
第7章 C

【.CN域名】.CN yùmínɡ

.CN domain name



【材料来源】cáiliào láiyuán

origin of the materials



【财产安全】cáichǎn ānquán

safety of the property

【财产保全】cáichǎn bǎoquán

property preservation

【财产保全措施】cáichǎn bǎoquán cuòshī

measure for property preservation.

【财产保险】cáichǎn bǎoxiǎn

property insurance

【财产担保】cáichǎn dānbǎo

property guarantee/property warranty

【财产的取得、使用、处置和继承】cáichǎn de qǔdé,shǐyònɡ,chǔzhì hé jìchénɡ

acquisition, use, disposal and inheritance of property

【财产分配】cáichǎn fēnpèi

distribution of property

【财产份额】cáichǎn fèn'é

shares of property

【财产关系】cáichǎn ɡuānxì

property relationship

【财产继承权】cáichǎn jìchénɡquán

right of inheritance

【财产交付时起转移】cáichǎn jiāofù shí qǐ zhuǎnyí

transferred simultaneously with the property itself

【财产评估人】cáichǎn pínɡɡūrén

property adjuster

【财产清单】cáichǎn qīnɡdān

asset checklist


property right

【财产权利】cáichǎn quánlì

property rights

【财产权益】cáichǎn quányì

property right and interest

【财产权证照转移手续】cáichǎnquán zhènɡzhào zhuǎnyí shǒuxù

formalities for the transfer of certificates of property rights

【财产权转移手续】cáichǎnquán zhuǎnyí shǒuxù

formalities for transfer of the property right

【财产让与权】cáichǎn rànɡyǔquán

benefit of cession

【财产认领公告】cáichǎn rènlǐnɡ ɡōnɡɡào

notice calling on the owner to claim the property

【财产损害】cáichǎn sǔnhài

property damage

【财产损失】cáichǎn sǔnshī

property loss

【财产损失保险】cáichǎn sǔnshī bǎoxiǎn

property loss insurance

【财产所有权】cáichǎn suǒyǒuquán

property ownership

【财产享用权】cáichǎn xiǎnɡyònɡ quán

beneficial enjoyment

【财产转让】cáichǎn zhuǎnrànɡ

property transfer

【财产状况】cáichǎn zhuànɡkuànɡ

property status


resources in the form of funds/financial resources


authority over the financial affairs/financial power


financial affairs

【财务保证】cáiwù bǎozhènɡ

financial suretyship

【财务顾问】cáiwù ɡùwèn

financial advising

【财务清算】cáiwù qīnɡsuàn

financial settlement

【财务审计】cáiwù shěnjì

financial audit

【财务状况】cáiwù zhuànɡkuànɡ

financial position


money and things of value/property

【财政保障】cáizhènɡ bǎozhànɡ

financial guarantee

【财政补贴】cáizhènɡ bǔtiē

financial subsidies

【财政措施】cáizhènɡ cuòshī

fiscal measures

【财政独立】cáizhènɡ dúlì

independent finance

【财政金融机构】cáizhènɡ jīnrónɡ jīɡòu

financial and monetary organization

【财政经济委员会】cáizhènɡ jīnɡjì wěiyuánhuì

Finance and Economic Committee

【财政收入或支出】cáizhènɡ shōurù huò zhīchū

revenue or expenditure

【财政收支】cáizhènɡ shōuzhī

financial revenues and expenditure

【财政税收政策】cáizhènɡ shuìshōu zhènɡcè

fiscal and tax policy

【财政税务机关】cáizhènɡ shuìwù jīɡuān

financial and tax authority

【财政司长】cáizhènɡ sīzhǎnɡ

Financial Secretary

【财政贴息】cáizhènɡ tiēxī

interests which will be paid by budget

【财政性科学技术资金】cáizhènɡxìnɡ kēxué jìshù zījīn

government funds earmarked for scientific and technological endeavor

【财政性资金】cáizhènɡxìnɡ zījīn

government funds

【财政预备费】cáizhènɡ yùbèifèi

fiscal reserve funds

【财政预算】cáizhènɡ yùsuàn

financial budget

【财政预算案】cáizhènɡ yùsuàn'àn


【财政制度】cáizhènɡ zhìdù

fiscal system

【财政转移支付】cáizhènɡ zhuǎnyí zhīfù

transfer of payment

【财政资金】cáizhènɡ zījīn

fiscal funds/financial revenue



【裁定不予受理】cáidìnɡ bùyǔ shòulǐ

rule not to accept

【裁定撤销假释】cáidìnɡ chèxiāo jiǎshì

rule to cancel the parole

【裁定的执行】cáidìnɡ de zhíxínɡ

execution of the order

【裁定减刑之日】cáidìnɡ jiǎnxínɡ zhī rì

date the order of commutation is issued

【裁定解决】cáidìnɡ jiějué

decided in the form of an order in writing


written order

【裁定先予执行】cáidìnɡ xiānyǔ zhíxínɡ

order advance execution

【裁定再审】cáidìnɡ zàishěn

rule to retry the case

【裁定终结执行】cáidìnɡ zhōnɡjié zhíxínɡ

order to terminate execution

【裁减人员】cáijiǎn rényuán

cut the employment/reduction of the personnel


make a ruling/judging/decision/resolution/arbitral award

【裁决的事项】cáijué de shìxiànɡ

matters dealt with by the award

【裁决结果】cáijué jiéɡuǒ

final decision

【裁决理由】cáijué lǐyóu

reasons of decision

【裁决争议】cáijué zhēnɡyì

adjudicate disputes



【裁判署法庭】cáipànshǔ fǎtínɡ

magistrates' court

【采购商品】cǎiɡòu shānɡpǐn

purchase commodity



【采光权】cǎiɡuānɡ quán

right of light

【采集血液】cǎijí xuèyè

collection of blood


right of mining

【采矿权主体】cǎikuànɡquán zhǔtǐ

subject of the mining right

【采矿许可证】cǎikuànɡ xǔkězhènɡ

mining license

【采取保全措施】cǎiqǔ bǎoquán cuòshī

take measures to preserve evidence

【采取必要措施】cǎiqǔ bìyào cuòshī

take necessary steps

【采取补救措施】cǎiqǔ bǔjiù cuòshī

take remedial measures

【采取措施】cǎiqǔ cuòshī

take measures

【采取技术性停牌的措施】cǎiqǔ jìshùxìnɡ tínɡpái de cuòshī

take the measures of a technical suspension of trading

【采取破坏性的开采方法】cǎiqǔ pòhuàixìnɡ de kāicǎi fānɡfǎ

mine mineral resources in a destructive way

【采取欺骗手段】cǎiqǔ qīpiàn shǒuduàn

resort to fraud

【采取欺骗手段骗取批准】cǎiqǔ qīpiàn shǒuduàn piànqǔ pīzhǔn

obtain approval by fraudulent means

【采取强制措施不当】cǎiqǔ qiánɡzhì cuòshī bùdànɡ

compulsory measure adopted is inappropriate/adopt inappropriate compulsory measures

【采取特定措施】cǎiqǔ tèdìnɡ cuòshī

take special measures

【采取应急处置措施】cǎiqǔ yìnɡjí chǔzhì cuòshī

take measures for handling the emergency

【采取证据保全的海事法院】cǎiqǔ zhènɡjù bǎoquán de hǎishì fǎyuàn

maritime court imposing maritime evidence preservation

【采取证券市场禁入的措施】cǎiqǔ zhènɡquàn shìchǎnɡ jìnrù de cuòshī

take measures of prohibiting from entering into the securities market

【采石取沙】cǎishí qǔshā

quarrying and taking sand


move away soil/quarrying of soil

【采挖植物】cǎiwā zhíwù

collect or dig plants

【采油平台】cǎiyóu pínɡtái

oil extraction platform


collect seeds




purchase the shares

【参股证券经营机构】cānɡǔ zhènɡquàn jīnɡyínɡ jīɡòu

purchase the share of a securities operation institution

【参加登记的全体权利人】cānjiā dēnɡjì de quántǐ quánlìrén

all those who have registered their rights(with the court)

【参加工会】cānjiā ɡōnɡhuì

join trade union

【参加和组织】cānjiā hé zǔzhī

participate in and organize

【参加竞买】cānjiā jìnɡmǎi

participate in bidding

【参加开庭】cānjiā kāitínɡ

participate in the hearing

【参加民兵组织】cānjiā mínbīnɡ zǔzhī

join the militia

【参加审判】cānjiā shěnpàn

participate in the trial

【参加事故调查】cānjiā shìɡù diàochá

participate in the investigations of accident

【参加诉讼】cānjiā sùsònɡ

participation in court proceedings



【参与国家事务的管理】cānyǔ ɡuójiā shìwù de ɡuǎnlǐ

participate in the management of state affair

【参与集中】cānyǔ jízhōnɡ

involve in the concentration

【参与集中交易】cānyǔ jízhōnɡ jiāoyì

engage in the centralized trading(of securities)

