
第4章 短文理解


一、短文题材 准备六级考试的同学经常热衷于词汇语法选择, 感觉听力部分的复杂语言不多, 不值得花费时间深究。而在考试中又往往被听力部分迷宫一般的语言所迷惑, 陷入“山重水复疑无路”的尴尬。小对话属于日常口语对话内容, 理解和记忆都不构成太大的负担, 段落理解题信息量大, 复杂句多, 每一段的主题和相关词都不一样, 似乎没有什么规律可循, 在录音只放一遍的条件下很容易难倒考生。这种题型主要考查学生四个层次的能力:语音识别能力、语言理解能力、短期记忆力和快速判断能力。考生在全面掌握了六级词汇的基础上, 又有意识地训练了短期记忆力, 所欠缺的只是对段落题出题规律的了解。如果增加一些这方面的意识, 面对试题就可以从容不迫了。下面, 我们对短文题材作一个分析, 以帮助学习对短文听力的理解。









开篇句对人物进行简明扼要的介绍, 有时带生卒年代








学校生源、师资、课程设置、校舍、图书馆或课外活动介绍, 经常提到数字统计



































此领域的发展前景, 有可能引出下次课讨论的话题





对结果进行分析, 得出相关推论

实验结果的合理性及局限性, 专家对此结论的看法



开篇句是播音员提及播音时间和自己姓名。如:The time is

7o’clock, and this is Amily Brown with the news.

第二句为关键句, 多为长句, 介绍某灾难或事故的发生时间、地点、人物、原因、结果(when, where, who, why, which and how), 同时带出准确的受伤及死亡人数


地方当局采取的措施, 通常是正在做出的努力, 或正在调查此事。二、重要信息提示语 在听录音过程中要积极思维、快速反应, 特别要注意表示句与句之间关系的信息提示语, 并借此发现句与句之间的逻辑关系, 确定重要信息。要想从结构上把握篇章, 就要顺着指示语预期何时可能开始谈论一个话题、何时出现讲述的重点以及何时可能转换话题, 请注意以下的信息提示语。



The earth’s crust is divided into seven sections.

There are only 24 well qualified male students at the Deep Spring College.

A job interview usually lasts from 30 to 45 minutes.

Middle English extended from about 1100 to about 1475.

I taught my minority students English and Drama classes in high school for 20 years.

Dry ice was first manufactured in 1925.

Tuition will be on an average of 9 percent higher this year than last.


(因为, 由于, 归因于(原因在后))

as..., since..., because..., now that..., considering..., given..., for reason that..., the reason why...is..., because of..., owing to..., on account of..., as a result of..., for the sake of..., due to..., result from..., thanks to..., attribute...to...

(导致, 引起, 成为……原因(原因在前))

...cause..., ...lead to..., ...bring about..., ...contribute to..., ...result in..., ...account for..., trigger off..., ...responsible for..., ...to blame for...

(因此, 所以(原因在前))

...and so..., Therefore..., Thus..., Hence..., As a result..., That’s why..., For this reason..., Accordingly..., As a consequence..., Consequently..., so... that..., too...to...



Today, I m going to discuss/ introduce/ talk about/ explain...

My speech will focus upon/center around/concentrate on...

The subject/topic/propose for today’s lecture/discussion is...

Today, people are increasingly concerned about/aware of the gravity of...

When it comes to...


Another point I want to mention is ...

In addition ..., Besides ..., Apart from ..., Aside from ..., Moreover ..., Furthermore ..., What s more...

On the contrary ..., However ..., But on the other hand..., Conversely ..., By contrast ..., ...whereas ..., A totally different picture lies in ...


First/Firstly... ...Second/Secondly... ...Third/Thirdly... ... Lastly...

To begin with... Next... Furthermore... Finally...

In the first place... In the second place... Moreover... By the way...

Above all... In addition... Then... Afterward... Last but not least...

On the one hand... ... On the other hand...

For one thing... For another...


In short/brief....Briefly...Summing up/To sum up...Summarizing/To summarize...To conclude...In conclusion...As a result...In general...Generally speaking...All in all...By and large...On the whole...On this basis...Given all these aspects...Everything considered...Finally, it can be concluded/inferred/deduced that...



The point / idea / view / opinion / truth / fact / cause / reason / problem / question / answer / solution / explanation / thread / challenge / dilemma / difficulty / method / gist / propose / object / goal / motive / attitude / reaction / plan / first step / only way / controversy / conflict / dispute / argument / proof / evidence / advice / suggestion / proposal / request / requirement / standard / limitation / decision / intention / effect / result / consequence / duty / responsibility / task / danger / trouble / crisis / barrier / hope / possibility / exception / surprise is ...


point out / advance / suggest / advice / emphasize / comment / explain / require / conclude / insist / maintain / hold it true that / believe / stick to / criticize / refute / prove / try to / attempt to / intend to / plan to / dream of / decide to / resolve to / determine to / object to / support / advocate / approve / agree / disapprove / disagree / prefer / claim / declare / deny / admit / endanger / mean


important / essential / critical / vital / dangerous / indispensable / necessary / urgent / best / biggest / serious / severe / grave / possible / impossible / likely / unlikely / surprised / unexpected / unusual / disappointed / desperate / special / unique / different / distinctive / direct / difficult / rare


the only / the first / the last / except / with the exception of / especially / but / however / nevertheless / otherwise / unless / only if / so long as / on condition that / actually / as a matter of fact三、段落理解题的题目设置规律 1.段首句开门见山引出主题或故事发生的环境, 往往设置为考点。

2.因果关系中的原因是必考内容, 不管直接或间接提到的原因都会用why来提问。

3.形容词副词最高级形式一旦出现, 则此句即成为考点, 如:the most important reason is...; their biggest trouble was...; he worked most efficiently when ...

4.故事题中的一个关键动词, 人物所说的一句意味深长的话需要找到同义解释。


6.人物题中的重要年代及相关历史事件需要重新搭配定位, 不做记录容易混淆。

7.议论文中有时自问自答, 问题将成为考题, 回答内容即正确选项。

8.议论文中只要出现I think..., I believe it’s true that..., In my opinion...等表达, 就会重新问及speaker的观点态度; 没有这些表达则段首句是其观点。四、应试技巧 注意理解全文主题和大意

虽然短篇听力主要针对具体事实, 我们仍需抓住全文的主题思想和大意。对主题思想的理解是正确解题的保证。每篇短文后面的题目都是一个整体, 意义往往互相关联, 掌握了主题思想就确定了正确的解题思路。因此, 在听短文材料时, 不仅要记住某些关键信息词句, 还必须注意跳出单词、句子的圈子, 去体会全文的主题思想和大意。如果听完全文尚不知所云, 只记得支离破碎的几个词或句子, 有时会导致一错几题的结果。

因此, 在听的过程中首先要抓住主题句。掌握了全文的主题句, 对文章的内容就有了大致的把握;抓住了段落的主题句, 就能掌握一段的主要内容, 从而有助于理解每一段的阐述。短文的第一句往往是全文的主题句或点出文章所涉及的主要内容, 因此, 应做好充分准备抓住第一句。

段落之间往往有稍长的停顿, 每段的第一句又往往是段落主题句, 其后面的内容一般是进一步说明主题的细节。如果选择项传达的信息属于细节问题, 则应仔细听对细节的阐述。


No matter what type of holiday you are looking for, you will find the answer in Switzerland. There is really no other country quite like it, for here you have some of the finest and most beautiful scenery in the whole of Europe together with an attractive climate, hotels and the friendliest people you could wish to meet.

Think of the variety of attractions. You may seek outdoor sporting activities. Walking, swimming, riding, sailing and fishing are just a few of the many possibilities for enjoying your holiday. Then there is an infinite variety of excursions by coach or railway, free afternoons on a lake steamer, visits to historic cities——these are just a few more of interests for your holiday in Switzerland. In the evening music fills the air, whether it is the local village band or an all star variety show.

短文的第一句是“No matter what type of holiday you are looking for, you will find the answer in Switzerland.”。听到这里即可知道这篇文章主要涉及在瑞士度假的情况。这一段内容的关键词是Switzerland和holiday。

第二段的第一句:“Think of the variety of attractions.”显然是在告诉我们, 这一段将围绕种种attractions这个段落句主题展开。


短文听力材料有故事、讲座、广播电视节目、讲话、叙述等。一般情况下, 听完前两、三句就能确定该短文属于哪一类。对于对话、故事和叙述材料, 应注意其中的时间、地点、人物、主要情节和结局。对独白类材料则应着重弄清其主题思想、所述问题之现状、因果关系、说话人的观点、所述问题的解决方法或发展趋势等。了解短文的特点有助于理清文章的主要脉络, 从客观上确定注意范围。


短文听力部分每篇材料有二至四个问题, 有时其问题的先后顺序与材料中信息出现的顺序不同, 如:先提出的问题的答案不一定出现在短文的前部, 而可能在中部或后部。如上面所列文章的问题:

1.A.Listening to music.B.Swimming.

C.Walking.D.Going to movies.



3.A.Swiss people are very frank.

