
第16章 一生牵挂,不忘寸草春晖(2)

I felt triumphant! I had scoreda beat on bureaucracy! And I hadgone on the official records assomeone more distinguished andindispensable to mankind than “justanother mother”.

Motherhood...What a gloriouscareer! Especially when theres a titleon the door.

Does this make grandmothers“Senior Research Associates inthe field of Child Developmentand Human Relations” and greatgrandmothers “Executive SeniorResearch Associates” ? I think so!!!

I also think it makes Aunts“Associate Research Assistants”.















My Forever Valentine

The traditional holidays in ourhouse when I was a child were spenttiming elaborate meals around footballgames. My father tried to makepleasant chitchat and eat as much ashe could during halftime. At Christmashe found time to have a cup or two ofholiday cheer and do his holly-shapedbow tie. But he didnt truly shine untilValentines Day.

I dont know whether it wasbecause work at the office slowedduring February or because the footballseason was over. But Valentines Daywas the time my father chose to showhis love for the special people in hislife. Over the years I fondly thought ofhim as my “Valentine Man”.

My first recollection of the magiche could bring to Valentines Day camewhen I was six. For several days I hadbeen cutting out valentines for myclassmates. Each of us was to decoratea “mailbox” and put it on our desk forothers to give us cards. That box andits contents ushered in a succession ofbittersweet memories of my entranceinto a world of popularity contestsmarked by the number of cardsreceived, the teasing about boyfriends/girlfriends and the tender care I gave tothe card from the cutest boy in class.

That morning at the breakfasttable I found a card and a gift-wrappedpackage at my chair. The card wassigned “Love, Dad”, and the gift wasa ring with a small piece of red glassto represent my birthstone, a ruby.

There is little difference between redglass and rubies to a child of six, andI remember wearing that ring with apride that all the cards in the worldcould not surpass.

As I grew older, the gifts gaveway to heart-shaped boxes filled withmy favorite chocolates and alwaysincluded a special card signed “Love,Dad”. In those years my “thank-you”

became more of a perfunctory response.

The cards seemed less important, andI took for granted the valentine thatwould always be there. Long past thedays of having a “mailbox” on my desk,I had placed my hopes and dreamsin receiving cards and gifts from“significant others” and “Love, Dad”

just didnt seem quite enough.

If my father knew then that hehad been replaced, he never let it show.

If he sensed any disappointment overvalentines that didnt arrive for me, hejust tried that much harder to create apositive atmosphere, giving me an extrahug and doing what he could to makemy day a little brighter.

My mailbox eventually had a ruraladdress, and the job of hand-deliveringcandy and cards was relegated to theU. S. Postal Service. Never in ten yearswas my fathers package late-nor wasit on the Valentines Day eight years agowhen I reached into the mailbox to finda card addressed to me in my mothershandwriting.

It was the kind of card that comesin an inexpensive assortment box soldby a child going door-to-door to try toearn money for a school project. It wasthe kind of card that you used to getfrom a grandmother or an aging auntor, in this case, a dying father. It wasthe kind of card that put a lump in yourthroat and tears in your eyes becauseyou knew the person no longer was ableto go out and buy a real valentine. It wasa card that signaled this would be thelast you receive from him.

The card had a photograph of tulipson the outside, and on the inside mymother had printed “Happy ValentinesDay”. Beneath it, scrawled in barelylegible handwriting, was “Love, Dad”.

His final card remains on mybulletin board today. Its a reminderof how special fathers can be and howimportant it had been to me over theyears to know that I had a father whocontinued a tradition of love witha generosity of spirit, simple acts ofunderstanding and an ability to expresshappiness over the people in his life.

Those things never die, nor doesthe memory of a man who never stoppedbeing my valentine.




