
第10章 眼里有心,旖旎一路风景(3)

Even if you live it forday more that day deservesto be lived graciously andwith dignity.

The plaque on the wallsays, “life is a do-it-yourselfproject.”

Who could say it moreclearly? Your life today is theresult of your attitudes andchoices in the past.

Your life tomorrowwill be the result of yourattitudes and choices youmake today.













Before You Complain...

There was a blind girl who hatedherself because she was blind. Shehated everyone, except her lovingboyfriend. He was always there for her.

She told her boyfriend, “If I could onlysee the world, I would marry you.”

One day, someone donated a pairof eyes to her. When the bandages cameoff, she was able to see everything,including her boyfriend.

He asked her, “Now that you cansee the world, will you marry me?”

The girl looked at her boyfriend andsaw that he was blind. The sight of hisclosed eyelids shocked her. She hadntexpected that. The thought of lookingat them the rest of her life led her torefuse to marry him.

Her boyfriend left in tears anddays later wrote a note to her saying:

take good care of my eyes, dear. Illalways love you.

This is how the human brain oftenworks when our status changes. Onlya very few remember what life was likebefore, and who was always by theirside in the most painful situations. Lifeis a gift.

Today before you say an unkindword, think of someone who cantspeak.

Before you complain about thetaste of your food, think of someonewho has nothing to eat.

Today before you complain aboutlife, think of someone who went tooearly to heaven.

Before whining about the distanceyou drive, think of someone who walksthe same distance with their feet.

And when you are tired andcomplain about your job, think of theunemployed, the disabled, and thosewho wish they had your job.

And when depressing thoughtsseem to get you down, put a smile onyour face and think: youre alive andstill around.










One Girl Changed My Life

My childhood and adolescence werea joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaselessquest for expression, skill, and experience.

School was only a background to thesupreme delight of lessons in music, dance,and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns inthe country, theaters, and concerts.

And books, big Braille books that camewith me on streetcars, to the table, and tobed. Then one night at a high school dance,a remark, not intended for my ears, stabbedmy youthful bliss: “That girl, what a pityshe is blind.” Blind! That ugly word impliedeverything dark, blank, rigid, and helpless.

Quickly I turned and called out: “Pleasedont feel sorry for me, and Im having lotsof fun.” But the fun was not to last.

With the advent of college, I wasbrought to grips with the problem ofearning a living. Part-time teaching of pianoand harmony and, upon graduation, occasionalconcerts and lectures, proved only partial sourcesof livelihood. In terms of time and effort involved,the financial remuneration was disheartening.

This induced within me searing self-doubt anddark moods of despondency. Adding to my dismalsense of inadequacy was the repeated experienceof seeing my sisters and friends go off to excitingdates. How grateful I was for my piano, where-through Chopin, Brahms, and Beethoven-I couldmingle my longing and seething energy with theirs,and where I could dissolve my frustration in thebeauty and grandeur of their conceptions.

Then one day, I met a girl, a wonderful girl,an army nurse, whose faith and stability were tochange my whole life. As our acquaintance ripenedinto friendship, she discerned, behind a shell ofgaiety, my recurring plateaus of depression. Shesaid, “Stop knocking on closed doors. Keep upyour beautiful music. I know your opportunity willcome. Youre trying too hard. Why dont you relax,and have you ever tried praying?”

The idea was strange to me. It sounded toosimple. Somehow, I had alwaysoperated on the premise that, ifyou wanted something in thisworld, you had to go out andget it for yourself. Yet, sincerityand hard work had yielded onlymeager returns, and I was willingto try anything. Experimentally,self-consciously, I cultivatedthe daily practice of prayer. Isaid: God, show me the purposefor which You sent me to thisworld. Help me to be of use tomyself and to humanity.