B.Switzerland has a favorable climate for sporting activities.

C.Switzerland has a variety of attractions.

D.Switzerland is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe.

Q1.What do Swiss people like to do in the evening?

这是对内容细节的提问, 其解题信息就是短文的最后一句, “In the evening, music fills the air, whether it is the local village band or an all star variety show.”

遇到这种情况时, 若不能及时地意识到这一点, 而只顾按常规顺序去捕捉信息, 往往会抓住了前面题目的信息, 却忽略了后面题目的信息。因此作应争取在听音前读完每篇材料的各组选择项外, 听音时, 目光最好同时扫视各组选择项, 以便更好地把握各项信息的进展情况, 为准确、快速答题奠定了基础。


1.A.Michael s parents got divorced.

B.Karen was adopted by Ray Anderson.

C.Karen s mother died in a car accident.

D.A truck driver lost his life in a collision.

2.A.He ran a red light and collided with a truck.

B.He sacrificed his life to save a baby girl.

C.He was killed instantly in a burning car.

D.He got married to Karen s mother.

3.A.The reported hero turned out to be his father.

B.He did not understand his father till too late.

C.Such misfortune should have fallen on him.

D.It reminded him of his miserable childhood.


1.What happened twentyfive years ago?

2.What does the speaker say about Michael s father?

3.Why did Michael cry uncontrollably when he skimmed over the newspaper article?


25 years ago, Ray Anderson, a single parent with a one year old son witnessed a terrible accident which took place when the driver of a truck ran a red light and collided with the car of Sandra D. The impact of the collision killed Sandra instantly. But her three month old daughter was left trapped in the burning car. While others looked on in horror, Andersen jumped out of his vehicle and crawled into the car through the shadowed rear window to try to free the infant. Seconds later, the car was enclosed in flames. But to everyone s amazement, Andersen was able to pull the baby to safety. While the baby was all right, Andersen was seriously injured. Two days later he died. But his heroic act was published widely in the media. His son was soon adopted by relatives. The most remarkable part of the story unfolded only last week. Karen and her boyfriend Michael were looking through some old boxes when they came across some old newspaper clippings. “This is me when I was a new born baby. I was rescued from a burning car. But my mother died in the accident,” explained Karen. Although Michael knew Karen s mother had died years earlier, he never fully understood the circumstances until he skimmed over the newspaper article. To Karen s surprise, Michael was absorbed in the details of the accident. And he began to cry uncontrollably. Then he revealed that the man that pulled Karen from the flames was the father he never knew. The two embraced and shed many tears, recounting stories told to them about their parents.


短文听力的难点之一是:听到的信息不一定能记住。考试时主要靠心记, 应加强这种训练。六级考试中未禁止做笔记, 因此, 在可能的情况下, 应争取记下几个关键信息词, 以便在答题时帮助回忆听过的内容。如果在听105页短文前就分析出第2题是关于某项体育活动, 并且在听的过程中抓住了“outdoor sporting activities”后所举的几项体育活动, 就会毫无困难地在选择项“Fishing”处做一记录。

如果明白“Think of the variety of attractions”这一信息所转达的意义, 并且在听到most beautiful scenery in Europe和attractive climate后分别在第3题的相关选择项上做了记录, 在听到该题的问题:“Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?”后, 便可很快想到答案是A。因为, B、C、D三项在文中均被提到过, 虽然也提瑞士人是“你所希望遇到的friendliest people”, 但却只字未提他们是否frank。

听到最后一句时, 如果抓住了evening和music这两个关键信息词, 在听到“What do Swiss people like to do in the evening?”时, 自然会正确地选择第一组的A项。记信息词可避免当时听懂了, 录音一停却回忆不出具体内容的情况。





What is the topic of the speech/talk?

What is the subject they are talking about?

What does the above talk tell us?



Where is the speaker?

Who is the speaker addressing?



Who (What, When, Where, Which, How...)...?

What do we learn about...?

According to the speaker, what (which, why, who...)...?

Why did the speaker mention...?

Which of the following is mentioned (as...)?

Which of the following is not mentioned (as...)?



What is the speaker s purpose?

What will happen next?

What can be said about the speaker s opinion of...?

What opinion does the speaker express?

What can best be said about the man/woman?

Where do you suppose, the above conversation took place?

According to the speaker, which(what, when, why...)...?

然而, 并非每篇听力材料后面的问题都包含上述四个类型, 较多的问题属于第三类和第四类。当然, 也可能出现这四类问题以外的类型。例如:

1.A.She was unable to do it.

B.She didn t know what was wrong.

C.She didn t know how to use her equipment.

D.She didn t have special equipment for the job.

2.A.Clean the spark plugs only.

B.Change the spark plugs only.

C.Charge her more than one pound if necessary.

D.Do extra work if necessary.

3.A.The repairman had finished cleaning the plugs.

B.The repairman had just started working on her car.

C.The repairman had lost the old plugs.

D.The repairman had changed the plugs.

4.A.She had them put in only a few months ago.

B.She wanted to save the new ones for future use.

C.She liked worn out plugs.

D.She got them well cleaned.

快速浏览选择项便可对短文的内容有个大概的了解:女主人公的汽车坏了, 需要修理, 主要是plugs的故障。综合各组选择项还可得知:她没自己修车, 而是找repairman修的。第一组的选择项讲:“她不会”、“她不知道哪坏了”、“她没有专用工具”。这很明显是讲她没自己修车的原因, 因此, 问题很可能是“Why...?”。第二组各项皆是动词词组, 都与修车有关;这显然是对修理工的要求, 让修理工遵照某个选择要求来干。因此, 问题可能是“What...?”。第三组选项介绍了修理工与他干的活之间的关系。仔细看一下便可注意到:这一组的A、D两项与第二组的A、B两项相呼应。由此可以得出结论:第二组的答案可能是从A、B两项中选, 而第三组的答案则需要从A、D中选择。而且两题的答案可能相互呼应, 也可能相互矛盾。这一题可能要问“What...?”或“Which is true?”。第四组选择项讲她与plugs的关系:A、C、D三项的共同点是她与plugs的关系。因此, 在听的过程中要特别注意这些有关信息。


The engine of Margaret s car was not running smoothly. The spark plugs needed cleaning. Margaret could have done the job herself, but garages have special equipment that does such things very thoroughly.

Margaret took after her father;she did not like being overcharged. She knew that garages do this sometimes. Sometimes they even charge for work they have never done. She told the repairman at the garage not to do any extra work, she wanted the spark plugs cleaned, and nothing more. Then she left, saying she would be back in a little while.

When Margaret came back, the repairman handed her a bill for one pound. Margaret knew this was more than it should cost to have the spark plugs cleaned. Then the repairman said he had put new ones in. Margaret decided she was not going to stand for this, and began to get angry.

“But the plugs were worn out;what else could I do?” the repairman protested.

“How long should these new spark plugs last?More than a few months?”Margaret demanded.

“Of course! Much longer than that!” The repairman said with great emphasis.

“Well, then, put the old ones back in. I had new spark plugs put in only a few months ago, and I had the job done here! Margaret said.”

1.Why didn t Margaret do the job herself?文中提到她本该自己修车, 但是“garages have special equipment”, 这句话意味着“She did not have special equipment”, 恰合D项的意思。

2.What did Margaret tell the repairman to do?

文中一句:“She told the repairman not to do any extra work.”排除了D项, 而“wanted the plugs cleaned, and nothing more”这一句又提出了具体要求, “nothing more”即为“only”。因为在阅读选择项时已推测出这一问题是问她对修车的要求, 所以听到这里便可判断出:A是正确的答案。

3.What did Margaret find when she came back?

Margaret返回时, 修理工递上一张账单, 这说明车已修好, B项与此矛盾, 可排除;但她并不知修理工是否是按她的要求修了车, 因此, A也应排除;修理工解释收费高的原因时说:换了新plugs此时她才知道车是怎么修的, 这一细节符合D项的内容;而C项的内容在短文中始终未提及, 故也应排除。

4.Why did Margaret tell the repairman to put the old plugs back?

短文最后, Margaret的话清楚地解释了她为什么让修理工将旧plugs重新安上。所以答案为:1.D2.A3.D4.A




C.The U.S.

D.The U.K.

2.A.By doing odd jobs at weekends.

B.By working long hours every day.

C.By putting in more hours each week.

D.By taking shorter vacations each year.

3.A.To combat competition and raise productivity.

B.To provide them with more job opportunities.

C.To help them maintain their living standard.

D.To prevent them from holding a second job.

4.A.Change their jobs.

B.Earn more money.

C.Reduce their working hours.

D.Strengthen the government s role.


1.In which country do industrial employees work the longest hours?

2.How do employed Americans manage to work more hours?

3.Why do corporations press their employees to work longer hours according to the speaker?

4.What does the speaker say many Americans prefer to do?


