书城英文图书Get Paid More and Promoted Faster


Choose the Right Boss

The greatest power that a person possesses is the power to choose


Your choice of the right boss can help your career and assure that you get paid more and promoted faster more than almost anything else you can do.

Taking a job is similar to entering into a business marriage, with your boss as your “business spouse.” He or she is going to have an enormous impact on how much you get paid, how much you enjoy your work, how rapidly you get promoted, and every other part of your work life.

When you are looking for a job, you should ask your potential boss a lot of questions. Make sure that this is the kind of person that you would enjoy working with and for. Be sure that this is someone whom you could like, respect, and look up to. You should be convinced that this is someone who is friendly and supportive and a person you can rely on to help you move ahead as rapidly as possible in your career.

The very best bosses seem to have certain common qualities, no matter what the business or industry. First of all, good bosses have high integrity. When they make a promise, they keep it. When they say they will do something, they do it exactly as they said they would. If they promise you a salary review or an increase, they follow through, right on schedule.

The best bosses are very clear when they describe a task to you. They take the time to make sure you understand exactly what you are expected to do and to what standard and by what deadline. They ask for your ideas and your input and are always open to new and better ways to get the job done.

The best bosses are considerate and caring about their employees. This means that they are interested in you as a person as well as an employee. They take an interest in your personal life and your family. They want to know about the things that concern you and that affect the way you think and feel at work.

This doesn't mean that a good boss is a father or mother confessor or a nursemaid. But a good boss sees you as a whole person with a life apart from your work life.

You can always tell the quality of your relationship with your boss by measuring how free you feel to speak honestly, openly, and directly to him or her about matters that concern you. When you see your boss coming, you should feel confident and happy rather than nervous or insecure.

Perhaps the best measure of all is that when you are working with the right boss, at the right job, you feel happy and relaxed. You laugh a lot at work. You enjoy yourself and you feel valuable and important as an employee and as a person.

Working for a great boss is a good way to get paid more and promoted faster. And there are lots of great bosses out there.


Imagine your perfect boss today. Think about the best bosses or teachers you have had in the past. Identify the qualities and behaviors they had in common. How does your picture of an ideal boss compare with your current boss?

Take the initiative to improve your relationship with your boss if you feel it is necessary. Go to your boss and tell him or her honestly and directly what he or she could do, or stop doing, to enable you to be more effective. Tell your boss what would help you to be happier and make a better contribution to the company. Most bosses are very open to this kind of positive feedback, as long as it is given in the spirit of helpfulness rather than as an attack or criticism.