
第25章 The Ideological Giants 思想巨人(5)

Beginning with his A Treatise of Human Nature (1739), Hume strove to create a total naturalistic “science of man” that examined the psychological basis of human nature。 In stark opposition to the rationalists who preceded him, most notably Descartes, he concluded that desire rather than reason governed human behavior, saying famously: “Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions。” A prominent figure in the skeptical philosophical tradition and a strong empiricist, he argued against the existence of innate ideas, concluding instead that humans have knowledge only of things they directly experience。 Thus he divides perceptions between strong and lively “impressions” or direct sensations and fainter “ideas,” which are copied from impressions。 He developed the position that mental behavior is governed by “custom”; our use of induction, for example, is justified only by our idea of the “constant conjunction” of causes and effects。 Without direct impressions of a metaphysical “self,” he concluded that humans have no actual conception of the self, only of a bundle of sensations associated with the self。 Hume advocated a compatibilist theory of free will that proved extremely influential on subsequent moral philosophy。 He was also a sentimentalist who held that ethics are based on feelings rather than abstract moral principles。 Hume also examined the normative is–ought problem。 He held notoriously ambiguous views of Christianity, but famously challenged the argument from design in his Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (1779)。

Kant credited Hume with waking him up from his “dogmatic slumbers” and Hume has proved extremely influential on subsequent philosophy, especially on utilitarianism, logical positivism, William James, philosophy of science, early analytic philosophy, cognitive philosophy, and other movements and thinkers。 The philosopher Jerry Fodor proclaimed Hume’s Treatise “the founding document of cognitive science”。 Also famous as a prose stylist, Hume pioneered the essay as a literary genre and engaged with contemporary intellectual luminaries such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Adam Smith (who acknowledged Hume’s influence on his economics and political philosophy), James Boswell, Joseph Butler, and Thomas Reid。

大卫·休谟,苏格兰哲学家,出生在苏格兰的一个贵族家庭,曾经学过法律,并从事过商业活动。1734年,休谟第一次到法国,在法国他开始研究哲学,并从事著述活动。1763年,休谟又去法国,担任英国驻法国使馆的秘书,代理过公使。1752年至1761年,休谟曾进行过英国史的编撰工作。休谟的主要著作有:《人性论》(1739——1740)、《人类理解研究》(1748)、《道德原则研究》(1752)和《宗教的自然史》(1757)等。与约翰·洛克(John Locke)及乔治·贝克莱(George Berkeley)并称三大英国经验主义者。


Key words & Sentences


I believe David Hume and Bertrand Russell。


The issue of the rationality of inductive inference was raised by David Hume at first。


John Locke, George Berkeley, and David Hume are classical representatives of empiricism。


The empiricist David Hume had argued that there were serious logical problems with induction。


An answer may lie in work by David Hume。


His great sparring partner was his friend and fellow Scot David Hume, who taught Smith many of his best punches。


Euclid and Shelley, Edmund Spenser and Herbert Spencer, King David and David Hume, are all followers of the art of letters。


David Hume, the great Scottish philosopher, argued, the monetary mechanism is one way of achieving this outcome。


The roots of conservatism go back to philosophers of the 17th and 18th centuries, such as John Locke, David Hume and Adam Smith。


Centuries ago philosophers such as David Hume and Jean-Jacques Rousseau emphasized the crucial role of human nature in social interactions。


In the history of aesthetics, David Hume was the first person explicitly stated the idea of “taste”。


The first and oldest, the quantity theory, promoted in the 18th century David Hume, assumes that prices will rise as the supply of money increases。


David Hume suggested that “the amusements, which are the most durable, have all a mixture of application and attention in them; such as gaming and hunting。”


David Hume is a representative figure of the Enlightenment in Scotland。


David Hume has a great influence in western society。


David Hume pointed it out two and a half centuries ago。


If forced to choose between two vices, luxury and sloth David Hume would have preferred luxury, because to banish it without curing sloth would only diminish industry。


It answered the skepticism of David Hume。


Let’s Talk!


Mike: I am confused with all these philosophies。


Daisy: Who’s philosophy·


Mike: Lots of thinkers, they all have different beliefs。


Daisy: Then who do you believe·


Mike: I tend to believe more of empiricism。


Daisy: Who is the representative of empiricism·


Mike: I remember David Hume is。


Daisy: I’ve heard of his name。


Mike: I like his theory; I think he is very realistic。 And I’m a realistic person。


Daisy: Could you tell me a little bit about his philosophy·


Mike: I can’t remember clearly, how about I tell you after the next class。


Daisy: Great!


