who deserve to be thanked publicly anyway: Alan Scott, John Moore, Ted Brockett, John Doering, Milt Butterworth, Tod Steele, Bryan Anderson, Don Craft, Mike Milosh, and Bill Burlingham.

I want to thank Tommy Thompson for enduring the discomfort he must have felt to have a writer shadowing the project he wanted so carefully guarded. He allowed me to speak with anyone inside the organization and made available to me the group's historical files and letters to the partnership. He allowed me on the ship at sea to observe. He asked for one thing: Because of the sensitive and highly proprietary nature of the information surrounding the discovery of the Central America, and given the highly competitive field of underwater recovery, he wanted to review the manuscript for anything proprietary that might reveal too much of his unique technology. I did not want to do this; I also did not want to be responsible for unwittingly revealing anything that could diminish what he and his group had worked so hard to accomplish. The changes he requested often amounted to substituting a single word to give him the protection he needed. Sometimes he offered suggestions for improving the manuscript by revealing more of his technology. In explaining why certain seemingly minor procedures could not appear in the book, he also helped me to understand the enormous complexity and difficulty of working in the deep ocean. I have come as close as possible to portraying his unusual techniques and procedures without providing a manual for others to duplicate what he has done.

Though it was years ago, I have not forgotten the many hundreds of hours Helene Canavan spent transcribing tapes of my interviews. For the last four years, my assistant, Laura Duncan, has put up with my frequent disappearances, physically and mentally, and managed to keep the office running. Thank you, Laura, and congratulations on the baby. Thanks, too, to my other assistant, Deron Lord, who came in two years ago to take more of the load off, while I traveled to teach my writing seminar to lawyers and finished the manuscript.

Ten years is a long time to expect others to wait and understand. My daughters have hardly known me when I was not working on "the book." My greatest joy in having finished is that now even more of my hours will be filled with hearing their thoughts and ideas, their passions and dreams, watching them grow. Alison was there the whole time, waiting with dreams of her own. She deserves to have them fulfilled. She's the one I want most of all to understand. In both senses. I hope she now does; I think I'm now beginning to.