【参与竞买】cānyǔ jìnɡmǎi

participate in bidding

【参与举办】cānyǔ jǔbàn

participate in sponsoring

【参与决议】cānyǔ juéyì

participate in adopting the resolution


right to participation

【参与社区戒毒】cānyǔ shèqū jièdú

participate in treatment of drug addiction in the community


take… as reference

【餐饮服务许可】cānyǐn fúwù xǔkě

license for catering services

【残次零配件】cáncì línɡpèijiàn

defective or substandard spare parts

【残废军人】cánfèi jūnrén

disabled member of the armed force

【残害妇女】cánhài fùnǚ

physically abusing women

【残害耕畜】cánhài ɡēnɡchù

cruelly injure or slaughter farm animals

【残害女婴】cánhài nǚyīnɡ

cruel infanticide

【残害婴儿】cánhài yīnɡ'ér

brutally injuring an killing an infant

【残疾标准】cánjí biāozhǔn

criteria for classification of disabilities

【残疾军人】cánjí jūnrén

serviceman and veteran with disabilities

【残疾赔偿金】cánjí péichánɡjīn

monetary compensation


person with disabilities/disabled person/handicapped person

【残疾人家庭】cánjírén jiātínɡ

family of persons with disabilities

【残疾人教育事业】cánjírén jiàoyù shìyè

educational undertakings for the disabled

【残疾人康复】cánjírén kānɡfù

rehabilitation of persons with disabilities

【残疾人康复机构】cánjírén kānɡfù jīɡòu

rehabilitation institution for persons with disabilities

【残疾人劳动就业】cánjírén láodònɡ jiùyè

employment for persons with disabilities

【残疾人劳动权利】cánjírén láodònɡ quánlì

right of persons with disabilities to work

【残疾人权利】cánjírén quánlì

right of persons with disabilities

【残疾人权益】cánjírén quányì

right and interest of persons with disabilities

【残疾人权益保障】cánjírén quányì bǎozhànɡ

protection of the right and interest of disabled persons

【残疾人职业教育】cánjírén zhíyè jiàoyù

vocational training for the disabled

【残疾少年】cánjí shàonián

disabled adolescent

【残疾生活辅助具费】cánjí shēnɡhuó fǔzhù jù fèi

costs of disability assistance equipment for the living

【残疾适龄儿童】cánjí shìlínɡ értónɡ

disabled school-age children

【残疾未成年人】cánjí wèichénɡniánrén

handicapped minor

【残疾学生】cánjí xuéshēnɡ

disabled student

【残疾影响】cánjí yǐnɡxiǎnɡ

impact of the disabilities

【残疾幼儿】cánjí yòu'ér

child with disabilities

【残缺、污损的人民币】cánquē,wūsǔn de Rénmínbì

damaged or soiled Renminbi

【残忍表演】cánrěn biǎoyǎn

inhumane performance


residual oil


warehousing fee

【仓储合同】cānɡchǔ hétonɡ

warehousing contract

【仓储经营】cānɡchǔ jīnɡyínɡ

engage in storing of cargoes


goods for warehousing

【仓储运输体系】cānɡchǔ yùnshū tǐxì

network for storage and transportation




warehouse receipts

【仓单持有人】cānɡdān chíyǒurén

holder of the warehousing certificate





【藏品档案】cánɡpǐn dànɡ'àn

file for the relics kept

【操纵不当】cāozònɡ bùdànɡ

execution or nonexecution of a manoeuvre

【操纵市场价格】cāozònɡ shìchǎnɡ jiàɡé

control market prices

【操纵证券交易价格】cāozònɡ zhènɡquàn jiāoyì jiàɡé

manipulate the trading prices

【操纵证券市场】cāozònɡ zhènɡquàn shìchǎnɡ

manipulation of the securities market

【操作规程】cāozuò ɡuīchénɡ

operational rules

【操作技术规范】cāozuò jìshù ɡuīfàn

technical operating instruction

【操作资格证书】cāozuò zīɡé zhènɡshū

certificate of operation qualification

【草案修改稿】cǎo'àn xiūɡǎiɡǎo

revised draft

【草场轮牧】cǎochǎnɡ lúnmù

rotational grazing

【草拟行政法规】cǎonǐ xínɡzhènɡ fǎɡuī

draft administrative regulations


hills (mountains) covered with grass

【草畜平衡制度】cǎo-chù pínɡhénɡ zhìdù

system for the balance between the yield of grass and the number of livestock raised

【草原保护】cǎoyuán bǎohù

protection of grassland

【草原承包经营期】cǎoyuán chénɡbāo jīnɡyínɡqī

term of contractual management of the grasslands

【草原承包经营权转让】cǎoyuán chénɡbāo jīnɡyínɡquán zhuǎnrànɡ

transfer of the right to contractual management of grasslands

【草原的可持续利用】cǎoyuán de kěchíxù lìyònɡ

sustainable use of grasslands

【草原的质量】cǎoyuán de zhìliànɡ

quality of the grassland

【草原调查】cǎoyuán diàochá

survey of the grassland

【草原防火】cǎoyuán fánɡhuǒ

grassland fire protection

【草原防火责任制】cǎoyuán fánɡhuǒ zérènzhì

responsibility system for protection against grassland fire

【草原功能分区】cǎoyuán ɡōnɡnénɡ fēn qū

functional division of grasslands

【草原管理】cǎoyuán ɡuǎnlǐ

grasslands management

【草原监督管理机构】cǎoyuán jiāndū ɡuǎnlǐ jīɡòu

institution for grassland supervision and control

【草原监督检查人员】cǎoyuán jiāndū jiǎnchá rényuán

grassland supervisors and inspector

【草原建设】cǎoyuán jiànshè

development of grassland

【草原利用】cǎoyuán lìyònɡ

use of grasslands

【草原权属】cǎoyuán quánshǔ

ownership of grasslands

【草原权属争议】cǎoyuán quánshǔ zhēnɡyì

dispute over ownership of grasslands

【草原权属证书】cǎoyuán quánshǔ zhènɡshū

certificate for ownership of the grasslands

【草原沙化】cǎoyuán shāhuà

sand encroachment grasslands /grasslands desertification/aridity grasslands /sandy grasslands

【草原生产、生态监测预警系统】cǎoyuán shēnɡchǎn,shēnɡtài jiāncè yùjǐnɡ xìtǒnɡ

early warning system for grassland yielding and ecological monitoring

【草原生产能力】cǎoyuán shēnɡchǎn nénɡlì

yielding capacity of the grassland

【草原使用权的争议】cǎoyuán shǐyònɡquán de zhēnɡyì

dispute over the right to use grasslands

【草原使用权证】cǎoyuán shǐyònɡquánzhènɡ

certificate of the right to use grasslands

【草原使用者】cǎoyuán shǐyònɡzhě

user of the grassland

【草原鼠虫害】cǎoyuán shǔchónɡhài

grassland pests and mice

【草原所有权】cǎoyuán suǒyǒuquán

right of ownership of the grassland

【草原所有者】cǎoyuán suǒyǒuzhě

grassland owner

【草原统计制度】cǎoyuán tǒnɡjì zhìdù

statistics system for grasslands

【草原行政主管部门】cǎoyuán xínɡzhènɡ zhǔɡuǎn bùmén

competent administrative department for grasslands

【草原畜牧业】cǎoyuán xùmùyè

animal husbandry on the grasslands

【草原载畜量标准】cǎoyuán zàichùliànɡ biāozhǔn

standard for grassland stock-carrying capacity

【草原植被】cǎoyuán zhíbèi

vegetation of the grasslands

【草原植被恢复费】cǎoyuán zhíbèi huīfùfèi

fees for restoring grassland vegetation

【草原资源普查】cǎoyuán zīyuán pǔchá

general surveys of grassland resources

【草原自然保护区】cǎoyuán zìrán bǎohùqū

grassland nature reserves

【草种基地建设】cǎozhǒnɡ jīdì jiànshè

build bases for seed of forage or grass shoots or tissue

【草种质量】cǎozhǒnɡ zhìliànɡ

quality of seeds of forage or grass shoots or tissue

【测绘标准】cèhuì biāozhǔn

surveying and mappingp standards

【测绘工作】cèhuì ɡōnɡzuò

surveying and mapping work

【测绘活动】cèhuì huódònɡ

surveying and mapping activity

【测绘科学技术研究】cèhuì kēxué jìshù yánjiū

scientific and technological research in surveying and mapping

【测绘人员】cèhuì rényuán

surveying and mapping personnel

【测绘任务】cèhuì rènwù

surveying and mapping mission

【测绘资格】cèhuì zīɡé

qualification of surveying and mapping

【测量标志】cèliánɡ biāozhì

surveying marker


tier/arrangement of ideas/administrative levels/gradation


have served as

【差别电价政策】chābié diànjià zhènɡcè

policy of differential rates




unpaid balance


differential number

【差额选举】chā'é xuǎnjǔ

competitive election


disparity of price/price difference rate/ratio of price differentials/rate of price difference




investigation and handling/investigate and prosecute/deal with

【查处嫖娼活动】cháchǔ piáochānɡ huódònɡ

deal with whoring activity

【查处违法用能行为】cháchǔ wéifǎ yònɡnénɡ xínɡwéi

investigate and deal with violations of law in the use of energy

【查处违反治安管理活动】cháchǔ wéifǎn zhì'ān ɡuǎnlǐ huódònɡ

investigating and handling activity activities the administration of public security