Americans suffer from an overdose of work. Regardless of who they are or what they do. Americans spend more time at work than that any time since World War II. In 1950, the US had fewer working hours than any other industrialized country. Today, it exceeds every country but Japan where industrialized employees load 2155 hours a year compared with 1951 in the US and 1603 in the former West Germany. Between 1969 and 1989, employed Americans add an average of 138 hours to their yearly work schedules. The workweek has remained above 40 hours. But people are working more weeks each year. Specifically pay time off holidays, vacations, sick leave shrink by 50% in the 1980s. As corporations have experienced stiff competitions and slow in growth of productivity, they have pressed employees to work longer. Costcutting layoffs in the 1980s reduce the professional and managerial runs, leaving fewer people to get the job done. In lower paid occupations where wages have been reduced, workers have added hours in overtime or extra jobs to preserve their living standards. The government estimates that more than 7 million people hold a second job. For the first time, large numbers of people say they want to cut back on working hours even it means earning less money. But most employers are unwilling to let them do so. The government which has stepped back from its traditional role as a regulator of work time should take steps to make shorter hours possible.



听Passage 1, 回答下列问题:

1.A.The name of a German town.

B.A resident of Frankfurt.

C.A kind of German sausage.

D.A kind of German bread.

2.A.He sold fast food.B.He raised dogs.

C.He was a cook.D.He was a cartoonist.

3.A.Because the Americans found they were from Germany.

B.Because people thought they contained dog meat.

C.Because people had to get used to their taste.

D.Because it was too hot to eat right away.

Most people know what a hotdog is. It s a sausage in a roll. But do you know why it s called hotdog? Well, the long red sausage which goes into a hotdog is called a frankfurter. It got its name from the German town Frankfurt. The sausages were very popular, but hot frankfurters were difficult to sell in crowds. One man, Harry Stevens, had the job of feeding the crowds in baseball games. He had an idea. Why not put the frankfurters in long, hot bread rolls? This made them easy to sell. The red hearts had a hot and attractive taste and became very popular. But in 1903, an American cartoonist drew a long German sausage dog in place of the frankfurter, so a frankfurter in a roll soon became known as a hotdog. It was a joke, but some people really thought that sausages contained dog meat. For a while, sales of hotdogs failed, but not for long.

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.What is a frankfurter?

2.What was Harry Stevens job?

3.Why did sales of hotdogs decrease for some time?

1.答案为C。根据文中It s a sausage.... 以及the long red sausage which goes into a hotdog is called a frankfurter可知a frankfurter是一种德国肉肠。

2.答案为A。根据文中Harry Stevens, had the job of feeding the crowds in baseball games可推测出Harry Stevens的工作是在棒球场销售快餐。

3.答案为B。文章最后提到了由于有些人以为“热狗”里含有狗肉, 结果使“热狗”的销售曾一度失败。B项内容与文章相符。

听Passage 2, 回答下列问题:

1.A.They give out faint cries.

B.They make noises to drive away insects.

C.They extend their water pipes.

D.They become elastic like rubber bands.

2.A.Quite plants.B.Wellwatered plants.

C.Healthy plants.D.Thirsty plants.

3.A.They could drive the insects away.

B.They could keep the plants wellwatered.

C.They could make the plants grow faster.

D.They could build devices to trap insects.

We all scream for water when thirsty, but do you know in very weather, plants also make faint sounds as if they are crying out for help? You see, in a plant stem there are hundreds of water pipes that bring water and minerals from the soil all the way up to the leaves. As the round turns dry, it becomes harder and harder for the plants to do this. In severe draughts, plants have to fight to pull out any water available. Scientist Robert Wenter has found out that when it is really bad their water pipes snap from the tension like rubber bands. When that happens, the whole plant vibrates little. The snaping pipes make noises ten thousand times more quiet than a whisper. Robert knows that healthy, wellwatered plants are quiet. He also knows that many insects prefer attacking dry plants rather than healthy plants. How do the insects know which are healthy plants and which are not? Robert thinks that the insects may listen for the plants that cry and then they may buzz in to kill. To test his theory, Robert is using a device that can imitate plant cries. He attaches it to a quiet, healthy plant so that the plant sounds thirsty. Then he watches insects to see if they attack more often than usual. If he is right, scientists could use the insects ability against them. They could build traps that imitate crying plants so when the insects buzz in to eat, they won t buzz out.

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.What do plants do when they are thirsty?

2.What plants do many insects tend to attack?

3.What could scientists do if Robert s theory proves to be true?

1.答案为A。文中一开始就提到plants also make faint sounds as if they are crying out for help。A项与文章相吻合。

2.答案为D。从文中的insects prefer attacking dry plants rather than healthy plants可知D项正确。

3.答案为D。根据文章最后一句“They could build traps that imitate crying plants so when the insects buzz in to eat, they won s buzz out. (他们可制造陷阱, 模仿植物的叫声来诱杀昆虫)”可知D项与文意相符。

听Passage 3, 回答下列问题:

1.A.To look for a different lifestyle.

B.To enjoy themselves.

C.For adventure.

D.For education.

2.A.There are 200 vehicles for every kilometer of roadway.

B.It has a dense population.

C.There are many museums and palaces.

D.It has many towering buildings.

3.A.It is city of contrasts.

B.It possesses many historical sites.

C.It is an important industrial center.

D.It has many big and beautiful parks.

4.A.It helps develop our personalities.

B.It enables us to acquire firsthand knowledge.

C.It makes our life more interesting.

D.It brings about changes in our lifestyle.

People enjoy taking trips. But what are the reasons they leave home? One reason is for education. People travel because they want to broaden their horizons, to learn about other people and other places. They are curious about other cultures. When people are tourists, they get a quick look at different ways of living. Even a short look at another kind of lifestyle is an important lesson. On a trip, a person can learn directly by visiting museums and historic spots. What does a tourist learn who sees the art museums, visits the historical palaces and other scenic spots in Paris and shops along the River Seine? He gets vivid pictures, a reallife one of the French people. He learns about their attitudes:how they feel about business, beauty and history. What about the tourist who goes to Hong Kong? Does he get the same information that he could get from a book? He might read that Hong Kong is crowded, that there is less than 200 square meters of space for each person, but seeing and feeling the lack of space will impress him much more. He might read that there are nearly 200 vehicles for every kilometer of roadway, but the sight of so many vehicles parked along the roadside will be a much more vivid lesson. The tourist to Hong Kong will never forget the contrasts:the straight, vertival lines of the tall modern buildings and the moving lines of boats that people live in.

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.Why do people leave home to travel according to the passage?

2.What do we learn from the passage about Paris?

3.What impression will a tourist get of Hong Kong?

4.What does the passage tell us about travelling?

1.答案为D。从文中的People travel because they want to broaden their horizons, to learn about other people and other places... 可确定只有D项正确。

2.答案为C。根据文章内容, A、B两项反映的是Hong Kong的情况, D项所述文中没有提及, 故只有C项正确。

3.答案为A。根据文章最后一句The tourist to Hong Kong will never forget the contrasts...可确定A项正确。

4.答案为B。本文从一开始就提到人们旅游是为了丰富自己的阅历, 学习更多的知识以及一些从书本上学不到的东西。由此可见, 只有B项正确反映了作者的意图。

听Passage 4, 回答下列问题:

1.A.To find out whether they take music lessons in their spare time.

B.To find out whether they enjoy playing musical instruments in school.

C.To find out whether they differ in their preference for musical instruments.

D.To find out whether they can name four different musical instruments.

2.A.They think it silly to play them.

B.They find them too hard to play.

C.They find it not challenging enough to play them.

D.They consider it important to be different from girls.

3.A.Children who have private music tutors.

B.Children who are between 5 and 7.

C.Children who are well educated.

D.Children who are 8 or older.

The piano and violin are girls instruments. Drums and trumpets are for boys. According to the sychologist, Susan O Neil and Michael Borten, children have very clear ideas about which musical instruments they should play.

They find that despite the best efforts of teachers, these ideas have changed very little over the past decade. They interviewed a hundred and fiftythree children aged between nine and eleven from schools in Northwest England. They asked them to identify four musical instruments and then to say which they would like to play most and which they would least like to play. They also asked the children for their views on whether boys or girls should not play any of the four instruments. The piano and violin were both ranked more favorably by girls than by boys, while boys prefer the drums and trumpets. There was broad agreement between boys and girls on which instruments each sex should play and reasons varied, and while almost half of all boys said they avoid certain instruments, because they were too difficult to play. Only 15 percent of girls gave that as a reason. Earlier studies indicated that very young school children aged between 5 and 7 showed no bias in choosing musical instruments, but their tastes become more clear between the age of 8 and 10. One survey of 78 teachers suggested that after that age both boys and girls begin to restrict themselves to socalled male or female instruments.

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.Why did Susan and Michael interview the children aged between 9 and 11?

2.Why do many of the boys avoid certain instruments?

3.Which group of children have a bias when choosing musical instruments?

1.答案为C。从文中They find that despite the best efforts of teachers, these ideas have charged very little over the past decade. 和后文的调查结果可知, 他们做调查的目的在于看男孩和女孩在选择乐器上是否有区别。

2.答案为B。从文中...half of all boys said they avoid certain instruments, because they were too difficult to play... 可知, 约半数以上的男孩认为有些乐器弹奏起来难度太大, 所以他们不选择这些乐器。

3.答案为D。从文中倒数第二句...but their tastes become more clear between the age of 8 and 10和最后一句...after that age...可知, 8岁和8岁以后的孩子在选择乐器上有偏好。

听Passage 5, 回答下列问题:

1.A.Because good professional players received low salaries.

