As Riley followed Bill and Lucy down the hallway toward Chief Meredith's office, she tried to figure out why she felt so unsettled. She couldn't put her finger on just what was troubling her.
She realized that it was partly a sensation she was long since used to-that familiar heightened apprehension she got whenever she was about to get new orders.
But something else was mixed in with that feeling. It didn't feel like fear or foreboding. She'd been on too many jobs in her career to be unduly worried about what was ahead.
It was something she barely recognized.
Is it relief? Riley wondered.
Yes, maybe that was it.
The ceremony and the reception had felt so bizarre and unreal, stirring up conflicting thoughts and waves of emotions.
Heading to Meredith's office was familiar, comfortable…and it felt like an escape of sorts.
But an escape into what?
Doubtless into a well-known world of cruelty and evil.
Riley felt a shiver go up her spine.
What did it say about her that she was more comfortable with cruelty and evil than she was with celebration and praise?
She didn't want to dwell on that question, and she tried to shake off that anxious feeling as she walked. But she couldn't quite do it.
It seemed that she was feeling less and less comfortable in her own skin these days.
When Riley, Bill, and Lucy reached Meredith's large office, the chief was standing beside his desk.
Someone else was already there-a young African-American woman with short straight hair and large, intense eyes. She stood up at the sight of Riley and her companions.
Meredith said, "Agents Paige, Jeffreys, and Vargas, I'd like you to meet Special Agent Jennifer Roston."
Riley eyed the woman she'd spoken to on the phone right after solving the Matchbook Killer case. Jennifer Roston wasn't tall, but she looked athletic and completely competent. The expression on her face was that of a woman who was secure in her own abilities.
Roston shook hands with each of them.
"I've heard great things about you," Lucy told her.
"You've reset some records at the Academy," Bill said.
Riley had also heard great things about Agent Roston. She already had an amazing reputation and had received some excellent commendations.
"I'm so honored to meet all of you," Roston said with a sincere smile. Then, looking Riley straight in the eye, she added, "Especially you, Agent Paige. It's great to meet you face to face."
Riley felt flattered. She also felt a slight, nagging concern.
As they all made their way to chairs and sat down, Riley wondered what Roston was doing here today. Was Meredith going to put her on an assignment with Riley and her two colleagues?
The thought made Riley a little uneasy. She, Bill, and Lucy had built an excellent rapport, a seamless working relationship. Wouldn't a new addition to their little team disrupt that, at least temporarily?
Meredith answered her question. "I wanted the three of you to meet Agent Roston because I've got her working on the Shane Hatcher case. The bastard has been at large for way too long. Headquarters has decided to make him a priority. It's time to bring him in, and we need fresh eyes assigned to that specific case."
Riley squirmed a little on the inside.
She already knew that Roston was working on the Hatcher case. In fact, that was what they had discussed over the phone. Roston had asked for access to Quantico's computer files about Shane Hatcher, and Riley had given her that access.
But what was going on right now?
Surely Meredith hadn't brought them all together to work on the Hatcher case. She wasn't sure how much Meredith actually knew about her own connections with Hatcher. She would have been arrested if her boss was fully aware that she had let the escaped killer go because he'd helped her out.
She knew perfectly well Hatcher was probably up in the mountains hiding in the cabin she had inherited from her father-staying there with Riley's full knowledge and approval.
How could she possibly even pretend to be trying to bring him to justice?
Bill asked Roston, "How is it going so far?"
Roston smiled.
"Oh, I'm just getting started-I'm only doing research at this point."
Then looking at Riley again, Roston said, "I appreciate the access you gave me to all those files."
"I'm glad to help out," Riley said.
Roston squinted a little at Riley, her expression turning vaguely curious.
"Oh, it's been a great help," she said. "You've put a lot of information together. Even so-I thought there'd be more about Hatcher's financial dealings."
Riley suppressed a shudder as she remembered doing something rash right after that phone call.
Before giving Roston access to the Hatcher files, she'd deleted one called "THOUGHTS"-a file that not only contained Riley's personal thoughts and observations about Hatcher, but also financial information that would likely lead to his capture. Or at least make it possible to cut off his resources.
What a crazy thing to do, Riley thought.
But it was done, and it couldn't be undone even if she wanted to change that.
Riley now felt distinctly uneasy under Roston's inquisitive gaze.
"He's an elusive character," Riley said to Roston.
"Yes, so I take it," Roston said.
Roston's eyes stayed locked on Riley's.
Riley's discomfort grew.
Does she already know something? Riley wondered.
Then Meredith said, "That will be all for now, Agent Roston. I've got another matter to discuss with Paige, Jeffreys, and Vargas."
Roston got up and politely took her leave.
As soon as she was gone, Meredith said, "It looks like we've got a new serial case in Southern California. Someone has murdered three drill sergeants at Fort Nash Mowat. They were shot at long range by a skilled marksman. The most recent victim was killed early this morning."
Riley was intrigued, but also a little surprised.
"Isn't this more of a case for the Army Criminal Investigation Command?" she asked, noting the other name for the Army's Criminal Investigation Division. She knew the CID typically investigated felony crimes that were committed within the US Army.
Meredith nodded.
"The CID is already working on it," he said. "There's a CID office in Fort Mowat, so they're up and running. But as you know, Provost Marshal General Boyle is in charge of the CID. He called me a little while ago to ask the FBI to pitch in. This is looking to be an especially nasty case, with all kinds of negative PR repercussions. There's going to be a lot of bad press and political pressure. The sooner it gets solved, the better for everybody."
Riley wondered if this was a good idea. She'd never heard of the FBI and CID working together on a case. She worried that they might wind up stepping on each other's toes, doing more harm than good.
But she didn't raise any objection. It wasn't up to her.
"So when do we head out?" Bill asked.
"ASAP," Meredith said. "Do you have your go-bags here?"
"No," Riley said. "I'm afraid I wasn't expecting this so soon."
"Then as soon as you can pack your things."
Riley felt a sudden burst of alarm.
Jilly's play is tonight! she thought.
If Riley left right now, she'd miss it.
"Chief Meredith-" she began.
"Yes, Agent Paige?"
Riley stopped short. After all, the FBI had just given her an award and a raise. How could she back out of this now?
Orders are orders, she told herself firmly.
There was nothing she could do.
"Nothing," she said.
"OK, then," Meredith said, rising to his feet. "The three of you get moving. And solve this thing fast. Other cases are waiting."