seal up/close down

【查封财产】cháfēnɡ cáichǎn

seal up a property

【查封、扣押相关证据】cháfēnɡ,kòuyā xiānɡɡuān zhènɡjù

seal up or seize relevant evidence

【查获犯罪人】cháhuò fànzuìrén

track down an offender

【查缉走私】chájī zǒusī

prevent and suppress smuggling




inquiry/investigation and prosecuting

【查看拍卖标的】chákàn pāimài biāodì

inspecting auction target


confirmed upon investigation

【查明案情】chámínɡ ànqínɡ

clarify the circumstances of the case

【查明身份】chámínɡ shēnfèn

find out the identity

【查明原因】chámínɡ yuányīn

ascertain the cause

【查明责任人】chámínɡ zérènrén

ascertain the person who is to be held responsible

【查清事实】cháqīnɡ shìshí

ascertain the facts

【查清事实后改判】cháqīnɡ shìshí hòu ɡǎipàn

revise the judgment after ascertaining the facts




consulting fee

【查询服务】cháxún fúwù

consulting service

【查验单证】cháyàn dānzhènɡ

examine the certificates

【查验放行】cháyàn fànɡxínɡ

examine and release

【查验记录制度】cháyàn jìlù zhìdù

check and inspection record system



【查阅案卷】cháyuè ànjuàn

examine the case files

【查阅有关资料】cháyuè yǒuɡuān zīliào

look up relevant material

【查账验证】cházhànɡ yànzhènɡ

check and examine the accounts and certificates


verify through investigation

【查证属实】cházhènɡ shǔshí

be verified

【拆包】chāi bāo




【拆船】chāi chuán



open/seal off


interbank lending/bank lending


demolition and relocation

【拆迁补偿】chāiqiān bǔchánɡ

compensations for the resettlement/demolition compensations/relocation compensations

【拆入资金】chāirù zījīn

loan/funds borrowed under loans


mix imitation into

【掺假掺杂】chānjiǎ chānzá

adulterated and impure


mix impurity into

【掺杂掺假】chānzá chānjiǎ



origin of a product

【产地规则】chǎndì ɡuīzé

rules of origin

【产地来源】chǎndì láiyuán

origin for product

【产地来源证】chǎndì láiyuánzhènɡ

certificates of origin


lying-in women


maternity leave

【产教结合】chǎn-jiào jiéhé

combine teaching with production

【产品标准】chǎnpǐn biāozhǔn

product standards

【产品存在缺陷】chǎnpǐn cúnzài quēxiàn

product with any defect

【产品名称】chǎnpǐn mínɡchēnɡ

name of the product

【产品缺陷】chǎnpǐn quēxiàn

defect of the product

【产品认证】chǎnpǐn rènzhènɡ

product certification/product authentication

【产品说明】chǎnpǐn shuōmínɡ

product directions

【产品质量】chǎnpǐn zhìliànɡ

product quality

【产品质量管理先进】chǎnpǐn zhìliànɡ ɡuǎnlǐ xiānjìn

advanced product quality control

【产品质量监督部门】chǎnpǐn zhìliànɡ jiāndū bùmén

department for supervision over product quality

【产品质量监督工作】chǎnpǐn zhìliànɡ jiāndū ɡōnɡzuò

supervision over product quality

【产品质量监督管理部门】chǎnpǐn zhìliànɡ jiāndū ɡuǎnlǐ bùmén

department in charge of supervision and control over product quality

【产品质量检验机构】chǎnpǐn zhìliànɡ jiǎnyàn jīɡòu

organization in charge of product quality inspection/product quality inspection agency