B.Because Pele hadn t retired from the Brazilian National Team yet.

C.Because there weren t any professional teams in the U.S. then.

D.Because this fastmoving sport wasn t familiar to many Americans.

2.A.When it has a large number of fans.

B.When the fans cheer enthusiastically for it.

C.When it plays at home.

D.When it has many international stars playing for it.

3.A.It won the World Cup.

B.It wasn t among the top four teams.

C.It didn t play as well as expected.

D.It placed fourth.

In the 1970s, the famous Brazilian football players Pele retired from the National Team of Brazil and became a professional player for a team in New York. Football or soccer wasn t very popular in the United States at that time.

Few North Americans knew anything about this fastmoving sport. There was no money to pay professional players and there was little interest in football in high schools and colleges. When Pele and other international stars began playing in various U.S. cities, people thought how interesting the game was, and began to go to the matches. It is now common for an important game to have 50 to 60 thousand fans. Support from fans is important to football. The fans cheer enthusiastically for the favourite players and teams, who respond by playing better than before.

In most World Cups, the home team or the team from the host country usually plays better than most people expect. In 1966, 1974 and 1978, the home teams of England, West Germany and Argentina all won the World Cup.

The World Cup is called that, because the teams from every continent have played in it. However, since the Cup began, all of the women teams have been from Europe or South America. Teams from Asia and Africa always do well but they haven t yet won. Mexico played surprisingly well in the 1970 Cup which it hosted but it wasn t among four final teams.

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.Why wasn t football a popular sport in the U.S. in the 1970s?

2.When does the football team have the best chance to win the World Cup?

3.How did Mexico do in the 1970 World Cup?

1.答案为D。从文中第二段Few North Americans knew anything about this fast moving可知..., 美国人对足球这项竞技运动并不熟悉, 选项D正表达了这一意义。

2.答案为C。从文中In most World Cups, the home team or the team from the host country usually plays better than most people expect...可知, 在自己国内或主场踢球发挥的要好一些。接着又用实例证明了这一观点:In 1966, 1974 and 1978, the home teams of England, West Germany and Argentina all won the would cup.

3.答案为B。文中最后一句Mexico played surprisingly well in the 1970 Cup which it hosted but it wasn t among four final teams. 可知, 墨西哥在1970年的世界杯中虽然表现得出奇地好但并未进入最后的决赛。

听Passage 6, 回答下列问题:

1.A.Students from Japan.

B.Students from England.

C.Students from Australia.

D.Students from America.

2.A.Those who know how to program computers.

B.Those who have welleducated parents.

C.Those who get special aid from their teachers.

D.Those who are very hardworking.

3.A.Japanese students have better conditions for study.

B.Columbian students score higher than Japanese students in maths.

C.Japanese students study much harder than Columbian students.

D.Columbian students are more optimistic about their maths skills.

4.A.Mathematics.B.Environmental science.

C.Physics.D.Life science.

The world smartest adder lessons in Mathematics and Science are in Singapore, according to a global survey of educational achievement. In the Third International Mathematics and Science Study, the thirteenyearold from Singapore achieved the best scores in standardized tests of maths and science that were ministered to 287 896 students in 41 countries in 1994 and 1995.

The survey suggests the science and maths education is especially strong in the Far East. While well behind those top scores, students from Australia earn higher marks in maths than their counterparts in England, who in turn did better than American students.

The study collected information on the students teachers and homes. Not surprisingly, the higher score students had welleducated parents or came from homes containing study aids such as computers, dictionaries or even such elementary facilities as the desks. The study shows the boys generally did better than girls in science, but there was a little difference between them in maths. Boys score better than girls in Physics and Chemistry. There were no sex differences in the life and environmental sciences.

In addition to being tested, students in the project were asked how proficient they thought they were in maths and science. Students in some countries such as Columbia and Kuwait had overly optimistic views of skills. Meanwhile some of the best students from Japan and Korea, for example, were needlessly pessimistic even though they did far better in maths than almost all of the students.

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.Of the four group students, who score the lowest in maths according to the survey?

2.What kind of students are most likely to become top scorers?

3.In what way, the Columbian students differ from Japanese students?

4.In which subject, did boys score higher than girls?

1.答案为D。文中第二段首先论述了远东地区在数学教育方面最强, 其次是澳大利亚, 接下来是英格兰, 英格兰强于美国。因此D项为正确答案。

2.答案为B。文中谈到:Not surprisingly, the higher score students had welleducated parents or came from homes containing study aids such as computers, dictionaries or even such elementary facilities as the desks. 由此可知B项和文中此句所表达的意思一致。

3.答案为D。文中提到这样两句话:Students in some countries such as Columbia and Kuwait had overly optimistic views of skills. meanwhile some of the best students from Japan and Korea, for example, were needlessly pessimistic even though they did far better in maths than almost all of the students. 从这两句可知, D项为正确答案, 即哥伦比亚的学生在数学成绩方面较乐观。

4.答案为C。文中提到:Boys score better than girls in Physics and Chemistry.由此可知男孩物理和化学成绩好于女孩, 故C项为正确答案, 而其他三项男生女生成绩均相当。

听Passage 7, 回答下列问题:

1.A.One sixth of them are seriously polluted.

B.One third of them are seriously polluted.

C.Half of them are seriously polluted.

D.Most of them are seriously polluted.

2.A.There was no garbage left to clean up.

B.There was more garbage than before and they had to work harder.

C.The river had become so clean that a lot of waterbirds came back.

D.The river was much cleaner and they had to search for garbage.

3.A.Most of them would be indifferent and keep on throwing garbage into the river.

B.They would join the students in changing the situation.

C.They would become more aware of the pollution problem.

D.They would think twice before they went swimming or fishing in the river.

Last August, Susan and 42 other students got wet and dirty while removing six tons of garbage from the river running across their city. They cleaned up the river as part of a weeklong environmental camp. Like one in three American rivers, this river is so polluted that it s unsafe for swimming and fishing, still, Susan, who has just completed her third summer on the river cleanup, scene has changed in this river. “Since we started three years ago, the river is getting a lot cleaner”, she says. Environmental scientists praised the teenagers for removing garbage that can harm wild life. Waterbirds, for example, can choke on plastic bottle rings and get cut by scrap metal. Three years ago, when the cleanup started, garbage was everywhere, but this year, the teenagers had to hunt for garbage. They turn the cleanup into a competition to see who could find the most garbage and unload their boats fastest. By the end of the six hour shift, they have removed enough garbage to fill more than two large trucks. “Seeing all their garbage in the river makes people begin to care about environmental issues, ” Susan says. She hopes that when others read that she and her peers care enough to clean it up, maybe they will think twice before they throw garbage in the river.

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.What does the passage tell us about American rivers?

2.What did the students find when they came to the river this year?

3.What is the expected reaction of the local people to the students efforts?

1.答案为B。从原文Like one in three American rivers...可知, 美国有1/3的河流遭到严重污染。

2.答案为D。从文中Three years ago, when the cleanup started, garbage was everywhere, but this year, the teenagers had to hunt for garbage...可知, 3年前河里到处是垃圾, 但今年, 这些年轻人得到处找, 才能找得到垃圾。显然, 这条河已经变得干净多了。

3.答案为C。从最后一句...maybe they will think twice before they throw garbage in the river...可知, 这些学生希望通过他们的努力, 能够使人们对环境污染问题有深刻的认识, 所以C项正确。

听Passage 8, 回答下列问题:

1.A.Why people hold back their tears.

B.Why people cry.

C.How to restrain one s tears.

D.How tears are produced.

2.A.What chemicals tears are composed of.

B.Whether crying really helps us feel better.

C.Why some people tend to cry more often than others.

D.How tears help people cope with emotional problems.

3.A.Only one out of four girls cries less often than boys.

B.Of four boys, only one cries very often.

C.Girls cry four times as often as boys.

D.Only one out of four babies doesn t cry often.

4.A.Only humans respond to emotions by shedding tears.

B.Only humans shed tears to get rid of irritating stuff in their eyes.

C.Only human tears can resist the invading bacteria.

D.Only human tears can discharge certain chemicals.

Why do we cry? Can you imagine life without tears? Not only do tears keep your eyes lubricated, they also contain a substance that kills certain bacteria so they can t infect your eyes. Give up your tears, and you ll lose this onthespot defense. Nobody wants to give up the flood of extra tears you produce when you get something physical or chemical in your eyes. Tears are very good at washing this irritating stuff out. Another thing you couldn t do without your tears is cry from joy, anger or sadness. Humans are the only animals that produce tears in response to emotions, and most people say a good cry makes them feel better. Many scientists, therefore, believe that crying somehow helps us cope with emotional situations. Tear researcher, Winifred, is trying to figure out how it happens. One possibility he says is that tears discharge certain chemicals from your body, chemicals that build up during stress. When people talk about crying it out, “I think that might actually be what they are doing”, he says. If Fred is right, what do you think will happen to people who restrain their tears? Boys, for example, cry only about a quarter as often as girls once they reach teenager years, and we all cry a lot less now than we did as babies. Could it possibly be that we face less stress? Maybe we found another way to deal with it, or maybe we just feel embarrassed.

