
第20章 天涯比邻,相拥三千深情(1)




IfIf you can keep your head when all about youare losing theirs and blaming it on you;If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,but make allowance for their doubting too;If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,or, being lied about, dont deal in lies,or, being hated, dont give way to hating,and yet dont look too good, nor talk too wise.

If you can dream-and not make dreams your master;If you can think-and not make thoughts your aim;If you can meet with triumph and disasterand treat those two impostors just the same;If you can bear to hear the truth youve spokentwistted by knaves to make a trap for fools,or watch the things you gave your life to broken,and stoop and build them up with wornout tools.

If you can make one heap of all your winningsand risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,and lose, and start again at your beginningsand never breathe a word about your loss;If you can force your heart and nerve and sinewto serve your turn long after they are gone,and so hold on when there is nothing in youexcept the Will which says to them: “Hold on!”;If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,or walk with Kings-nor lose the common touch;If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;If all men count with you, but none too much;If you can fill the unforgiving minutewith sixty second worth of distance run-Yours is the Earth and everything thats in it,and-which is more-youll be a Man my son!

























I Didnt Know How to Teach until I Met You

There is a story many years ago of an elementary teacher.

She was Mrs. Thompson. And as she stood in front of her 5thgrade class on the very first day of school she told the childrena lie. Like most teachers she looked at herstudents and said that she loved them all thesame. But that was impossible, because therein the front row, slumped in his seat, was alittle boy named Teddy.

Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy theyear before and noticed that he didnt playwell with the other children, that his clotheswere messy and that he constantly needed abath. And Teddy could be unpleasant.

At the school where Mrs. Thompsontaught, she was required to review eachchilds past records and she put Teddys offuntil last. However, when she reviewed hisfile, she was in for a surprise.

Teddys first grade teacher wrote,“Teddy is a bright child with a ready laugh.

He does his work neatly and has goodmanners. He is a joy to be around.”

His second grade teacher wrote, “Teddyis an excellent student, well-liked by hisclassmates, but he is troubled because hismother has a terminal illness and life athome must be a struggle.”

His third grade teacher wrote, “Hismothers death has been hard on him. Hetries to do his best but his father doesntshow much interest and his home life willsoon affect him if some steps arent taken.”

Teddys fourth grade teacher wrote,“Teddy is withdrawn and doesnt showmuch interest in school. He doesnt havemany friends and sometimes sleeps in class.”

By now, Mrs. Thompson realized theproblem and she was ashamed of herself.

She felt even worse when her studentsbrought her Christmas presents, wrappedin beautiful ribbons and bright paper,except for Teddys. His present was clumsilywrapped in the heavy, brown paper thathe got from a grocery bag. Mrs. Thompsontook pains to open it in the middle of theother presents. Some of the children startedto laugh when she found a rhinestonebracelet with some of the stones missingand a bottle that was one quarter full ofperfume. She stifled the childrens laughterwhen she exclaimed how pretty the braceletwas, putting it on, and dabbing some of theperfume on her wrist.

Teddy stayed after school that day justlong enough to say, “Mrs. Thompson, todayyou smelled just like my Mom used to.” Afterthe children left she cried for at least anhour.

On that very day, she quit teachingreading, and writing, and arithmetic.

Instead, she began to teach children.

Mrs. Thompson paid particularattention to Teddy. As she worked with him,his mind seemed to come alive.