【产前定期检查】chǎnqián dìnɡqī jiǎnchá

regular prenatal physical check-up

【产前诊断】chǎnqián zhěnduàn

prenatal diagnosis

【产权分界处】chǎnquán fēnjièchù

place of demarcation for property rights

【产权交易】chǎnquán jiāoyì

property right exchange

【产生偶发性强烈噪声活动】chǎnshēnɡ ǒufāxìnɡ qiánɡliè zàoshēnɡ huódònɡ

activity that emits sporadic strong noise

【产生损害威胁】chǎnshēnɡ sǔnhài wēixié

threaten to cause damage

【产生优先权的船舶】chǎnshēnɡ yōuxiānquán de chuánbó

ship that give rise to maritime lien

【产生有害干扰】chǎnshēnɡ yǒuhài ɡānrǎo

bring about harmful interference

【产业发展方向】chǎnyè fāzhǎn fānɡxiànɡ

trend of industrial development

【产业政策】chǎnyè zhènɡcè

industrial policies

【产业政策引导】chǎnyè zhènɡcè yǐndǎo

guidance through industrial policies



【长期存在和发展】chánɡqī cúnzài hé fāzhǎn

continue and develop for the extended future

【长期贷款】chánɡqī dàikuǎn

long-term loans

【长期待摊费用】chánɡqī dàitān fèiyònɡ

anticipated long-term amortized expenses

【长期使用】chánɡqī shǐyònɡ

long-term use

【长期稳定】chánɡqī wěndìnɡ

long-term stability

【长期有效】chánɡqī yǒuxiào

valid permanently

【常规种原种种子】chánɡɡuīzhǒnɡ yuánzhǒnɡ zhǒnɡzi

original seeds of conventional varieties

【常设机关】chánɡshè jīɡuān

permanent organ

【常务委员会】chánɡwù wěiyuánhuì

Standing Committe

【常务委员会通过的法律】chánɡwù wěiyuánhuì tōnɡɡuò de fǎlǜ

(national) the National People's Congress

【常务委员会主任会议】chánɡwù wěiyuánhuì zhǔrèn huìyì

Council of Chairmen of the Standing Committee

【常务主席】chánɡwù zhǔxí

standing chairman


prolonged residence

【常住户口】chánɡzhù hùkǒu

registered permanent residence

【常住户口登记】chánɡzhù hùkǒu dēnɡjì

permanent residence registration



【偿付能力】chánɡfù nénɡlì


【偿付能力报告】chánɡfù nénɡlì bàoɡào

solvency report

【偿付能力不足】chánɡfù nénɡlì bùzú


【偿还债务】chánɡhuán zhàiwù

repay debt

【偿债】chánɡ zhài

pay the debt


factory director

【场地使用费】chǎnɡdì shǐyònɡfèi

site use fee

【场地使用权】chǎnɡdì shǐyònɡquán

right to the use of site a site

【场内巡查】chǎnɡnèi xúnchá

in-house patrol


mobility and accessibility


send a copy to




send a copy

【超标准排污费】chāobiāozhǔn páiwūfèi

fees for the excessive discharge of pollutants

【超出抵押物价值重复担保】chāochū dǐyāwù jiàzhí chónɡfù dānbǎo

repeatedly using the same mortgaged property as guaranty in excess of its value

【超出要约的条件】chāochū yàoyuē de tiáojiàn

overstep the term as stipulated in its tender offer

【超出业务许可范围】chāochū yèwù xǔkě fànwéi

beyond the business scope as permitted

【超额承保】chāo'é chénɡbǎo

retaining for its own account excessive insurance exposures

【超额累进税率】chāo'é lěijìn shuìlǜ

in excess of the specified amount


excess of/over

【超过部分】chāoɡuò bùfen

portion in excess

【超过规定标准】chāoɡuò ɡuīdìnɡ biāozhǔn

excess of the limits prescribed

【超过国家标准】chāoɡuò ɡuójiā biāozhǔn

exceed the national standard

【超过实际需要】chāoɡuò shíjì xūyào

exceeded actual demand

【超过限额】chāoɡuò xiàn'é

in excess of the quota

【超过债权数额的部分】chāoɡuò zhàiquán shù'é de bùfen

the part exceed the amount of the claim,the balance

【超期服现役】chāoqī fú xiànyì

extend one's service/extended service in the army

【超期期间】chāoqī qījiān

during the extended period

【超强度体力劳动】chāo qiánɡdù tǐlì láodònɡ

physical labor of ultra-intensity

【超限行驶】chāoxiàn xínɡshǐ

operate a vehicle exceeding the limit specified

【超越代理权限】chāoyuè dàilǐ quánxiàn

go beyond the authorization

【超越法定权限】chāoyuè fǎdìng quánxiàn

transcend the statutory limits of power

【超越法定许可权】chāoyuè fǎdìnɡ xǔkěquán

transcend the statutory limit of power

【超越法律的特权】chāoyuè fǎlǜ de tèquán

privilege of transcending the law

【超越法律、法规规定】chāoyuè fǎlǜ,fǎɡuī ɡuīdìnɡ

transcend the provision of law and regulation

【超越批准】chāoyuè pīzhǔn

beyond the approved limits

【超越批准权限】chāoyuè pīzhǔn quánxiàn

beyond the limits of power for approval

【超越授权范围】chāoyuè shòuquán fànwéi

act beyond its scope of authority

【超越宪法和法律的特权】chāoyuè Xiànfǎ hé fǎlǜ de tèquán

privileged to be beyond the Constitution or the law

【超越职权】chāoyuè zhíquán

exceeding authority

【超越资质等级许可的范围】chāoyuè zīzhì děnɡjí xǔkě de fànwéi

go beyond the scope allowed for its grade of qualification



【超载过牧】chāozài ɡuòmù

exceeded carrying capacity and overgrazing/overgraze


chassis number



【车辆购置税】chēliànɡ ɡòuzhìshuì

vehicle purchase tax

【车辆驾驶人】chēliànɡ jiàshǐrén

drivers of vehicles

【车辆识别代号】chēliànɡ shíbié dàihào

identification code of the vehicles

【车辆通行费】chēliànɡ tōnɡxínɡfèi



replacement of

【撤回承诺】chèhuí chénɡnuò

withdrawal of the acceptance

【撤回告诉】chèhuí ɡàosù

withdraw complaint

【撤回上诉】chèhuí shànɡsù

withdrawal of an appeal

【撤回要约】chèhuí yàoyuē

withdrawal of an offer

【撤回自诉】chèhuí zìsù

withdraw one's prosecution


withdrawal of prosecution



【撤销案件】chèxiāo ànjiàn

dismiss the case

【撤销登记】chèxiāo dēnɡjì

registration cancelled/deregistration/deregister

【撤销分支机构】chèxiāo fēnzhī jīɡòu

cancellation of a branch office

【撤销该委托】chèxiāo ɡāi wěituō

revoke the authorization

【撤销海事强制令】chèxiāo hǎishì qiánɡzhìlìnɡ

cancel the maritime injunction

【撤销或者变更】chèxiāo huòzhě biànɡēnɡ

cancellation or change

【撤销或者合并】chèxiāo huòzhě hébìnɡ

dissolution or merger

【撤销金融机构】chèxiāo jīnrónɡ jīɡòu

closure of financial institution

【撤销决定书】chèxiāo juédìnɡshū

written closure decision

【撤销抗诉】chèxiāo kànɡsù

discontinuation of counterclaim

【撤销其任职资格】chèxiāo qí rènzhí zīɡé

revoke the post-holding qualification


right to rescind


person having the right to rescind

【撤销认证】chèxiāo rènzhènɡ

revoke the certification

【撤销事由】chèxiāo shìyóu

cause for cancellation

【撤销相关业务许可】chèxiāo xiānɡɡuān yèwù xǔkě

relevant business license revoked

【撤销要约】chèxiāo yàoyuē

revocation of an offer/revoke the offer

【撤销有关业务许可】chèxiāo yǒuɡuān yèwù xǔkě

revoke the relevant business license

【撤销原判】chèxiāo yuánpàn

quash the original judgment

【撤销原批准】chèxiāo yuánpīzhǔn

withdraw the original approval

【撤销资格】chèxiāo zīɡé



proposal for removal from office

【撤职案的表决】chèzhí'àn de biǎojué

vote of a proposal for removal from office

【撤职处分】chèzhí chǔfèn

punishment of demotion


sunken vessel

【沉迷网络】chénmí wǎnɡluò

internet addiction


sunken object



【陈述和申辩】chénshù hé shēnbiàn

statement and argument


right to state the case

【陈述意见】chénshù yìjiàn

submit observations

【陈述有罪的情节】chénshù yǒuzuì de qínɡjié

state the circumstances of one's guilt



【称霸一方】chēnɡbà yīfānɡ

lord it over the people in an area



【成本补偿】chénɡběn bǔchánɡ

compensation for the costs/cost reimbursement

【成反比】chénɡ fǎnbǐ

make an inverse ratio




established rule



【成果产业化】chénɡɡuǒ chǎnyèhuà

application of the achievement in production

【成绩显著】chénɡjì xiǎnzhù

having provided meritorious service



【成交价格】chénɡjiāo jiàɡé

transaction price

【成交确认书】chénɡjiāo quèrènshū

deal conclusion letter

【成交证明】chénɡjiāo zhènɡmínɡ

auction completion certificate





【成立前】chénɡlì qián

before the establishment

【成立以前或以后】chénɡlì yǐqián huò yǐhòu

before or after the establishment

【成年家属】chénɡnián jiāshǔ

adult family member



【成年养子女】chénɡnián yǎnɡzǐnǚ

adult adopted child

【成年志愿者】chénɡnián zhìyuànzhě

adult volunteer

【成年子女】chénɡnián zǐnǚ

children who have come of age

【成人高等学校】chénɡrén ɡāoděnɡ xuéxiào

higher learning for adult

【成人教育制度】chénɡrén jiàoyù zhìdù

system of adult education


measure of success





【成瘾程度】chénɡyǐn chénɡdù

degree of addiction

【成员大会】chénɡyuán dàhuì

membership assembly

【成员名册】chénɡyuán mínɡcè

membership roll

【成员账户】chénɡyuán zhànɡhù

account for each member

【成员资格终止】chénɡyuán zīɡé zhōnɡzhǐ

termination of the membership

【诚实守信】chénɡshí shǒuxìn

act in good faith

【诚实信用】chénɡshí xìnyònɡ

honesty and credibility

【诚信档案】chénɡxìn dànɡ'àn

integrity files

【诚信经营】chénɡxìn jīnɡyínɡ

run business with integrity

【诚信信息】chénɡxìn xìnxī

integrity information

【诚信义务】chénɡxìn yìwù

obligation of good faith

【诚信状况】chénɡxìn zhuànɡkuànɡ

integrity status







【承办业务】chénɡbàn yèwù

business to be undertaken



【承包程序】chénɡbāo chénɡxù

contract procedures

【承包单位】chénɡbāo dānwèi



contracted land



【承包方案】chénɡbāo fānɡ'àn

contracting project

【承包关系】chénɡbāo ɡuānxì

relationship of a contract/contracting relationship/contracted relationship/contract relations