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.What s the topic discussed in this passage?

2.What is Winifred trying to find out?

3.What does the passage say about teenager boys and girls?

4.What s the difference between human beings and other animals when shedding tears?

1.答案为B。整篇文章都是围绕着眼泪的作用来谈的, 第一句话就点了主题:Why do we cry? 为什么我们会哭?所以B项正确。A项和C项与作者原意相反;D项并不是作者所阐述的内容, 并未提及“眼泪是如何产生的”这类问题, 所以都不正确。

2.答案为D。从文中...and most people say a good cry make them feel better....crying somehow helps us cope with emotional situations可知D项正确。

3.答案为C。从文中Boys, for example, cry only about a quarter as often as girls...可知C项正确。

4.答案为A。从文中Humans are the only animals that produce tears in response to emotions可知, 只有人类流露情感时才会掉眼泪。

听Passage 9, 回答下列问题:

1.A.They make decisions by tossing coins.

B.They are not physically separated.

C.They think exactly the same way.

D.They share most of their vital organs.

2.A.Few of them can live long.

B.Few of them get along well with each other.

C.Most of them live a normal life.

D.Most of them differ in their likes and dislikes.

3.A.They go to a regular school.

B.They attend a special school.

C.They are taught by their parents.

D.They have a private tutor.

Imaging this:you wake up each morning to find your sister lying beside you, to get dressed and tie your shoes, you use one hand and she uses another. You do everything out together, too, even sitting on the same chair at lunch and riding on the same bicycle. That s what life is like for sixyearold Betty and Abby. Like most twins, the two girls look very much alike, but unlike most twins, Betty and Abby share parts of the same body. Twins like Betty and Abby are rare. Only about 40 sets are born in the United States each year. Few survive as long as Betty and Abby. That s because twins often share vital organs, like a heart or brain. The shared organs are often badly shaped and may not be strong enough to support both twins. But Betty and Abby each has her own head, heart and stomach which function normally. They have three or four lungs which provide plenty of oxygen for both twins. Most of their completely shared organs lie below the waist. Betty And Abby live relatively normal lives. They attend a regular school, and each does her own school work. They prefer to do some projects together, though, for example, to cut out paper dolls, one twin holds the paper, while the other uses the scissors. But sometimes, the girls don t want to do the same thing, for example, sometimes they want to play with different toys. What do they do then? “We toss a coin”, says Abby.

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.In what aspect, do Betty and Abby differ from most twins?

2.What does the passage tell us about twins who share parts of the same body?

3.What does the passage say about the education of the twin girls?

1.答案为B。从文中...but unlike most twins, Betty and Abby share parts of the same body...可知, 她们俩与大多数双胞胎不一样, 她们共用一部分身体器官。

2.答案为A。从文中Twins like Betty and Abby are rare和后面的Few survive as long as Betty and Abby...可知, 像她们俩这样的连体双胞胎一般活不长。所以A项正确。

3.答案为A。根据文中They attend a regular school.可知, 她们上的是常规学校。所以A项正确。

听Passage 10, 回答下列问题:

1.A.Experience in negotiating.

B.A high level of intelligence.

C.The time they spend on preparation.

D.The amount of pay they receive.

2.A.Study the case carefully beforehand.

B.Stick to a set target.

C.Appear friendly to the other party.

D.Try to be flexible about their terms.

3.A.Make sure there is no misunderstanding.

B.Try to persuade by giving various reasons.

C.Repeat the same reasons.

D.Listen carefully and patiently to the other party.

Niel Reckmon and others of the Heartweet research group have done some research into the differences between average and good negotiators. They found negotiators with a good trade record and studied them in action. They compared them with the other group of average negotiators and found there was no difference in the time the two groups spent on planning their strategy. However there were some significant differences on other points. The average negotiators thought in terms of the present, but the good negotiators took a longterm view. They made lots of suggestions and considered twice the number of alternatives. The average negotiators set their objectives as a single points. “We hope to get 2 dollars”, for example. The good negotiators set their objectives in terms of range, which they might formulates as “we hope to get 2 dollars. But if we get one dollar fifty, it ll be all right.” The average negotiators tried to persuade by giving lots of reasons. They used a lot of different arguments. The good negotiators didn t give many reasons. They just repeated the same ones. They also did more summarizing and reviewing, checking they were understood correctly.

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.What do good negotiators and average negotiators have in common?

2.According to the speaker, what would the good negotiators do?

3.According to the speaker, what does the average negotiator usually do?

1.答案为B。从文中... there was no difference in the time the two groups spent on planning their strategy...可知B项为正确答案。

2.答案为D。文中说优秀谈判者以一定范围来确立目标, 他们会这样说:“我们希望得到2美元, 但是如果我们得到1.5美元, 那也行。”由此可见, 他们的话比较活。

3.答案为B。从文中The average negotiators tried to persuade by giving lots of reasons...可知B项为正确答案。

听Passage 11, 回答下列问题:

1.A.They eat huge amounts of food.

B.They usually eat twice a day.

C.They usually eat to their hearts content.

D.They eat much less than people assume.

2.A.When it is breeding.

B.When it feels threatened by humans in its territory.

C.When its offspring is threatened.

D.When it is suffering from illness.

3.A.They are not as dangerous as people think.

B.They can be as friendly to humans as dogs.

C.They attack human beings by nature.

D.They are really tame sea animals.

To most of us, sharks are the most dangerous fish in the sea and they attack humans. However, according to Dr. Clark who has studied the behavior of sharks for 12 years, humans are not normally on the sharks menu. What do sharks feed on? Mainly fish and other small sea animals. Dr. Clark also found that sharks don t eat as much food as people think. For instance, a nine feet shark only need two pounds of food a day to keep healthy. But she says sometimes sharks starve and at other times they fill themselves with what they have killed. Around the world there are only about 100 shark attacks on humans each year, ten of which prove fatal. But consider this, in the U.S. alone about 3 million people are bitten by dogs each year. Of this, thirteen people die. If a shark bites you, says Dr. Clark, the reason is usually because it mistakes you for its natural food. For example, say you went underwater fishing and saw a shark, you could be in trouble. The shark might go for the injured fish you had attacked and take a big bite of you at the same time. If you go into a shark s territory and threaten it, it might try to bite you. That s because sharks are territorial and tend to guard their territory. Like dogs, they protect the area that they think as their own.

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.What does the passage say about the eating behavior of sharks?

2.When might a shark attack humans?

3.What do we learn from the passage about sharks?

1.答案为D。从文中...sharks don t eat as much food as people think...可知D项为正确答案。

2.答案为B。从文中If you go into a shark s territory and threaten it, it might try to bite you...可知B项为正确答案。

3.答案为A。文章开头说明了鲨鱼并不是最危险的鱼类, 文中的数据也表明鲨鱼并不像人们想像的那么危险。However, ... humans are not nor mally on the sharks menu. 故选A。

听Passage 12, 回答下列问题:

1.A.Because people might to migrate there someday.

B.Because it is very much like the earth.

C.Because it is easier to explore than other planets.

D.Because its atmosphere is different from that of the earth.

2.A.Its chemical elements must be studied.

B.Its temperature must be lowered.

C.Big spaceships must be built.

D.Its atmosphere must be changed.

3.A.It influences the surface temperature of Mars.

B.It protects living beings from harmful rays.

C.It keeps a planet from overheating.

D.It is the main component of the air people breathe.

4.A.Man will probably be able to live there in 200 years.

B.Scientists are rather pessimistic about it.

C.Man will probably be able to live there in 100 000 years time.

D.Scientists are optimistic about overcoming the difficulties soon.

Science fiction writers have often imagined human beings going to live on Mars. But these days scientists are taking the idea seriously. It has a great deal to recommend it since it might solve the problem of overcrowding on the earth. But obviously it will not be worth making the effort and thus the people could live there naturally. If the atmosphere were like that of the earth, this might be possible. But in fact it is mostly carbon dioxide. Apart from that, there are other problems to be overcomed. For example, the temperature would have to be raised from 60 degrees below 0 to 15 degrees above it. Scientists used to study Mars have laid down the program that they can follow. To begin with, they will have to find out whether life has ever existed on the planet Mars in the past. Secondly they will have to make a reliable map of its surface, and finally they will have to make a list of the guesses. Above all they will have to discover how much nitrogen is pellasis, since nitrogen is fourfifths of the air we breathe. They are surprisingly optimistic about raising the temperature on Mars, and believe it could be done in 200 years. It would take a bit longer, though, to transform the atmosphere so that human beings could live there. Scientists estimate that this will take 100 000 years.

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.Why are scientists interested in Mars?

2.What is one of the things that must be done before man can live on Mars?

