
第56章 故事永远不会结束(3)

So,this was undeniably the it:the truly life-altering break I had always dreamed of.And,I went to work.I gathered all my funny friends and poured all my years of comedy experience into building that show over the summer,gathering the talent and figuring out the sensibility.We debuted on September 13,1993and I was happy with our effort.I felt like I had seized the momentand put my very best foot forward.And this is what the most respected and widely read television critic,Tom Shales,wrote in theWashington Post:

"O"Br ien is a l iv in g c ol l a ge of annoying nervous habits.He giggles and titters,jiggles about and fiddles with his cuffs.He had dark,beady little eyes like a rabbit.He"s one of the whitest white men ever.O"Brien is a switch on the guest whowon"t leave:he"s the host who should never have come.Let the Late show with Conan O"Brien become the late,Late Show and may the host return to Conan O"Blivion whence he came."

There"s more but it gets kind of mean.

Needless to say,I took a lot of criticism,some of it deserved,some of it excessive.And it hurt like you wouldn"t believe.But I"m telling you all this for a reason.I"ve had a lot of success and I"ve had a lot of failure.I"ve looked good and I"ve looked bad.I"ve been praised and I"ve been criticized.But my mistakes have been necessary.Except for Wilson"s House of Suede and Leather.That was just stupid.

I"ve dwelled on my failures today because,as graduates of Harvard,your biggest liability is your need to succeed.Your need to always find yourself on the sweet side of the bell curve.Because success is a lot like a bright,white tuxedo.You feel terrific when you get it,but then you"re desperately afraid of getting it dirty,of spoiling it in any way.I left the cocoon of Harvard,I left the cocoon of Saturday Night Live,I left the cocoon of The Simpsons.And each time it was bruising and tumultuous.And yet,every failure was freeing,and today I"m as nostalgic for the bad as I am for the good.

S o,t h a t"s wh a t I w ish for a l l of you:the bad as well as the good.Fall dow n ,ma ke a mess,brea k somet hingoccasionally.And remember that the story is never over.If it"s all right,I"d like to read a little something from just this year:

"S o me how,Con a n O"Br ien h a s transformed himself into the brightest star in the Late Night firmament.His comedy is the gold standard and Conan himselfis not only the quickest and most inventive wit of his generation,but quite possible the greatest host ever."

Ladies and Gentlemen,Class of 2000,I wrote that this morning,as proof that,when all else fails,there"s always delusion.

I"ll go now,to make bigger mistakes and to embarrass this fine institution even more.But let me leave you with one last thought:If you can laugh at yourself loud and hard every time you fall,people will think you"re drunk.

Thank you.