【承包合同约定的用途】chénɡbāo hétonɡ yuēdìnɡ de yònɡtú

purpose of use as agreed upon in the contract

【承包经营】chénɡbāo jīnɡyínɡ

contractual management

【承包经营户】chénɡbāo jīnɡyínɡhù

household operating under a contract/leaseholding household

【承包经营权】chénɡbāo jīnɡyínɡquán

right to contractual management

【承包经营权变更登记】chénɡbāo jīnɡyínɡquán biànɡēnɡ dēnɡjì

alteration of the registration of the right to the contractual management

【承包经营权证】chénɡbāo jīnɡyínɡquánzhènɡ

right to management certificate

【承包经营土地】chénɡbāo jīnɡyínɡ tǔdì

contract to operate the land

【承包经营期】chénɡbāo jīnɡyínɡqī

term of contractual management

【承包经营期限】chénɡbāo jīnɡyínɡ qīxiàn

duration of the contract for operation

【承包经营制度】chénɡbāo jīnɡyínɡ zhìdù

contractual management system

【承包期届满】chénɡbāoqī jièmǎn

expiration of the term of contract

【承包期限】chénɡbāo qīxiàn

duration of the contract/contracting terms

【承包收益】chénɡbāo shōuyì

benefit derived from the contract

【承包双方的权利和义务】chénɡbāo shuānɡfānɡ de quánlì hé yìwù

rights and obligations of the two contracting party

【承包土地】chénɡbāo tǔdì

undertake land contract/contracting of land

【承包土地权利】chénɡbāo tǔdì quánlì

right to contract land





【承担保证责任】chénɡdān bǎozhènɡ zérèn

undertake the suretyship liability

【承担补缴义务】chénɡdān bǔjiǎo yìwù

be obligated to make up the difference

【承担不利后果】chénɡdān bùlì hòuɡuǒ

bear the unfavorable consequence

【承担部分赔偿费用】chénɡdān bùfen péichánɡ fèiyònɡ

bear part of the expenses of the compensation

【承担法律援助义务】chénɡdān fǎlǜ yuánzhù yìwù

obligated to provide legal aid

【承担反垄断执法职责的机构】chénɡdān fǎnlǒnɡduàn zhífǎ zhízé de jīɡòu

authority responsible for enforcement of the Anti-monopoly Law

【承担风险】chénɡdān fēnɡxiǎn

share (bear) risks

【承担纪律责任】chénɡdān jìlǜ zérèn

bear disciplinary liability

【承担举证责任】chénɡdān jǔzhènɡ zérèn

bear the burden of proof

【承担亏损】chénɡdān kuīsǔn

share losses

【承担连带赔偿责任】chénɡdān liándài péichánɡ zérèn

bear joint and several liability for compensation

【承担连带责任】chénɡdān liándài zérèn

liable jointly and severally/undertake jointly liability

【承担民事责任】chénɡdān mínshì zérèn

bear civil liability/bear civil responsibility

【承担赔偿责任】chénɡdān péichánɡ zérèn

be liable for compensation

【承担侵权责任】chénɡdān qīnquán zérèn

subject to the tort liability

【承担全部赔偿费用】chénɡdān quánbù péichánɡ fèiyònɡ

bear all of the expense of the compensation

【承担社会责任】chénɡdān shèhuì zérèn

shoulder social responsibility

【承担同等责任】chénɡdān tónɡděnɡ zérèn

bear the same liability

【承担违约责任】chénɡdān wéiyuē zérèn

bear the liability for breach of contract

【承担行政责任】chénɡdān xínɡzhènɡ zérèn

assume administrative liability

【承担虚构的债务】chénɡdān xūɡòu de zhàiwù

by means of assuming non-existent debt

【承担义务】chénɡdān yìwù

undertake an obligation/commitment

【承担责任】chénɡdān zérèn

held liable for





【承兑日期】chénɡduì rìqī

date of acceptance

【承兑与贴现】chénɡduì yǔ tiēxiàn

acceptance and discounting

【承继其权利和义务】chénɡjì qí quánlì hé yìwù

succeed to its right and obligation

【承继权利】chénɡjì quánlì

succeed to the rights



【承揽工程】chénɡlǎn ɡōnɡchénɡ

contract projects

【承揽合同】chénɡlǎn hétonɡ

work contract



【承揽业务】chénɡlǎn yèwù

solicit business



【承诺出售的股份数额】chénɡnuò chūshòu de ɡǔfèn shù'é

share amount as promised to be sold

【承诺方式】chénɡnuò fānɡshì

form of acceptance

【承诺履行义务】chénɡnuò lǚxínɡ yìwù

promise to fulfill (perform/implement) one's obligation

【承诺期限】chénɡnuò qīxiàn

acceptance term/time limit for the acceptance

【承诺生效】chénɡnuò shēnɡxiào

acceptance effective as of


document that gives the promise/letter of commitment/letter of undertaking

【承诺通知】chénɡnuò tōnɡzhī

acceptance notice

【承诺信托】chénɡnuò xìntuō

accept the trust

【承诺有效】chénɡnuò yǒuxiào

acceptance to be effective

【承认和保护】chénɡrèn hé bǎohù

recognized and protected

【承认和执行】chénɡrèn hé zhíxínɡ

recognition and enforcement

【承认学历】chénɡrèn xuélì

recognition of educational qualifications

【承受其权利义务】chénɡshòu qí quánlì yìwù

take over the rights and obligations





【承销机构】chénɡxiāo jīɡòu

underwriting institution

【承销政府债券】chénɡxiāo zhènɡfǔ zhàiquàn

underwriting of government bond


confined water


undertake the shipment/transport



【承运人的过失】chénɡyùnrén de ɡuòshī

fault of the carrier

【承运人和实际承运人之间相互追偿】chénɡyùnrén hé shíjì chénɡyùnrén zhījiān xiānɡhù zhuīchánɡ

recourse between the carrier and the actual carrier

【承运人责任】chénɡyùnrén zérèn

responsibilities of the carrier

【承运人责任的规定】chénɡyùnrén zérèn de ɡuīdìnɡ

provisions regarding the responsibility of the carrier

【承租单位】chénɡzū dānwèi


【承租经营所得】chénɡzū jīnɡyínɡ suǒdé

income from leased operation



【城市传统风貌】chénɡshì chuántǒnɡ fēnɡmào

traditional cityscape

【城市的土地】chénɡshì de tǔdì

land in the cities

【城市防洪规划】chénɡshì fánɡhónɡ ɡuīhuà

urban flood control planning

【城市规划】chénɡshì ɡuīhuà

city planning

【城市规划区】chénɡshì ɡuīhuàqū

planned urban area

【城市规划行政主管部门】chénɡshì ɡuīhuà xínɡzhènɡ zhǔɡuǎn bùmén

competent departments of city planning administration

【城市上空】chénɡshì shànɡkōnɡ

airspace over the city

【城市市区】chénɡshì shìqū

urban district

【城市新区】chénɡshì xīnqū

new urban area


urban and rural area

【城乡差别】chénɡxiānɡ chābié

difference between urban and rural areas

【城乡规划】chénɡxiānɡ ɡuīhuà

urban and rural planning

【城乡规划的编制和管理经费】chénɡxiānɡ ɡuīhuà de biānzhì hé ɡuǎnlǐ jīnɡfèi

fund needed for the formulation and administration of urban and rural planning

【城乡规划确定的】chénɡxiānɡ ɡuīhuà quèdìnɡ de

as specified in an urban and rural plan

【城乡规划主管部门】chénɡxiānɡ ɡuīhuà zhǔɡuǎn bùmén

department in charge of urban and rural planning

【城乡集体经济组织】chénɡxiānɡ jítǐ jīnɡjì zǔzhī

urban and rural economic collectives

【城乡建设事业】chénɡxiānɡ jiànshè shìyè

urban and rural development

【城乡劳动者】chénɡxiānɡ láodònɡzhě

urban and rural working people

【城乡绿化】chénɡxiānɡ lǜhuà

urban and rural greening

【城乡统筹】chénɡxiānɡ tǒnɡchóu

overall planning for urban and rural areas


city and town

【城镇集体所有】chénɡzhèn jítǐ suǒyǒu

owned by a collective of a town or township

【城镇垃圾】chénɡzhèn lājī

urban refuse

【城镇体系规划】chénɡzhèn tǐxì ɡuīhuà

hierachical urban plan

【城镇污水】chénɡzhèn wūshuǐ

urban sewage




exploitation of one's unfavourable position


fly in/embark on



【程序费用】chénɡxù fèiyònɡ

fee for initiating the process

【《程序规则》】Chénɡxù Guīzé

procedural rules

【程序合法】chénɡxù héfǎ

lawful procedures

【程序和期限】chénɡxù hé qīxiàn

procedure and time limit



【惩办和改造犯罪分子】chénɡbàn hé ɡǎizào fànzuì fènzǐ

punish and reform criminals



【惩罚犯罪】chénɡfá fànzuì

punish crimes

【惩罚和改造相结合】chénɡfá hé ɡǎizào xiānɡ jiéhé

combine punishment with reform

【惩罚性赔偿】chénɡfáxìnɡ péichánɡ

punitive compensation

【惩戒规则】chénɡjiè ɡuīzé

rules of punishment

【惩一儆百】chénɡ yī jǐnɡ bǎi

punish one to warn a hundred


be punished (charged)

【驰名商标】chímínɡ shānɡbiāo

well-known trademark


delay the reporting of

【迟延到达】chíyán dàodá

delay in the arrival

【迟延交付】chíyán jiāofù

delay in delivery

【迟延利息】chíyán lìxī

interest on arrear

【迟延支付】chíyán zhīfù

delay the payment/payment delay

【持不同意见】chí bùtónɡ yìjiàn

hold differing opinion

【持股比例】chíɡǔ bǐlì

shareholding ratio

【持股情况】chíɡǔ qínɡkuànɡ

information regarding the shareholding

【持股数额】chíɡǔ shù'é

amount of stock as held

【持股增减变化】chíɡǔ zēnɡjiǎn biànhuà

increase or decrease in the shareholding


holder of a negotiable instrument


hold guns

【持枪猎捕】chíqiānɡ lièbǔ

hunt with a gun

【持枪抢劫】chíqiānɡ qiǎnɡjié

rob with a gun

【持枪证件】chíqiānɡ zhènɡjiàn

certificate permitting the holding of guns

【持械聚众斗殴】chíxiè jùzhònɡ dòu'ōu

gather people to engage in affray with weapon

【持续稳定】chíxù wěndìnɡ

sustain steady

【持续盈利能力】chíxù yínɡlì nénɡlì

ability to make profits successively

【持用无效出境证件】chíyònɡ wúxiào chūjìnɡ zhènɡjiàn

hold invalid exit certificate



【持有权益】chíyǒu quányì

hold the equity



【持有伪造的货币】chíyǒu wěizào de huòbì

hold forged currency

【持有鸦片】chíyǒu yāpiàn

possess opium

【持有异议】chíyǒu yìyì

have objections to

【持有证券】chíyǒu zhènɡquàn

hold the securities

【持证上岗】chízhènɡ shànɡɡǎnɡ

carry out the duties with identity papers






break through



【充抵收取孳息的费用】chōnɡdǐ shōuqǔ zīxī de fèiyònɡ

pay the expenses for collecting the fruits

【充分的担保】chōnɡfèn de dānbǎo

sure guarantee

【充分发展】chōnɡfèn fāzhǎn

full development

【充分回收】chōnɡfèn huíshōu

fully recover

【充分听取】chōnɡfèn tīnɡqǔ

take into full consideration

【充分发挥作用】chōnɡfèn fāhuī zuòyònɡ

give full scope to one's role

【重复保险】chónɡfù bǎoxiǎn

overlapping insurance/double insurance

【重复保险的投保人】chónɡfù bǎoxiǎn de tóubǎorén

insurance applicant in overlapping insurance

【重复查封】chónɡfù cháfēnɡ

seal up for a second time

【重复抽查】chónɡfù chōuchá

overlapping random checking

【重复担保】chónɡfù dānbǎo

repeatedly guarantee

【重复冻结】chónɡfù dònɡjié

freeze for a second time

【重复认证】chónɡfù rènzhènɡ

duplicative certifications

【重复审计】chónɡfù shěnjì

redundant audit

【重复收费】chónɡfù shōufèi

collect double fee






retrial/new trial

【重审案件】chónɡshěn ànjiàn

retrial of the case

【重新报检】chónɡxīn bàojiǎn

re-application for inspection

【重新产生】chónɡxīn chǎnshēnɡ

be reconstituted

【重新出现】chónɡxīn chūxiàn


【重新处理】chònɡxīn chǔlǐ


【重新核查】chónɡxīn héchá

reexamination and reverification

【重新计算】chónɡxīn jìsuàn


【重新计算审理期限】chónɡxīn jìsuàn shěnlǐ qīxiàn

calculate anew the time limit for handling the case

【重新鉴定】chónɡxīn jiàndìnɡ


【重新勘验】chónɡxīn kānyàn

hold another inquest

【重新申请仲裁】chónɡxīn shēnqǐnɡ zhònɡcái

apply for arbitration again

【重新审理】chónɡxīn shěnlǐ

try the case anew

【重新审判后的判决】chónɡxīn shěnpàn hòu de pànjué

judgment rendered after the retrial

【重新识别】chónɡxīn shíbié

distinguish anew

【重新提出】chónɡxīn tíchū


【重新选举产生】chónɡxīn xuǎnjǔ chǎnshēnɡ

reconstitute by election

【重新引发】chónɡxīn yǐnfā

recurrence of

【重新执业】chónɡxīn zhíyè

take up the job again

【重选的立法会】chónɡxuǎn de lìfǎhuì

new Legislative Council





【重置价格】chónɡzhì jiàɡé

replacement prices








spot check

【抽查检验】chōuchá jiǎnyàn

random inspection





【抽取样品】chōuqǔ yànɡpǐn

randomly select samples


take away

【抽逃出资】chōutáo chūzī

spirit away registered capital

【抽逃出资金额】chōutáo chūzī jīn'é

capital contribution unlawfully taken away

【抽逃资金】chōutáo zījīn

withdraw capital (funds)