3.Why do scientists want to find out whether there is sufficient nitrogen on Mars?

4.What is the prospect of people living on Mars?

1.答案为A。从文中... it might solve the problem of overcrowding on the earth... 可知A项为正确答案。B项与文章内容相反;C、D两项错误。

2.答案为D。从文中If the atmosphere were like that of earth, this might be possible.可知大气成分需改变。

3.答案为D。从文中since nitrogen is fourfifths of the air we breathe可知D项为正确答案。

4.答案为C。从最后一句Scientists estimate that this will take 100 000 years. 可知, 变换大气成分需要十万年, 因此C项为正确答案。

听Passage 13, 回答下列问题:

1.A.She was bored with her life at home.

B.She wanted to help with the family s finances.

C.She was offered a good job by her neighbor.

D.Her family would like to see her more involved in social life.

2.A.Reading papers and watching TV.

B.Taking good care of her husband.

C.Doing housework.

D.Looking after her neighbor s children.

3.A.The children were not taken good care of.

B.Bill blamed Jane for neglecting the family.

C.Bill failed to adapt to the new situation.

D.Jane got angry at Bill s idle life.

4.A.Parents should take good care of their children.

B.Man and wife should share household duties.

C.Women should have own careers.

D.Neighbors should help each other.

Jane Brand has been married for 12 years. She has three children and lives in the suburb outside Clan de Sohio. When her youngest child reached school age, Jane decided to go back to work. She thought that she should contribute to the household finances. Her salary could make a difference between a financial struggle and secure financial situation for her family. Jane also felt bored and frustrated in her role as homemaker and wanted to be more involved in life outside her home. Jane was worried about her children s adjustment to this new situation. But she arranged for them to go stay with a woman nearby after school each afternoon. They seemed to be happy with the arrangement. The problem seemed to be between Jane and her husband Bill. When Jane was at home a day, she was able to clean the house, go shopping, wash the clothes, take care of the children and cook three meals each day. She was very busy, of course. But she succeeded in getting everything done. Now the same things need be done, but Jane has only evenings and early mornings to do them. Both Jane and Bill are tired when they arrive at home at 6 p.m. Bill s accustomed to sitting down and reading the paper or watching TV until dinner s ready. This is exactly what Jane feels like doing. But someone has to fix dinner and Bill expects that to be Jane. Jane has become very angry at Bill s attitude. She feels that he should share the household jobs, but Bill feels that everything should be the same as it was before Jane went back to work.

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.Why did Jane want to be back to work?

2.How did Jane spend her days before she went back to work?

3.What problem arose when Jane went back to work?

4.What does this story try to tell us?

1.答案为B。从文中She thought that she should contribute to the household finances.可知, Jane想帮助改善家里的经济状况。

2.答案为C。从文中When Jane was at home a day, she was able to clean the house, ...take care of the children and cook three meals each day...可知, 她在重返工作岗位之前, 整天在家做家务。

3.答案为C。文中说孩子似乎对这种安排很高兴。问题似乎出在Jane和Bill之间。接着描述了Jane重返工作岗位前后的生活, 最后指出Bill希望一切恢复原样。由此可知, Bill没有适应Jane带来的变化。故C项为正确答案。

4.答案为B。文章的大部分篇幅用来描述Jane和Bill之间的矛盾, 而对孩子、职业和邻居仅是简短的叙述。故选B。

听Passage 14, 回答下列问题:

1.A.To gain financial support from the United Nations.

B.To propose measures to hold back natural disasters.

C.To limit the destruction that natural disasters may cause.

D.To predict natural disasters that can cause vast destruction.

2.A.Scientists can successfully predict earthquakes.

B.Technology can help reduce the damage natural disasters may cause.

C.There is still a long way to go before man can control natural disasters.

D.International cooperation can minimize the destructive force of natural disasters.

3.A.There were fatal mistakes in its design.

B.The traffic load went beyond its capacity.

C.The builder didn t observe the building codes of the time.

D.It was built according to less strict earthquakeresistance standards.

The Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction is a programme designed to reduce the impact of natural disasters throughout the world, which support for the United Nations countries will be encouraged to share information about disaster reduction, for instance, information about how to plan for and cope with hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters. One of the most important thing the programme plans to do is to remind us of what we can do to protect ourselves. For example, we can pack suitcase with flash lights, a radio, food, drinking water and some tools. This safety kit may help us survive a disaster until help arrives. Besides, the programme will encourage governments to establish building standards, emergency response plans and training programmes. These measures can help to limit the destruction by natural disasters. The comparatively mild effects of the Northern California earthquake in 1989, a good evidence that we do have the technology to prevent vast destruction. The recent disasters, on the other hand, prove that people will suffer if they don t use that technology. When a highway collapsed in Northern California, people were killed in their cars. The highway was not built according to today s strict standards to resist earthquakes. Individuals and government have to be far cited. We should take extra time and spend extra money to build disaster safety into our lives. Although such programme can t hold back the winds or stop earthquakes, they can save people s lives and homes.

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.What is the purpose of the programme mentioned in this passage?

2.What can we learn from the Northern California earthquake in 1989?

3.Why did the highway in Northern California collapse?

1.答案为C。从第1句可知, 该计划旨在降低全球的自然灾害影响。故选C。该计划不能阻止自然灾害的发生, 故B项错。

2.答案为B。文中指出1989年Northern California地震的影响比较小, 它很好地证明了我们有防止巨大破坏的技术。故B项为正确答案。

3.答案为D。文中指出The highway was not built according to today s strict standards to resist earthquakes。故D项为最佳答案。

听Passage 15, 回答下列问题:

1.A.By judging the possible risks against the likely benefits.

B.By judging to what extent they can eliminate the risks.

C.By estimating the possible loss of lives and property.

D.By estimating the frequency of volcanic eruptions.

2.A.Etna s frequent eruptions have ruined most of the local farmland.

B.One of Etna s recent eruptions made many people move away.

C.There are signs that Etna will erupt again in the near future.

D.Etna s eruptions are frequent but usually mild.

3.A.They will turn to experts for advice.

B.They will seek shelter in nearby regions.

C.They will remain where they are.

D.They will leave this area for ever.

Living at the foot of one of the world s most active volcanoes might not appeal to you at all. But believe it or not, the area surrounding Mount Etna in Italy is packed with people. In fact it is the most densely populated region on the whole island of Siesely. The reason is that rich volcanic soil makes the land fantastic for farming. By growing and farming a variety of crops, local people earn a good living. For them the economic benefit they reap surpasses the risk of dying or losing property in one of the volcano s frequent eruptions. People everywhere make decisions about risky situation this way, that is, by comparing the risks and the benefits. According to the experts, the size of the risk depends on both its probability and seriousness. Let s take Mount Etna for example. It does erupt frequently, but those eruptions are usually minor. So the overall risk for people living nearby is relatively small. But suppose Mount Etna erupted every day, or imagine that each eruption there killed thousands of people. If that were the case, the risk would be much large. Indeed the risk would be too large for may people to live a life, and they would have to move away.

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.How do you make decisions about risky situations?

2.What do you know about Mount Etna from the passage?

3.What would people living near Mount Etna do in the face of its eruptions?

1.答案为A。从文中People everywhere make decisions about risky situation this way, that is, by comparing the risks and the benefits.可知, 应选A。

2.答案为D。从文中It does erupt frequently, but those eruptions are usually minor可知, D项为正确答案。

3.答案为C。活火山Mount Etna经常爆发, 但强度和破坏性不大, 故附近人们不会离开居住地, 而且文章开头已表明该山山底人口密集。故选C。

听Passage 16, 回答下列问题:

1.A.To study the problems of local industries.

B.To find ways to treat human wastes.

C.To investigate the annual catch of fish in the Biramichi River.

D.To conduct a study on fishing in the Biramichi River.

2.A.Lack of oxygen.

B.Overgrowth of water plants.

C.Low water level.

D.Serious pollution upstream.

3.A.They ll be closed down.

B.They re going to dismiss some of their employees.

C.They ll be moved to other places.

D.They have no money to build chemical treatment plants.

4.A.There were fewer fish in the river.

B.Overfishing was prohibited.

C.The local Chamber of Commerce tried t preserve fishes.

D.The local fishing cooperative decided to reduce its catch.

There are some serious problems in the Biramichi River. The local Chamber of Commerce, which represents the industries in the area, hired me as a consultant to do a oneyear study on fishing in the Biramichi River and write a report for them. This is my report:

One of the major problems in the Biramichi River is that the level of oxygen in the water is too low. Several chemicals have displaced the oxygen. This chemical pollution has two sources:the factories which dump the polluted water directly into the river;and local community which dumps untreated human wastes into the river. The local town government has already spent 2 million dollars on waste water treatment projects. But it will cost another 27 million to complete the project. It will take at least 15 years for the town to collect enough revenue from taxes to complete this project. The factories here employ seventeen thousand people. And in area where there is very little alternative employment, it is not economically practical to close or relocate the factories. Also, the factories can not afford to finance the chemical treatment plans by themselves.

