书城英文图书The New Social Learning

第5章 The NEW Social

Learning Playground Rules

1. No loitering in the playground areas. The value is in participation and engagement.

2. The playground is for people of all ages.

3. Only people interested in having influence are allowed on the premises.

4. Abusive, spammy, or intolerant behavior is not tolerated. Sarcasm, debate, and challenging and calling out bull are welcome, though.

5. If you feed pigeons, be warned they may poop on you.

6. Keep excessive cussing, name calling, and partisan politics away from the pool.

7. Enjoy life offline to stay interesting online.

8. The right to be heard does not include the right to be taken seriously.

9. Be patient, above all, with yourself.

Failure to obey these rules can result in missing an unprecedented opportunity to learn with smart, interesting people across the globe.