【抽样调查】chōuyànɡ diàochá

sampling survey

【抽样检查】chōuyànɡ jiǎnchá

sampling inspection

【抽样检验】chōuyànɡ jiǎnyàn

inspection by taking sample


sampling framework

【筹办事务】chóubàn shìwù

preparatory work



【筹集的资金投向】chóují de zījīn tóuxiànɡ

investment of raised fund

【筹集农业资金】chóují nónɡyè zījīn

raise agricultural funds

【筹集研究开发资金】chóují yánjiū kāifā zījīn

raise funds for research and development

【筹集资金】chóují zījīn

raise funds



【筹建方案】chóujiàn fānɡ'àn

formation preparatory plan

【筹资筹劳】chóu zī chóu láo

obtain funds or manpower



【出版发行事业】chūbǎn fāxínɡ shìyè

publishing and distribution services

【出版范围】chūbǎn fànwéi

publishing scope



【出版淫秽书刊】chūbǎn yínhuì shūkān

publish pornographic book or periodical

【出版自由】chūbǎn zìyóu

freedom of publication

【出厂合格证明】chū chǎnɡ héɡé zhènɡmínɡ

certificate of outgoing quality

【出动警力】chūdònɡ jǐnɡlì

send out policemen

【出发地点】chūfā dìdiǎn

place of departure

【出借公务用枪】chūjiè ɡōnɡwù yònɡqiānɡ

loan guns used for the discharge of official duties

【出借居民身份证】chūjiè jūmín shēnfènzhènɡ

lend the resident identity card

【出借枪支】chūjiè qiānɡzhī

loan guns


dispatch the police to the scene


leave the country/departure from the territory

【出境地海关】chūjìnɡdì hǎiɡuān

customs at the place of departure

【出境定居】chūjìnɡ dìnɡjū

leave the country and settle down abroad

【出境费用】chūjìnɡ fèiyònɡ

exit expenses

【出境旅游者】chūjìnɡ lǚyóuzhě

outbound tourist

【出境入境秩序】chūjìnɡ rùjìnɡ zhìxù

exit or entry procedure/exit or entry order

【出境手续】chūjìnɡ shǒuxù

formalities of leaving the country

【出境许可证】chūjìnɡ xǔkězhènɡ

exit permit

【出境证件】chūjìnɡ zhènɡjiàn

exit certificate



【出具罚款收据】chūjù fákuǎn shōujù

produce a voucher for a fine

【出具公证书】chūjù ɡōnɡzhènɡshū

issue a notarial certificate

【出具伪证】chūjù wěizhènɡ

present false evidence

【出口关税】chūkǒu ɡuānshuì

export duties

【出口配额】chūkǒu pèi'é

export quotas



【出口食品】chūkǒu shípǐn

export food

【出口适航证书】chūkǒu shì hánɡ zhènɡshū

export airworthiness certificate

【出口收汇核销单】chūkǒu shōuhuì héxiāodān

verification and writing off document for export proceed

【出口退税】chūkǒu tuìshuì

export tax refund



【出卖或者赠送的档案】chūmài huòzhě zènɡsònɡ de dànɡ'àn

archives that has been sold or given away

【出卖亲生子女】chūmài qīnshēnɡ zǐnǚ

sell his or her own child



【出卖血液】chūmài xuèyè

sell blood




place of issue

【出票地法律】chūpiàodì fǎlǜ

law of the place of issue

【出票后定期付款】chūpiào hòu dìnɡqī fùkuǎn

payable at a fixed period after the date of issue


drawer of a bill/maker of a promissory note


date of issue

【出票事项】chūpiào shìxiànɡ

particulars relating to the issue

【出票行为】chūpiào xínɡwéi

issue of cheques

【出缺】chū quē

become vacant/fall vacant





【出让合同】chūrànɡ hétonɡ

granting contract/contract on transfer


expenses for assignment



【出入境边防检查机关】chūrùjìnɡ biānfánɡ jiǎnchá jīɡuān

exit and entry border inspection authorities

【出入境的自由】chūrùjìnɡ de zìyóu

freedom to enter or leave the territory

【出入境管理机构】chūrùjìnɡ ɡuǎnlǐ jīɡòu

exit-entry control department

【出入境管制】chūrùjìnɡ ɡuǎnzhì

immigration control

【出入境通行证】chūrùjìnɡ tōnɡxínɡzhènɡ

Entry-Exit Pass

【出入境证件】chūrùjìnɡ zhènɡjiàn

exit and entry certificates



【出生或者死亡】chūshēnɡ huòzhě sǐwánɡ

birth or death

【出生缺陷预防】chūshēnɡ quēxiàn yùfánɡ

prevention of birth defects

【出生时】chūshēnɡ shí

at birth

【出生证明】chūshēnɡ zhènɡmínɡ

certificate for childbirth/certificate of birth

【出示工作证件】chūshì ɡōnɡzuò zhènɡjiàn

show one's work certificate

【出示合法证件】chūshì héfǎ zhènɡjiàn

show the legitimate certificate

【出示客票】chūshì kèpiào

produce the passenger ticket

【出示相应证件】chūshì xiānɡyìnɡ zhènɡjiàn

produce an appropriate certificate

【出示证件】chūshì zhènɡjiàn

show the paper

【出示执法证件】chūshì zhífǎ zhènɡjiàn

produce the certificate for law-enforcement



【出售、购买伪造的货币】chūshòu,ɡòumǎi wěizào de huòbì

sell or buy counterfeit currency/sell or purchase forged currency

【出售伪造的增值税专用发票】chūshòu wěizào de zēnɡzhíshuì zhuānyònɡ fāpiào

sell forged special invoices for value-added tax


appear in court/entry of appearance/presence

【出庭作证】chūtínɡ zuòzhènɡ

give testimony in court



【出席法庭】chūxí fǎtínɡ

attend the court session

【出席会议】chūxí huìyì

attend a meeting

【出席会议的股东】chūxí huìyì de ɡǔdōnɡ

shareholders in presence



【出现重大风险时】chūxiàn zhònɡdà fēnɡxiǎn shí

where any major risk occurs

【出于故意或者过失】chūyú ɡùyì huòzhě ɡuòshī

due to intent or negligence

【出于他人胁迫】chūyú tārén xiépò

under the coercion by another person

【出证放行】chūzhènɡ fànɡxínɡ

issue certificate to release commodity

【出质财产】chūzhì cáichǎn

pledged property




make capital contributions

【出资比例】chūzī bǐlì

percentage of the capital contribution/investment proportion


amount of capital contribution

【出资方式】chūzī fānɡshì

form of investment/way of contributing investment

【出资期限】chūzī qīxiàn

time limit set on capital contribution

【出资清单】chūzī qīnɡdān

list of capital contribution

【出资人权利】chūzīrén quánlì

contributor's rights

【出资人权益】chūzīrén quányì

rights and interests of the investors

【出资人职责】chūzīrén zhízé

duty of the investor/contributor's function

【出资设立】chūzī shèlì

invest to establish

【出资时间】chūzī shíjiān

date of capital contributions

【出资义务】chūzī yìwù

obligation of capital contribution

【出资证明书】chūzī zhènɡmínɡshū

capital contribution certificate

【出资种类】chūzī zhǒnɡlèi

category of contributed capital

【出资最多】chūzī zuìduō

make the largest percentage of capital contributions

【出租或批给】chūzū huò pīɡěi

lease or grant to

【出租居民身份证】chūzū jūmín shēnfènzhènɡ

lease the resident identity card


right of lease



【初步方案】chūbù fānɡ'àn

preliminary plan

【初步审查】chūbù shěnchá

preliminary examination (review)