Another problem is that the members of the Biramichi fishing cooperative are overfishing. Fishes are caught when they are on their way upstream to lay eggs. Consequently, not enough fish are left to reproduce in large numbers. The members of the cooperative say that they ve already reduced their annual catch by 15%. However, my studies indicate that they took fewer fish because there were fewer fish to catch, not because they were trying to preserve fishes.

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.What was the speaker assigned to do in the past year?

2.What is one of the problems in the Biramichi River?

3.What does this passage tell us about the factories along the river?

4.Why was the annual catch of the fish in the Biramichi River reduced according to the speaker?

1.答案为D。文章开头提到:The local Chamber of Commerce... hired me as a consultant to do a oneyear study on fishing in Biramichi River and write a report for them. 由此可知, D项为正确答案。

2.答案为A。文中提到:One of the major problems in the Biramichi River is that the level of oxygen in the water is too low. 四个选项中, 只有A项正确。

3.答案为D。从下文中...the factor can not afford to finance the chemical treatment plans by themselves... 可知D项为正确答案。

4.答案为A。从文章最后一句Havever, my studies indicate that they took fewer fish because there were fewer fish to catch, not because they were trying to preserve fishes. 可知A项为正确答案。

听Passage 17, 回答下列问题:

1.A.Oral instructions recorded on a tape.

B.A brief letter sealed in an envelope.

C.A written document of several pages.

D.A short note to their lawyer.

2.A.Refrain from going out with men for five years.

B.Stope wearing any kind of fashionable clothes.

C.Bury the dentist with his favorite car.

D.Visit his grave regularly for five years.

3.A.He was angry with his selfish relatives.

B.He was just being humorous.

C.He was not a wealthy man.

D.He wanted to leave his body for medical purposes.

Everybody has to die some day, but nobody likes to think about it. Even so, at some time in their lives, most people manage to think about the question of how to make a will. If you have already made yours, it s probably just a few pages of writing, stating that you wish to leave everything to your family. That is the kind of will that the majority of people make. However, there are plenty of ways to make your will more interesting if you want to. To begin with, you don t have to write it on paper. One man wrote his will on an envelope, another on a door, and the third on an egg.

For some people, the most important part of their will is the part that says how they want to be buried. Mrs. Sandra West, a rich widow from Texas decided that she wanted to be buried with her favorite car. In 1973, Mr. Green, a dentist from England, left most of his money to the nurse who worked for him if in five years she wouldn t wear any kind of makeup or jewelery, or go out with man. Finally, let s hope that your will is not like that of Dr. Wegner who lived in America one hundred years ago. His family, who had not been to see him for years, suddenly began to visit him when he became ill. What was worse, each person suggested to Dr. Wegner that they would like something to remember him by when he died. Greatly annoyed with then, Dr. Wegner wrote a will that he would do this:To each of his four brothers, he left one of his legs or arms, his nephew got his nose;and his two nieces each got an ear;his teeth went to his cousins;then he set aside 1 000 dollars to pay for cutting out his body, and the rest of his money he left to the poor.

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.What kind of will do most people leave behind according to the passage?

2.What did the nurse have to do before getting the money left by the English dentist?

3.Why did Dr. Wegner make an unusual will?

1.答案为C。从文中...it s probably just a few pages of writing, stating that you wish to leave everything to your family. That kind of will that the majority of people make...可知C项为正确答案。

2.答案为A。从文中Mr. Green, a dentist from England, left most of his money to the nurse who worked for him if in five years she wouldn t wear any kind of makeup or jewelery可知A项正确。

3.答案为A。文章中提到:His family, who had not been to see him for years, suddenly began to visit him when he became ill. What was worse, each person suggest to Dr. Wegner...Greatly annoyed with them.由此可知, Dr. Wegner对他的亲戚们的自私行为感到很生气。故A项正确。

听Passage 18, 回答下列问题:

1.A.They thought it quite acceptable.

B.They believed it to be a luxury.

C.They took it to be a trend.

D.They considered it avoidable.


3.A.When people consider marriage an important part of their lives.

B.When the costs of getting a divorce become unaffordable.

C.When the current marriage law is modified.

D.When husband and wife understand each other better.

In recent years, there has been an unusually large number of divorces in the U.S. In the past when two people married each other, they intended to stay together for a life. While today, many people marry, believing that they can always get divorce if the marriage doesn t work out. In the past, a large majority of Americans frowned at the idea of divorce. Furthermore, many people believed that getting a divorce was a luxury that only the rich could afford. Indeed, getting a divorce was very expensive. However, since so many people have begun to take a more casual view of marriage, it is interesting to know that the cost of getting a divorce are lower. In fact, wherever you go in the U.S. today, it is not unusual to see newspaper ads that provide information on how and where to get a cheap divorce.

Hollywood has always been known as the divorce capital of the world. The divorce rate among the movie stars is so high that it is difficult to know who is married to whom. Today, many movie stars change husbands and wives as though they were changing clothes. Until marriage again becomes a serious and important part of people s lives, we will probably continue to see a high rate of divorce.

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.What did many Americans think of the divorce in the past?

2.What is the attitude of many Americans to marriage today?

3.In the speaker s view, when will the high rate of divorce be brought down?

1.答案为B。文章中提到:In the past, a large majority of Americans frowned... many people believed that getting a divorce was a luxury that only the rich could afford.由此可知, B项为正确答案。

2.答案为D。从文中However, since so many people have begun to take a more casual view of marriage.可知D项为正确答案。

3.答案为A。从文中最后一句Until marriage again becomes a serious and important part of people s lives, we will probably continue to see a high rate of divorce.可知A项正确。听Passage 19, 回答下列问题:

1.A.One of the bridges between North and South London collapsed.

B.The heart of London was flooded.

C.An emergency exercise was conducted.

D.100 people in the suburbs were drowned.

2.A.50 underground stations were made waterproof.

B.A flood wall was built.

C.An alarm system was set up.

D.Rescue teams were formed.

3.A.Most Londoners were frightened.

B.Most Londoners became rather confused.

C.Most Londoners took Exercise Floodcall calmly.

D.Most Londoners complained about the trouble caused by Exercise Floodcall.

A few months ago, millions of people in London heard alarms all over the town. Emergency services, the fire department, the police, hospitals and ambulances stood by, ready to go into action. In railway and underground stations, people read notices and maps which taught them where to go, and what to do in the emergency. This was Exercise Floodcall, to prepare people for a flood emergency. London wasn t flooded yet, but it is possible that it would be. In 1236 and in 1663 London was badly flooded. In 1928 people living in Westminster, the heart of London, drowned in floods, and in 1953, one hundred people living on the eastern edge of the London suburbs were killed again in the floods. At last, Great London council took action to prevent this disaster from happening again. Though a floodwall was built in the 1980s, Londoners still must be prepared for the possible disaster. If it happens, fifty underground stations will be underwater. Electricity, gas, and phone services will be out of action. Roads will be drowned. It would be impossible to cross any of the bridges between North and South London. Imagine London would look like the famous Italian city—Venice. But this Exercise Floodcall didn t cause panic among Londoners. Most people knew it was just a warning. One lady said, “It s a flood warning, isn t it? The water doesn t look as high as me.”

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.What happened in London a few months ago?

2.What measure was taken against floods in London in the 1980s?

3.What can we learn from the lady s comment?

1.答案为C。从文中开头A few months ago... Emergency services...ready to go into action可知C项为正确答案。

2.答案为B。从Though a floodwall was built in the 1980s.可知B项正确。

3.答案为C。文章最后一句提到:One lady said, “It s a flood warning, isn t it? The water doesn t look as high as me.”由此可知, 人们对这类事件心态很平静。故C项正确。

听Passage 20, 回答下列问题:

1.A.It limited their supply of food.

B.It made their eggshells too fragile.

C.It destroyed many of their nests.

D.It killed many baby bald eagles.

2.A.They found ways to speed up the reproduction of bald eagles.

B.They developed new types of feed for baby bald eagles.

C.They explored new ways to hatch baby bald eagles.

D.They brought in bald eagles from Canada.

3.A.Pollution of the environment.

B.A new generation of pest killers.

C.Overkilling by hunters.

D.Destruction of their natural homes.

America s national symbol—the bald eagle, almost went extinct 20 years ago. But it is made to come back. In fact, the U.S. Fishing Wild Life Service is considering the possibility of taking it off the endangered species list. Once, more than 50 000 pairs of bald eagles nested across the country. But by 1960 that number had fallen below 400. The chief killer was the widely used DDT. Fish sucked up DDT, died, and were washed up on shores, where bald eagles feasted on them. DDT prevented eagle eggshells from thickening. The shells became so thin that they shuttered before the babies hatched. Fortunately, in 1972 a law was passed to ban DDT, which saved the bald eagle from total wipe out. And since then, wild life biologists have reintroduced bald eagles from Canada to America. The result was that last year U.S. bird watchers counted 11 610 bald eagles in the country. If it were dropped from the endangered list, the bald eagle will still be a threatened species. That means the bird would continue to get the same protection. No hunting allowed, and no disturbing of nests. But bald eagles still face tough times. The destruction of their natural homes coul the next DDT, causing eagle numbers to drop quickly.

