书城英文图书The Government Manager's Guide to Negotiation



When I sat down to write my first negotiation book, I figured I could knock it out rather quickly and effortlessly. After all, I was an expert on negotiation, wasn't I? Boy, was I in for a rude awakening! I found out that knowing stuff and writing about stuff are two completely different ballgames. Although I did much writing after hours while I was on the road training, I still had to take huge chunks out of what was supposed to be family time to complete that book. This included a month-long marathon writing sprint at the end, when I seldom could do anything with the ones I loved the most. They were generally forgiving about my absences, but my wife Jill made me promise to never, never, never write another book—ever again. Ever. Then my publisher, Myra Strauss, approached me with the suggestion for this book and sold me on writing one more time.

I certainly owe Myra and the entire publishing team at Management Concepts Press a big "thanks" for talking me into writing this book. But I must reserve my biggest expression of gratitude to my family, who at first reluctantly relented and then fully supported me in this endeavor. Thanks to my sons Myles and Christopher, and my daughter Shelby. Special thanks go out, of course, to my beautiful wife Jill. She's the one who gave me ultimate "permission" to write this book, fully knowing what it would entail. How anybody can succeed at anything without a loving and supporting family in their corner amazes me.