书城英文图书Signals for Strategists

第1章 Acknowledgments

No piece of thought leadership at Deloitte originates in isolation. Signals for Strategists began as a series of articles published online by Deloitte University Press. My co-author on these original pieces was Vikram Mahidhar, a former director in Deloitte LLP's innovation group. Vikram was a wonderful collaborator who brought a razor-sharp perspective on emerging business ideas and the development and commercialization of emerging products and services. Vikram also led the development of an early generation of our sensing technologies.

Deloitte's sensing program is the product of the vision and leadership of Ragu Gurumurthy and Craig Muraskin. Together, they introduced "sensing" into Deloitte's management lexicon and oversaw the development of the concept from PowerPoint deck to reality. Ragu is national managing principal of the innovation group in Deloitte LLP. He guides overall innovation efforts across Deloitte's business units and advises clients in the technology and telecom sectors on a wide range of topics including innovation, growth, and new business models. Craig is managing director of the innovation group in Deloitte LLP. He works with firm leadership to set the group's agenda and overall innovation strategy, and he counsels Deloitte's businesses on their innovation efforts.

Chapter 9, "A Renaissance in the Domestic Oil and Gas Industry," benefitted enormously from contributions of John England, vice chairman and U.S. Oil & Gas leader for Deloitte LLP.

Chapter 10, "Cyber Crime Fighting," profited from the experience of Kelly Bissell, a principal with Deloitte & Touche LLP. Kelly is the global lead for cyber security and leads the U.S. IT Risk Management practice.

Matt Lennert's inspired art direction and the artistic talents of Santiago Uceda produced the attractive and thought-provoking graphics that illustrate the Signals for Strategists series.

Jon Warshawsky, director of publishing at Deloitte Development LLC, has encouraged my work on Signals for Strategists and supported this ebook project with grace and wit.