
第12章 在嫘祖圣地前(2)

To Thee, O Ancestor of the Silken World, a humble man, with face to earth,which thou didst bless and make glad, asks of thee in all the humility ofhis soul to hear his prayer of praise and petition.

To Thee, O Ancestor of a Noble Work, it is not given that thou shouldsthearken unto my words, for in the celestial world of the Seven Springs a million millions of them that drewfrom thee on earth the breath of their souls and the food of their bodies are now thy meekest servants and subjects; and the voices of their praise mustring so loud and sweet to thine ears that these rough words of mine are but as jarring sounds of discord.

To Thee, O Gladsome Queen of a Gladsome Art, it cannot be known that one so poorand miserable as I doth even in thy

loved land exist, much less that thy most degraded petitioner did in all his dayshonour and praise thy name, sing thy glories, pray for them that prayed to thee, thoughtby day and dreamed by night of all the vast goodness thou didst bestow upon this Flowery Land.

But, O Transcendent Lady of the Ancient Sin,I, thy miserable petitioner, did, when a boy, labour among the trees of the mulberry, feed with tender care the creatures thou didst teach to spin, threaded from their shells the divinegleams which thou taughtest to produce, wove with mine own hands the silken strands of thy invention, and made into great widths and breadths the shimmering fabric which is the glory of the world.

Yet, Yuen Fi, Goddess of the Golden Weave, all, all the words of this most humbleman are true ; as true as ever lowly one did vouch to speak to one exalted high.

And now, Yuen Fi, Lady of the Blessed Silk,I crave that thou wilt think of me in thy celestial sphere; that to the holy ones forgathered there, thou wilt but speak a kindly word and say that hereupon the sordid earth, which thou alone didst beautify, there lives a humble man of poor renown, who, in all the hours of all his days did strive and toil by sweat of faceand tire of brain to do thy bidding in the silken fields; who . . .

[Lines obliterated]

My prayer, O Heavenly One, O Goddess Rare, though I would speak to thee the wholenight through, in pain I do make brief; for well I know that in that High Beyond this voice of mine can hold no charm. But now again of thee I fain would ask: that in this hour of darkest night anewer blessing thou wilt give to all that work in arts of thine; bless them that harvest in the fields, bless thou the silkworms’ rounded home, bless them that toil at factory loom, bless them that mart thy precious weave, bless them that sail the far salt seas and take thy goods to foreign shore; bless them that on theirbodies fair - in Indies and the far beyond, the lands of Europe and the West, in every isle, in every clime, in cold and heat, in shine and rain, in mountain home and valley mild, in palace rich and humble cot, - where‘er, O Mighty Sun-Loved Queen, thy name is thought or heard or sung, send down thy blessings like the dew!



