
第13章 告别过去,重新开始(6)




And our nation remembers the familiesleft behind to carry a burden of sorrow. Theyhave shown courage of their own. And withthe help of Gods grace, and with supportfrom one another, the families of terror victimshave shown a strength that survives all hurt. Each of them remains in the thoughts andprayers of the American people.

The terrorist attacks on September the11th were a turning point for our nation. Wesaw the goals of a determined enemy: toexpand the scale of their murder, and forceAmerica to retreat from the world. And ournation accepted a mission: We will defeat thisenemy.

The United States of America isdetermined to guard our homeland againstfuture attacks. As the September the 11thCommission concluded, our country is saferthan we were three years ago, but we are notyet safe.

So every day, many thousands ofdedicated men and women are on duty-as airmarshals, airport screeners, cargo inspectors,border patrol officers, and first responders. At the same time, Americans serving in theFBI and CIA are performing their daily workwith professionalism, while we reform thoseagencies to see the dangers around the nextcorner. Our country is grateful to all ourfellow citizens who watch for the enemy, andanswer the alarms, and guard America by theirvigilance.





The United States is determinedto stay on the offensive, and to pursuethe terrorists wherever they train, orsleep, or attempt to set down roots. Wehave conducted this campaign from themountains of Afghanistan, to the heart ofthe Middle East, to the horn of Africa, tothe islands of the Philippines, to hiddencells within our own country.

More than three-quarters of alQaedas key members and associateshave been detained or killed. We knowthat there is still a danger to America. Sowe will not relent until the terrorists whoplot murder against our people are foundand dealt with.

The United States is also determinedto advance democracy in the broaderMiddle East, because freedom will bringthe peace and security we all want. Whenthe peoples of that region are given newhope and lives of dignity, they will let goof old hatreds and resentments, and theterrorists will find fewer recruits. And asgovernments of that region join in thefight against terror instead of harboringterrorists, America and the world will bemore secure. Our present work in Iraq andAfghanistan is difficult. It is also historicand essential. By our commitment andsacrifice today, we will help transformthe Middle East, and increase the safetyof our children and grandchildren.




Since September the 11th, the sacrifices in the war on terror have fallen mostheavily on members of our military, and their families. Our nation is grateful to thebrave men and women who are taking risks on our behalf at this hour.

And America will never forget the ones who have fallen-men and women lastseen doing their duty, whose names we will honor forever.

The war on terror goes on. The resolve of our nation is still being tested. And inthe face of danger we are showing our character. Three years after the attack on ourcountry, Americans remain strong and resolute, patient in a just cause, and confident ofthe victory to come.


