书城英文图书AARP's 5 Secrets to Brain Health

第1章 Foreword

by Paul D. Nussbaum, Ph.D., ABPP, Clinical Neuropsychologist and Adjunct Professor of Neurological Surgery, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

The human brain is the single most magnificent miracle ever designed in the history of the universe. Weighing just 3 pounds, but demanding 25 percent of the blood from each heartbeat, your brain is the origin of every thought, emotion, movement, and dream.

Recently, neuroscience has taught us that our brains have "neural plasticity," which means they're dynamic and constantly reorganizing. We now know our brains can generate new brain cells (neurogenesis), and that environment and lifestyle can shape our brains. While we don't yet have a cure or even prevention for brain disease, we do have the ability to shape our brains for health-and it is never too early or late to get started.

I have studied the brain and behavior for more than 25 years, and my mission is to teach all humans, regardless of age or background, about this wonderful miracle that sits between our ears and how we all have the power to shape our brains for health throughout our lifespan. And with this easy-to-read and practical guide, you can get started.

The content of the book outlines five distinct pillars for brain health: eating smart, being fit, working your mind, socializing, and stressing less. These are the areas I've been emphasizing in my own work, too, because research has shown they can make a difference. Each of these five chapters offers specific tips and activities that are fun to do. One added bonus is the section on medication side effects, a common cause of memory and concentration problems.

This book will add to the growing attention paid to brain health. Most important, by getting started today in one or more of these five pillars, you are shaping your brain to be as healthy as it can be and maintaining access to your life story. Don't just read Five Secrets to Brain Health: Live Smart, Stay Sharp yourself. Make sure your children and grandchildren read it, too, because it is important to attend to your brain health at the earliest of ages.

Get started today on your journey to brain health.