
第104章 Trendy Lifestyle 潮流生活(16)

美国广播公司(ABC=American Broadcasting Company)家庭电视广播网(HBO=Home Box Office)

Prime time黄金时段




Rating 抽样收视率



Key words & Sentences


Friends is Channel 4’s top-rating comedy, regularly attracting three million viewers。


Director Hames Burrows, responsible for many of the early episodes of Friends, also directed Taxi, Cheers and The Mary Tyler Moore Show。

执导《老友记》早期大部分剧集的导演黑姆斯?伯罗斯,还执导过《出租车(Taxi)》、 《干杯(Cheers)》和《玛丽?泰勒?摩尔秀(The Mary Tyler Moore Show)》。

The cast apparently get on as well in real life as they do on screen。 They play poker and Scrabble together, and the girls often shop with each other。 The rumor that they had made a pact never to sleep together is untrue。


24 showed us the Individualism that the American praise highly, the leading role of 24, whose name is Jack Bauer, can accomplish anything that you can imagine。

《24小时》无疑是美国人“个人英雄主义”的完美表现,主角Jack Bauer(绰号小强)无所不能。

“24” premiered on airwaves in November 2001, shortly after the September 11 attacks in the United States, and over the course of eight seasons。


Its stories often echoed real-life events and controversies。 Some episodes sparked heated debates about the effectiveness of torture, and others touched on issues of press freedom and nuclear arms。


Another hot TV show “Lost” finale cops an average of 13。5 million viewers in the United States, with fans hardly finding out answers to all of the questions posed by the six-season serials。


“Lost” won the Emmy Awards for best drama series in 2005 for its first season, then went missing for two years。


“Lost” returned to the series race in 2008 and 2009, losing both times to “Mad Men”。


Watching American TV sitcoms can be fun。 You can enjoy the dramatic plots, get a glimpse of foreign culture, and also learn real English。


Even socialites get the winter blues, as the Gossip Girl’s starlet trades in Serena’s colorful designer duds for a somber wool trench coat, Carlos Falchi purse and classic riding boots on N。Y。C’s Upper East Side。


After locking lips with Coach Beiste, Glee’s #1 teacher is all business in between takes for the hit TV series in Glendale, Calif。


Let’s Talk!


Jessie: Have you seen the new American TV show Lie to me?


Kate: Yes。 I just finished the first season last Friday。


Jessie: Would you like to marry someone who can spot your lies?


Kate: Never ever。 That would be horrible。 I think everyone deserves some privacy。 Luckily, my husband is not a super Lightman。 He is a dumb。

凯特:不。那是件很恐怖的事情。我觉得每个人都有自己的隐私。幸运的是,我老公不是莱特曼(lie to me的男主人公)。他就是个傻瓜。

Jessie: No, he is not。 He is kind of cute, actually。 But you are right we can’t tell the truth all the time。 Life is full of lies, white lies, or what ever kind of lie it is。


Kate: I can’t agree with you more。 My husband came home very late last night。 So I studied his eyebrows this morning。


Jessie: Did you find anything, detective?


Kate: Yes。 I found a lipstick in his pocket。 Sometimes, I wish I were slow and stupid。


Jessie: Kate。 I did not mean to hide from you。 But …杰西:凯特,我本来不想瞒着你的。但是……

Kate: Sorry, what were you saying? What has happened to my husband? Did he have an affair?


Jessie: No, of course not。 I accompanied him to buy the lipstick as a birthday present for you。 He meant it as a surprise, but you found it。


Kate: I was scared。 It doesn’t matter。 Remember what I have learned in the American TV, and I will just pretend that I don’t know anything。


Jessie: Ok。


Wonderful Nightlife



Realize Wonderful Nightlife



Most people like to travel and most people who like to travel also like to explore the cities that they have a chance to travel to。 In fact, many people like to travel to cities that have a rich and interesting history。 San Francisco is a city that has a rich and interesting history。 San Francisco is known for its transportation, especially its cable cars。 San Francisco is also known for its hilly streets and its earthquakes。

Restaurants, hotels, and jazz clubs are a vital part of nightlife San Francisco。 There are many great restaurants in San Francisco。 For example, there are many great and authentic Chinese restaurants in Chinatown。 The tangerine beef is a specialty in most restaurants in Chinatown。 There is also a wide variety of soups such as egg flower soup and hot and sour soup in Chinatown。 In addition, Chinatown is the place to shop in San Francisco if people which to purchase genuine Chinese products。 Moreover, Chinatown is a wonderful place to absorb and learn about Chinese culture。 All of these reasons make Chinatown part of nightlife San Francisco。 Another great restaurant in San Francisco is called The Iron Horse。 The Iron Horse serves steaks and has a wide variety of desserts。 The Iron Horse also has a full service bar that will mix any drink that people could imagine。 Moreover, there are many jazz clubs in San Francisco。 Jazz clubs account for many of the San Francisco night clubs。