【初步审议】chūbù shěnyì

preliminary deliberation

【初步证据】chūbù zhènɡjù

prima facie evidence/preliminary evidence

【初等教育】chūděnɡ jiàoyù

primary education

【初等义务教育】chūděnɡ yìwù jiàoyù

compulsory primary education


first offender

【初级法院】chūjí fǎyuàn

primary court

【初级中学教师】chūjí zhōnɡxué jiàoshī

teacher in a junior middle school

【初任法官】chūrèn fǎɡuān

beginner of judges

【初任培训】chūrèn péixùn

training for the newly recruited persons

【除本法另有规定】chú běnfǎ lìnɡyǒu ɡuīdìnɡ

unless otherwise prescribed by this law


dust removal

【除法律另有规定外】chú fǎlǜ lìnɡyǒu ɡuīdìnɡ wài

unless it is otherwise provided for by any law

【除害】chú hài

disinfection and disinfestation

【除假期外】chú jiǎqī wài

except during vacations

【除名决议】chúmínɡ juéyì

resolution on one's expulsion

【除前款规定外】chú qiánkuǎn ɡuīdìnɡ wài

besides the above provisions

【除使用中文外】chú shǐyònɡ Zhōnɡwén wài

in addition to the Chinese language

【除外责任】chúwài zérèn

perils excepted

【除限制人身自由以外的】chú xiànzhì rénshēn zìyóu yǐwài de

with the exception of restricting freedom of person

【储备基金】chǔbèi jījīn

reserve fund



【储存煤炭的场地】chǔcún méitàn de chǎnɡdì

coal stockyard

【储存危险物品】chǔcún wēixiǎn wùpǐn

storage of hazardous substance

【储蓄存款】chǔxù cúnkuǎn

household deposits



【处罚的种类和依据】chǔfá de zhǒnɡlèi hé yījù

type and basis of the penalty

【处罚根据】chǔfá ɡēnjù

basis of penalty

【处罚较重的规定】chǔfá jiàozhònɡ de ɡuīdìnɡ

provisions for a heavier punishment

【处罚决定】chǔfá juédìnɡ

decision on punishment

【处罚决定书】chǔfá juédìnɡshū

written decision on the penalty

【处罚期满】chǔfá qīmǎn

expiration of the period of punishment

【处罚通知】chǔfá tōnɡzhī

penalty notice

【处罚依据】chǔfá yījù

basis for the penalty


entitled to prescribe


sanction/take disciplinary action against/punish/disposal

【处分财产】chǔfèn cáichǎn

dispose of the property


right of disposal

【处境危急】chǔjìnɡ wēijí

critical situation


handle/dispose of/manage/deal with/cope with/settle

【处理办法】chǔlǐ bànfǎ

method for disposition

【处理不当】chǔlǐ bùdànɡ

improper handle


treatment facilities

【处理非法持有的证券】chǔlǐ fēifǎ chíyǒu de zhènɡquàn

dispose the securities as illegally held

【处理废水】chǔlǐ fèishuǐ

disposal of waste water

【处理费用】chǔlǐ fèiyònɡ

handling expenses

【处理过程】chǔlǐ ɡuòchénɡ


【处理矿山事故】chǔlǐ kuànɡshān shìɡù

dispose of accident in mine

【处理恰当】chǔlǐ qiàdànɡ

proper handling

【处理外交事务】chǔlǐ wàijiāo shìwù

deal with foreign affairs

【处理相邻关系】chǔlǐ xiānɡlín ɡuānxì

govern neighboring relations

【处理疫情】chǔlǐ yìqínɡ

handle in respect of animal epidemics

【处理争议】chǔlǐ zhēnɡyì

have the dispute decided

【处一千元以下的罚款】chǔ yīqiānyuán yǐxià de fákuǎn

impose a fine of up to 1,000 yuan

【处以罚款】chǔyǐ fákuǎn

impose a fine



【处置办法】chǔzhì bànfǎ

measures for disposing of

【处置不当】chǔzhì bùdànɡ

fail to handle appropriately

【处置措施】chǔzhì cuòshī

handling measures

【处置固体废物】chǔzhì ɡùtǐ fèiwù

treatment of solid waste

【处置和继承】chǔzhì hé jìchénɡ

disposal and inheritance


right of disposition

【处置装备】chǔzhì zhuānɡbèi

gear for handling




animal-drawn cart

【畜禽标识】chùqín biāoshí

label of livestock or poultry

【畜禽标识代码】chùqín biāoshí dàimǎ

labels and codes for the livestock and poultry

【畜禽产品】chùqín chǎnpǐn

livestock and poultry products

【畜禽集散地】chùqín jísàndì

places where livestock and poultry are collected and distributed

【畜禽良种工程】chùqín liánɡzhǒnɡ ɡōnɡchénɡ

fine livestock and poultry breed project

【畜禽品种的选育】chùqín pǐnzhǒnɡ de xuǎnyù

selective breeding of different strains of livestock and poultry

【畜禽生产规范】chùqín shēnɡchǎn ɡuīfàn

productive specifications in respect of livestock and poultry

【畜禽新品种、配套系】chùqín xīn pǐnzhǒnɡ,pèitàoxì

new strains of livestock and poultry, the synthetic strains

【畜禽养殖者】chù-qín yǎnɡzhízhě

breeder of livestock and poultry

【畜禽遗传资源】chù-qín yíchuán zīyuán

genetic resources of livestock and poultry

【畜禽遗传资源保护制度】chù-qín yíchuán zīyuán bǎohù zhìdù

system for protection of the genetic resources of livestock and poultry

【畜禽遗传资源委员会】chù-qín yíchuán zīyuán wěiyuánhuì

commission for genetic resources of livestock and poultry



【触犯法律】chùfàn fǎlǜ

violate (break) the law

【触犯刑律】chùfàn xínɡlǜ

violate the criminal law/break the criminal law


cut in

【穿插超越】chuānchā chāoyuè

intercept or overpass



【传播计算机病毒】chuánbō jìsuànjī bìnɡdú

spread computer viruse

【传播检疫传染病】chuánbō jiǎnyì chuánrǎnbìnɡ

transmit quarantinable infectious disease

【传播媒介】chuánbō méijiè

media/dissemination medium


right of dissemination

【传播虚假信息】chuánbō xūjiǎ xìnxī

disseminate false information

【传播严重危险】chuánbō yánzhònɡ wēixiǎn

grave danger of the spread/in great danger of being spread

【传播淫秽物品】chuánbō yínhuì wùpǐn

disseminate pornographic materials





【传唤当事人】chuánhuàn dānɡshìrén

summon the party

【传唤到指定地点】chuánhuàn dào zhǐdìnɡ dìdiǎn

summon to a designated place






infectious disease

【传染病病人】chuánrǎnbìnɡ bìnɡrén

infectious disease patient

【传染病病原体】chuánrǎnbìnɡ bìnɡyuántǐ

infectious disease pathogens

【传染病病原携带者】chuánrǎnbìnɡ bìnɡyuán xiédàizhě

pathogen carrier of an infectious disease

【传染病防治】chuánrǎnbìnɡ fánɡzhì

prevent and treat infectious diseases

【传染病监测】chuánrǎnbìnɡ jiāncè

monitor infectious diseases

【传染病嫌疑】chuánrǎnbìnɡ xiányí

suspected infectious diseases

【传染病疫情】chuánrǎnbìnɡ yìqínɡ

epidemic situation of infectious diseases

【传染病预测】chuánrǎnbìnɡ yùcè

forecast infectious diseases

【传染病预防】chuánrǎnbìnɡ yùfánɡ

prevention of infectious diseases

【传染病预检】chuánrǎnbìnɡ yùjiǎn

preliminary in respect of infectious diseases

【传染病预警】chuánrǎnbìnɡ yùjǐnɡ

early warning of infectious diseases

【传染病原体】chuánrǎnbìnɡ yuántǐ

infectious pathogen


subpoena /serving of process

【传授犯罪方法】chuánshòu fànzuì fānɡfǎ

teach another person how to commit a crime/impart criminal methods

【传送确认书】chuánsònɡ quèrènshū

confirmation of transmission



【传输安全】chuánshū ānquán

transmission security

【传输加密】chuánshū jiāmì

transmission encryption

【传统民族节日】chuántǒnɡ mínzú jiérì

traditional festivals of the ethnic groups

【传统权益】chuántǒnɡ quányì

traditional rights and interests

【传统中医药】chuántǒnɡ zhōnɡyīyào

traditional Chinese medicine


summon/summon for interrogation or trial/subpoena/cite



【船舶、设施上的人员】chuánbó,shèshī shànɡ de rényuán

personnel on vessels and installation



【船舶安全】chuánbó ānquán

vessels' safety

【船舶被扣押】chuánbó bèikòuyā

ship be arrested

【船舶的缺陷】chuánbó de quēxiàn

defect of the ship

【船舶登记】chuánbó dēnɡjì

shipping register

【船舶登记机关】chuánbó dēnɡjì jīɡuān

ship registration authority

【船舶抵押纠纷提起的诉讼】chuánbó dǐyā jiūfēn tíqǐ de sùsònɡ

lawsuit brought on a ship mortgage

【船舶抵押权】chuánbó dǐyāquán

right of mortgage with respect to a ship

【船舶吨税】chuánbó dūnshuì

ship's tonnage dues

【船舶共有人】chuánbó ɡònɡyǒurén

joint owner of a ship

【船舶国籍证书】chuánbó ɡuójí zhènɡshū

certificate showing the nationality of a ship

【船舶技术资料】chuánbó jìshù zīliào

technical information of the ship

【船舶价款】chuánbó jiàkuǎn

price of a ship

【船舶扣押地】chuánbó kòuyādì

place where the ship is arrested

【船舶留置权】chuánbó liúzhìquán

possessory lien

【船舶拍卖】chuánbó pāimài

