
第4章 摘要










The mainlines of this book are“freedom”,“equality”and“ownership”,and aims to demonstrate,compare and analyze the refutation of the new and old liberalism and capitalist injustice respectively completed by Marx and Cohen,and then to construct their own socialist justice.G.A.Cohen,the main founder of Marxism,a famous left-wing political philosopher and professor of the Oxford University in the U.K.,based on contemporary reality,boldly questioned the Marxist theory of self-ownership and exploitation,while developed Marxist justice; Responded to the challenges to contemporary liberalism(neo-liberalism),criticized and absorbed contemporary rational resources of liberalism and explored the basic justice of socialism.These are the key points of this book.

In order to achieve the above objectives,this book is mainly constituted by the following sections.

The first chapter explores the origins of Marx's and Cohen's critique of liberalism.At the beginning,it clarifies the development and basic features of“liberalism”,and at the same time proves that(new and old)liberalism used the theory of“Trinity of Justice of Freedom,Equality and Self-Ownership”to justify the private ownership of bourgeoisie that aroused the strong refutation from Marx and Cohen.The reason why Marx criticized the theory of liberal justice is that he absorbed the idea of“community,sharing,fraternity”in ancient Greek justice,which is contrary to modern justice; liberalism justice is the core of bourgeois ideology; Marx had to draw a clear line with vulgar socilaists so that the proletarian revolutionary struggle and the socialist movement can advance along the scientific track and explained the Marxist theory of social justice in a better way.Cohen's critique of liberalism is the result of Rawls's response to Marx's refutation of liberalism and his response to Marx's“justice puzzle”; the new changes in capitalism that resulted in“the crisis of Marxism”; as the liberal justice defender,Nozick attacked on socialist justice; the rise of contemporary“luck equalitarianism”and so on.

The second chapter explores Marx's criticism of liberalism,studies and probes that Marx absorbed and borrowed the thought of holistic justice in ancient Greek,and completed philosophical criticism,political criticism and economic criticism about liberalism justice,with freedom,equality and ownership.First,it explores Marx's critique of liberalism“freedom”,“equality”and“ownership”.Second,it explores Marx's political critique of liberal theory of justice,which focuses on Marx's critique and transcendence of Hegel's political philosophy: came up with“Civil Society Decides the Political State”,exposed the separation between citizens and civics and Hegel's“Hierarchy”triggered“illusory community”,clarified Hegel's“need system”to“alienation of things”and“monetary community”,then build a“free man's union”.In the end,the author analyzes Marx's criticism of“freedom”of classical economics,the refutation of“equality”of classical economics,and the criticism of“ownership”of classical economics.

The third chapter explores Cohen's criticism of liberalism.In contemporary western political philosophy,refuting Marx's“justice puzzle”has become a hot topic in academic circles,so the exploration of this part is the main content of this book.Therefore,it is a key topic to discuss Cohen's development of Marx's justice and his response to the challenge of liberalism.Besides,Cohen's critique of liberalism is mainly centered on the three dimensions of freedom,self-ownership and equality.In this chapter,firstly,the author discusses Cohen's critique of Freud's and Navisen's views on Freedom,and his clarification on the“freedom of moral neutrality”and“moral freedom”,while revealing the complex relationship between private property and liberty.Then,focusing on three evidences of Cohen's critique of Rawls for the legitimacy of capitalist inequality:the incentives argument,the Pareto argument and the moral arbitrariness claim.Lastly,showing Cohen's refutation on the Nozick's self-ownership: The screening of Nozick's self-ownership,self-all principle and self-ownership theory,refutation of the two prerequisites of Nozick's theory of self-ownership and of the judgment of the contradiction between self-ownership and equality and of the theory of self-ownership itself.In the process of criticizing liberalism,Cohen defended the legitimacy of socialism.

The fourth chapter analyzes Marx's and Cohen's construction of future social justice.The author discusses Marx's sublation of ancient Greek holistic justice and modern individual justice,and then constructed his ambitious social justice theory: economic justice,social justice in the narrow sense,political justice,cultural justice and ecological justice.And then inquires into Cohen's questioning of Marx's conditions of equality,theory of self-ownership and exploitation.He also believed Marx's spirit of equality,realized the salvation and transcendence of liberal theory of equality,reflections on various typical socialist construction modes and integration of the reasonable resources of contemporary a variety of luck equalitarian equality view.To explore and construct the social justice in the future: to envisage a model of coexistence of free and publicized rules,to advocate an equal distribution of autonomy and common resources,to propose the idea of“equal access to advantage”,to conclude the principles of socialist justice: the principle of equality and the principle of sharing,to uphold the justice moral fashion into the field of personal daily life.

Chapter Five briefly reviews Marx's and Cohen's justice thoughts.First of all,the similarities of two kinds of justice thoughts are discussed: the refutation of liberal Trinity justice theory,the defense of socialist justice,the construction of social justice in the future,the explanation of the nature and precondition of exploitation,the persistence of public ownership or public resources.Secondly,it discusses the differences of two kinds of justice: the difference of theoretical origin,the difference of research center and the difference of research method.Finally,it explores the revelation of two kinds of justice: it is conducive to conform to the contemporary reality and realizes the inheritance and development of the basic theory of Marxism,which is based on the classical text of Marxism; it is conducive to conduct the dialectical study of Western Marxist schools,absorbing the positive factors and abandoning the negative aspects;it is conducive to research,refute the new development of liberalism.

Keywords:Freedom,Equality,Ownership,Justice,Luck egalitarianism