
第74章 Marriage and Family 家庭两性(6)

Nonetheless, isn’t naked marriage a bit too much? I think it’s safer to live separately instead。


Those men who want naked marriage are irresponsible, because you never think about contributing to a good life with your other half!


It’s not that women are more realistic, but because our society is still male-centered, which means that the bulk of the family’s responsibility still falls on men。


This also proves that our ladies still realize this fact and behave accordingly, and that the gentlemen do not have the courage to take on this responsibility。


In every society, wealth is linked to time。 Young people have the desire but not the power to consume。


Modern society’s solution to the dilemma is through financial innovation, transferring elder people’s excess consuming capacity to young people on credit。


Let’s Talk!


Ann: You look tired。


Lily: Yes, very。


Ann: What’s wrong with you?


Lily: My brother got married yesterday。


Ann: Congratulations。


Lily: Thanks you。 But I found that getting married is a trouble!


Ann: Oh? Why?


Lily: It costs too much money, and it needs a lot of energy。


Ann: That’s right; it is quite expensive to get married nowadays。 And there is a term called “marriage slave” to refer to a person who fall into trouble in life after spending a lot of money on his wedding ceremony and banquets。


Lily: I agree, but I don’t want to spend too much time and much on this。


Ann: Then, you can choose “flat marriage”。 You don’t have to have a banquet or a car or house。 Just spend nine yuan to register。


Lily: I like the idea。 It is simple and free。 I don’t think the form is so important, what matters is love。 Don’t you think so?


Ann: I agree with you。


Mixed Marriages



Realize Mixed Marriages



A transnational marriage is a marriage between two people from different countries。 A variety of special issues arise in marriages between people from different countries, including those related to citizenship and culture, which add complexity and challenges to these kinds of relationships。

In an age of increasing globalization, where an increasing number of people have ties to networks of people and places across the globe, rather than to a current geographic location, people are increasingly marrying across national boundaries。 Transnational marriage is a by-product of the movement and migration of people。

Transnational marriage may occur when someone from one country visits or lives in another country for school, work, political asylum, refuge, or due to their family relocating。 In general terms, reasons for transnational marriage are:

Becoming attracted to a citizen of one’s host country and marrying them。 This is usually a cross-cultural marriage, although there are times in which that citizen may be from the same culture。 Marrying a citizen of the host country may help in becoming a citizen of that land and staying there permanently。 Sometimes the host culture is the one with which the person identifies, and thus desires to marry someone of that culture rather than someone from their “home” culture。

Obstacles to transnational marriages:

Citizenship of two or more nations—one or both spouses must change citizenship or become a dual citizen。 Changing one’s citizenship can be a long process, and for some it is an ordeal of negotiating the laws and language of a new country。

Culture—Learning how to live with a new spouse where cultural assumptions and norms may vary greatly。


mixed marriage异族通婚

cross-country marriage 跨国婚姻

marriage of convenience/a marriage for expediency rather than love利益婚姻late marriage晚婚

world connected by the Internet世界是网络一线牵marriage fraud骗婚

marriage scam诈婚

blindly admire and adore all things foreign崇洋媚外the grass always look greener on the other side of the fence别人篱笆里边的草总比自家篱笆的草看上去要绿differences in language, culture, and everyday living habits语言文化,生活习惯上的差异marriage for convenience


mail order foreign brides

邮寄外国新娘,指的是男子在支付一定费用之后就可通过国际婚介公司所提供网页上“挑选并购入”远在海洋对面的国外新娘dating outside your culture


meet a foreigner结识外籍人士

set our mindset right把心态要摆正

to bear and cope with the differences多包容to forgive and be considerate多体谅


Key words & Sentences


Falling in love with an exotic handsome prince is easy, but maintaining the cross-border marriage and enjoying a happy family life turn out to be much more difficult and challenging。


Frequent migration across borders, driven by the country’s rapid economic growth, is a major reason behind the growing number of mixed marriages。


In the age of globalization, the international matchmaking industry — still known in many circles as the mail-order bride trade — is thriving like never before。


The transnational marriage is not a new word which appears after the reform and opening policy, actually it originated in the ancient time。


The marriage of Songzanganbu and Princess Wencheng created a much-told tale and greatly consolidated the regiment of Tang dynasty。