auction sale of the ship

【船舶碰撞】chuánbó pènɡzhuànɡ

collision of ship

【船舶碰撞的请求权】chuánbó pènɡzhuànɡ de qǐnɡqiúquán

claim with collision of ship

【船舶所有权】chuánbó suǒyǒuquán

ownership of a ship

【船舶所有权登记手续】chuánbó suǒyǒuquán dēnɡjì shǒuxù

formality for registration of the ship's ownership

【船舶所有权证书】chuánbó suǒyǒuquán zhènɡshū

certificate of ownership

【船舶所有权注销登记】chuánbó suǒyǒuquán zhùxiāo dēnɡjì

cancellation of registration of the ship's ownership

【船舶所有人】chuánbó suǒyǒurén

owner of a ship/shipowner

【船舶现状】chuánbó xiànzhuànɡ

current condition of the ship

【船舶移交手续】chuánbó yíjiāo shǒuxù

procedure for the transfer of the ship

【船舶移交完毕确认书】chuánbó yíjiāo wánbì quèrènshū

letter of confirmation of ship's delivery

【船舶优先权】chuánbó yōuxiānquán

maritime lien

【船舶优先权催告】chuánbó yōuxiānquán cuīɡào

publicizing notice for assertion of maritime liens

【船舶转租】chuánbó zhuǎnzū

sublet the ship


port of registry

【船籍港所在地】chuánjíɡǎnɡ suǒzàidì

place of ship registry


ship's hull

【船期损失】chuánqī sǔnshī



flag State of the ship

【船旗国法律】chuánqíɡuó fǎlǜ

law of the flag State

【船上人员】chuán shànɡ rényuán

person on board


ship or craft

【船用物料】chuányònɡ wùliào

materials used by a ship

【船员的任用】chuányuán de rènyònɡ

employment of the crew

【船员劳务合同】chuányuán láowù hétonɡ

maritime contract of employment of crew

【船员遣返】chuányuán qiǎnfǎn

crew repatriation

【船载货物】chuánzài huòwù

goods on board


ship lock


tally one's confessions/statement based on collusion





【串通投标】chuàntōnɡ tóubiāo

collude with another person in a tender/collusion with each other in bidding

【创办研究开发机构】chuànɡbàn yánjiū kāifā jīɡòu

establish research and development institution

【创立大会】chuànɡlì dàhuì

establishment meeting

【创业能力】chuànɡyè nénɡlì

capability of starting undertakings

【创业培训】chuànɡyè péixùn

training for starting undertakings

【创业投资企业】chuànɡyè tóuzī qǐyè

enterprise investing in pioneering projects



【创造公平就业的环境】chuànɡzào ɡōnɡpínɡ jiùyè de huánjìnɡ

create an environment for fair employment

【创造环境和条件】chuànɡzào huánjìnɡ hé tiáojiàn

create the environment and conditions



【创造性工作】chuànɡzàoxìnɡ ɡōnɡzuò

creative work



【创作作品的公民】chuànɡzuò zuòpǐn de ɡōnɡmín

citizen who has created the work


Spring Festival




drop out of school

【慈善事业】císhàn shìyè

philanthropic undertakings/charity


resign from






dismissal pay

【辞退职工】cítuì zhíɡōnɡ

dismiss the staff members and workers



【次日起】cìrì qǐ

from the next day

【次生事件】cìshēnɡ shìjiàn

secondary incidents

【次生灾害】cìshēnɡ zāihài

secondary disasters

【次生灾害源】cìshēnɡ zāihàiyuán

sources of secondary disasters

【次小薪材】cì-xiǎo xīncái

small firewood


secretly ɡatherinɡ

【从代表中选出】cónɡ dàibiǎo zhōnɡ xuǎnchū

elected from among the deputies

【从第三人取得】cónɡ dì-sānrén qǔdé

obtained from the third person



【从各级财政列支】cónɡ ɡèjí cáizhènɡ lièzhī

pay by the administrative organ with money drawn from the local government's finance

【从境外引进】cónɡ jìnɡwài yǐnjìn

be introduced from abroad

【从哪里来、回哪里去的原则】cónɡ nàlǐ lái,huí nàlǐ qù de yuánzé

principle of returning to the place where they came from

【从其】cónɡ qí


【从其约定】cónɡ qí yuēdìnɡ

agreement shall prevail/agreement shall be complied with/agreement shall apply

【从轻处罚情节】cónɡqīnɡ chǔfá qínɡjié

circumstances of a crime calling for a lighter penalty

【从轻或者减轻处罚】cónɡqīnɡ huòzhě jiǎnqīnɡ chǔfá

give a lighter or mitigated punishment

【从轻减轻处罚】cónɡqīnɡ jiǎnqīnɡ chǔfá

relatively light or mitigated punishment

【从权利】cónɡ quánlì

accessory rights

【从实际出发】cónɡ shíjì chūfā

based on actual circumstances


engage in

【从事法学教育】cónɡshì fǎxué jiàoyù

engage in legal education

【从事飞行】cónɡshì fēixínɡ

engage in flight operation

【从事公务的人员】cónɡshì ɡōnɡwù de rényuán

person who is engaged in public service

【从事广告活动】cónɡshì ɡuǎnɡɡào huódònɡ

carry out advertising activity

【从事或者控制的】cónɡshì huòzhě kònɡzhì de

performed or controlled

【从事货物运输】cónɡshì huòwù yùnshū

performance of carriage of goods

【从事建筑活动】cónɡshì jiànzhù huódònɡ

engage in construction activity

【从事教育】cónɡshì jiàoyù

engage in education

【从事戒毒治疗业务】cónɡshì jièdú zhìliáo yèwù

engage in the treatment of drug addiction

【从事煤炭生产】cónɡshì méitàn shēnɡchǎn

engage in coal production

【从事内幕交易】cónɡshì nèimù jiāoyì

involved in any insider trading

【从事邪教、会道门活动】cónɡshì xiéjiào,huìdàomén huódònɡ

engage in activity of cults and superstitious sects

【从事证券投资】cónɡshì zhènɡquàn tóuzī

engage in any security investment

【从事职业中介活动】cónɡshì zhíyè zhōnɡjiè huódònɡ

in intermediary activity for employment

【从属关系】cónɡshǔ ɡuānxì

subordinate relationship



【从业凭证】cónɡyè pínɡzhènɡ

qualifying certificates to seek employment

【从业人员】cónɡyè rényuán


【从业资格】cónɡyè zīɡé

qualifications to engage in business

【从债务】cónɡ zhàiwù

accessory debt

【从重处罚】cónɡzhònɡ chǔfá

give a heavier punishment


contributed to

【促进公路建设】cùjìn ɡōnɡlù jiànshè

promote the construction of highway

【促进和协调】cùjìn hé xiétiáo

promote and coordinate

【促进机制】cùjìn jīzhì

mechanism for promoting

【促进就业】cùjìn jiùyè

promote employment

【促进就业的目标责任制度】cùjìn jiùyè de mùbiāo zérèn zhìdù

target responsibility system for promotion of employment


tampered with

【篡改统计资料】cuànɡǎi tǒnɡjì zīliào

tamper with statistical data


urge/publicizing notice for assertion/exigent

【催收债权】cuīshōu zhàiquán

collect on claims

【村规民约】cūnɡuī mínyuē

village rules and farmers' agreements

【村集体经济组织】cūn jítǐ jīnɡjì zǔzhī

village economic collective

【村民会议】cūnmín huìyì

villager assembly

【村民会议授权】cūnmín huìyì shòuquán

authorization of the villagers assembly

【村民委员会】cūnmín wěiyuánhuì

villagers' committee

【村民小组】cūnmín xiǎozǔ

villagers' team

【村民意愿】cūnmín yìyuàn

will of the villagers

【村民自治】cūnmín zìzhì

self-government by the villagers

【村民自治章程】cūnmín zìzhì zhānɡchénɡ

villager charter of self-government

【村提留】cūn tíliú

funds raised by the village to be retained

【村务公开】cūnwù ɡōnɡkāi

open administration of village affairs


village postal station

【村庄发展布局】cūnzhuānɡ fāzhǎn bùjú

arrangements for the development of the villages

【村庄规划】cūnzhuānɡ ɡuīhuà

village plan

【存储安全】cúnchǔ ānquán

storage security

【存储空间】cúnchǔ kōnɡjiān

storage space/memory space

【存储系统安全】cúnchǔ xìtǒnɡ ānquán

storage system security

【存档备查】cúndànɡ bèichá

file for the record/archive record for future reference





【存管和结算】cúnɡuǎn hé jiésuàn

custody and settlement

【存货成本】cúnhuò chénɡběn

cost of the inventory



【存款本金】cúnkuǎn běnjīn

principal of deposits


certificate of deposit

【存款金额】cúnkuǎn jīn'é

amount deposited/saving amount

【存款利率】cúnkuǎn lìlǜ

interest rates on deposits

【存款情况】cúnkuǎn qínɡkuànɡ

deposit account

【存款余额】cúnkuǎn yú'é

outstanding deposit

【存款账户】cúnkuǎn zhànɡhù

deposit account

【存款准备金】cúnkuǎn zhǔnbèijīn

deposit reserve


continue to exist

【存续期间】cúnxù qījiān

during its existence



【存在的必要性】cúnzài de bìyàoxìnɡ

necessity of existence




mistaken complaint


erroneous arrest

【错误出证】cuòwù chūzhènɡ

issue a false certificate

【错误告知】cuòwù ɡàozhī

wrongly informed