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.What was the main harmful effect of the pest killer DDT on bald eagles?

2.What measure did the wild life biologists take to increase the number of bald eagles?

3.According to the speaker, what is the possible danger facing bald eagles?

1.答案为B。从文中DDT prevented eagle eggshells from thickening可知B项为正确答案。

2.答案为D。从文中And since then, wild life biologists have reintroduced bald eagles from Canada to America可知D项为正确答案。

3.答案为D。从短文中最后一句The destruction of their natural homes could the next DDT, causing eagle numbers to drop quickly可知D项正确。

听Passage 21, 回答下列问题:

1.A.Whether it can be detected and checked.

B.Whether it will lead to widespread food shortage.

C.Whether global warming will speed up in the future.

D.Whether it will affect their own lives.

2.A.Many species have moved further north.

B.Many new species have come into existence.

C.Many species have developed a habit of migration.

D.Many species have become less sensitive to climate.

3.A.Storms and floods.

B.Disease and fire.

C.Less space for their growth.

D.Rapid increase of the animal population.

4.A.They will gradually die out.

B.They will be able to survive in the preserves.

C.They will have to migrate to find new homes.

D.They will face extinction without artificial reproduction.

If the earth gets warmer in the new century, what will happen to animals and plants which animals depend on for survival? The question offers another way of looking at the greenhouse effect. People of talked about the general problem of global warming for some time, but they were usually worried about things like whether to buy a home on the coast. Biologists and other scientists turned their attention to plants and animals at an important meeting that took place last October. They reviewed evidence that plants and animals are sensitive to climate. Since the iceage ended 10 000 years ago, and warm temperatures returned to the northern latitudes, many species have migrated north. If the predictions about the greenhouse are correct, temperatures will arise by the same amount in the next 100 years, as they did in the past 10 000. Will animals and plants be able to adapt that quickly to the changing environment? Many want. Certain species will probably become very rare. Experts say plants under climate stress will be very open to disease and fire. Forestfires may become more common. That, in turn, may harm animals that depend on trees for food or shelter. Any preserves we set up to pretect endangered species may become useless, as the species will be forced to migrate along with their natural homes. Change is part of life, but rapid change, says scientist George Woodward, is the enemy of life.

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.What is the concern of ordinary people about the greenhouse effect?

2.What has happened since the end of iceage?

3.What will be a possible threat to plants in the future?

4.According to the passage, what will probably happen to the endangered species?

1.答案为D。从文中People of talked about the general problem of global...worried about things like whether to buy a home on the coast... 可知D项为正确答案。

2.答案为A。从文中Since the iceage ended...many species have migrated north... 可知A项为正确答案。

3.答案为B。从文中Experts say plants under climate stress will be very open to disease and fire.可知B项正确。

4.答案为C。从文中Any preserves we set up to protect endangered species may become useless, as the species will be forced to migrate along with their natural homes.可知C项为正确答案。

听Passage 22, 回答下列问题:

1.A.Special education.B.Social work.

C.Social work.D.Medical care.

2.A.Her determination to fulfill her dream.

B.Her parents consistent moral support.

C.The twoyear professional training she received.

D.The timely advice from her friends and relative.

3.A.To set up an instituation for the handicapped.

B.To get the funding for the hospitals.

C.To help the disabled children there.

D.To train therapists for the children there.

Born and raised in central Ohio, I m a country girl through and through. I m currently studying to become a physical therapist, a career path that marks a greater achievement for me. At Ohio State University, admission into the physical therapy program is intensely competitive. I m made it pass the first cuts the first year I applied, but was turned down for admission. I was crushed, because for years I have been determined to become a physical therapist. I received advice from friends and relatives about changing my major and finding another course for my life. I just couldn t do it. I knew I could not be as happy in another profession. So I stilled myself, began to work seriously for another year and reapplied. Happily I received notice of my admission. Later, I found out that less than 15% of the applicant had been offered positions that year. Now in the first two years of professional training, I couldn t be happier with my decision not to give up on my dream. My father told me that if I wanted it badly enough, I would get in. Well, Daddy, I wanted it. So there.

After graduation, I would like to trave to another country, possibly a Latin American country and work in a children s hospital for a year or two. So many of the children there are physically handicapped but most hospitals don t have the funding to hire trained staff to care for them properly. I would like to change that somehow.

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.What is the speaker s field of study?

2.According to the speaker, what contributed to her admission to Ohio State University?

3.Why does the speaker want to go to a Latin American country?

1.答案为C。从文中 I m currenty studying to become a physical therapist... 可知答案C为正确答案。

2.答案为A。从文中 So I stilled myself, began to work seriously... 可知答案A正确。

3.答案为C。文中指述拉西美洲儿童的就医条件, 而作者 would like to change that somehow, 所以她是想 help the disabled children there.

听Passage 23, 回答下列问题:

1.A.The number of people relying on their mother tongue will drop.

B.The percentage of native speaken of English will increase.

C.People will choose Chinese rather than English.

D.People may use two or more languages.

2.A.The number of Spanish speakers is far greather than that of Arabic speakers.

B.Arabic spoken in Egypr differs from Arabic spoken in Morocce in origin.

C.Arabic spoken in one Arab country may not be understood in another.

D.The number of Arabic speakers is declining because of the invasion of English.

3.A.It is uncertain whether English will be the world language in the ruture.

B.Spanish is very likely to become the top language of the world by 2050.

C.Most people in the world will learn to speak Chinese in the future.

D.It is impossible for Arab countrice to standardize their language.

According to David Garddol, a Brithish language expert, the idea that English will become the world language is outdated. And people are more likely to switch between two or more languages for routine communication in the future.

The share of the world s population that speak English as a native language is falling. Instead, English will play a growing role as second language. A population speaking more than one language is already the case in much of the world, and is becoming more common in the United States. Indeed, the Census Bureau reported last year that nearly one American in five speak a language other than English at home, with Spanish taking the lead, followed by Chinese.

Graddol says. Up until 1995, English was the second mostcommon native tongue in the world, trailing only Chinese.

By 2050, Chinese will continue its predominance, with HindiUrdu of India and Arabic climbing past English, and Spanish nearly equal to it.

In contrast, an American language expert, David Harrison noted that “the global share of English is much larger if you count secondlanguage speakers, and will continue to rise, even as the proportion of native speakers declines.”

Harrison disputed listing Arabic in the top three languages, “because varieties of Arabic spoken in such countries as Egypt and Morocco are mutually incomprehensible.”

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.What does David Graddol say about the use of languages for daily communication in the future?

2.Why doesn t David Harrison include Arabic as one of the top three languages?

3.What can we infer from the passage?

1.答案为D。从文中第二句“likely to switch between; two or more languges...” 知道答案为D。


3.答案为C。文中提到“By 2050, Chinese will... predominance.”

听Passage 24, 回答下列问题:

1.A.Because it would cost lots of money to build such special colleges.

B.Because it would constitute discrimination against blind students.

C.Because they believe blind students prefer to mix with students who can see.

D.Because they think blind people should learn to live among sighted people.

2.A.By providing them with free medical service.

B.By encouraging them to be more selfreliant.

C.By offering them more financial assistance.

D.By showing them proper care and respect.

3.A.Modern technology.

B.Professional support.

C.Financial aid from the American government.

D.Help from the National Fedcration of the Blind.

4.A.Ask American professons to write recommendations on their behalf.

B.Obtain American cilizenship before they reach the age of 30.

C.Apply to the National Federation of the Blind for scholarships.

D.Turn to special institutions in their own country for assistance.

There are about one million blind people in the United States. The largest and the most influential organization for blind people in this country is the National Federation of the Blind. Its officials say the nation doesn t have any colleges or universities that serve only blind students. They say the reason for this is that blind people must learn to live among people who can see.

American colleges and universities do accept blind and visually impaired students. And they provide services to help these students succeed. For example, colleges find people who write down what the professors say in class. And they provide technology that can help blind students with their work. However, experts say colleges can best help blind students by making it clear that the students should learn to help themselves.

One blind American student named Tim Cordes recently made news because he graduated from medical school at the university of Wisconsin. He says the technology was one of the reasons he succeeded. He used a computer that read into his earphone what he was typing. He also used a small printer that permitted him to write notes about his patients in the hospital. He did his undergraduate work at the University of Notre Dame in South Band, Indiana.

National Federation of the Blind officials say blind students from other nations do come to the United states to attend college. Some can even get financial aid. The Federation awards about thirty scholarships each year that have no citizenship requirement.

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1.According to officials of National Federation of the Blind, why are there no special college for blind students only?

2.According to experts, how can colleges best help blind students?

3.What is one of the reasons given by Tim Cordes, a blind student, for his success?

4.What can blind students from overseas do to study in America, according to the National Federation of the Blind?

1.答案为D。文中“... must learn to live among people who can see.” 可知答案为D。

2.答案为B。learn to help them seleves 的意思正是“self reliant.”

3.答案为A。“technology was one of the reasons” 是文中的原话。

4.答案为C。文中提到“...get financial aid.”