
第22章 老外最想打听的广州名人(3)

The boss eulogized about Steven’s versatility.


posthumous [pɑstms] adj. 死后的

He was buried with full military honours and posthumously awarded a Purple Heart.


peerage [prd] n. 贵族;贵族地位;贵族阶级

The king conferred the dignity of a peerage on the general.


grant [grnt] n. 补助金;津贴;政府奖助

They’d got a special grant to encourage research.


widow [wdo] n. 寡妇;孀妇

She became a widow a year ago.


Dialogue 对话


Peter, why do you look so sad


Nothing, I just finished a tragedy film.


What film can make you cry


The Naval Battle of 1894.


What does the movie tell


It tells a war of Sino-Japanese War of 1894 and China suffered a terrible defeat. Deng Shichang sacrificed his life in the war.


China is a poor and backward country at that time and its weapons and equipment were much worse than Japan.


We should study hard and make China more powerful.

















背景知识 Background Information

邓世昌纪念馆(Deng Shichang Memorial Hall)落址于广州市海珠区邓氏宗祠内。轩昂气派的岭南祠堂建筑,占地4700平方米,碧墙灰瓦,掩映在寻常巷陌的榕荫中。庭院呈船台状,三路两进三院的格局风情典雅,通敞透亮,移步换景。有石额楹联、通花木雕点缀,更兼重门纳画、木石风神,端庄肃穆,古朴洗练。花园存有邓世昌手植苹婆树一株,枯木逢春的灵芝两枚,古树婆娑数棵。“云台功首、甲午名留”,睹物思人,英雄精神养育着中华民族无数风流人物之人格襟怀,激浊扬清,重塑民族



Xian Xinghai

Xian Xinghai (June 13, 1905 – October 30, 1945), whose family origin is Panyu District in Guangdong Province, was one of the earliest generations of Chinese composers influenced by western classical music and has influenced generations of Chinese musicians. Although he composed in all the major musical forms (two symphonies, a violin concerto, four large scale choral works, nearly 300 songs and an opera), he is best known for his Yellow River Cantata.

冼星海(1905年6月13日-1945年10月30日)祖籍广东番禺,是最早的受西方古典音乐影响的一代中国作曲家之一,也影响了中国一代又一代的音乐家。虽然他创造了所有的主要乐式,(两部交响曲,一首小提琴协奏曲,四部大型合唱作品,将近300首歌和一部歌剧),他最广为人知的还是《黄河大合唱》 。

Early life and education 早期生活和教育

Xian Xinghai, with family heritage from Panyu, Guangdong Province, was born in Macau in 1905. He moved frequently in his early life with his mother as his father had died before Xian was born. Xian Xinghai moved with his mother to Singapore when he was six years old, he was enrolled in Yangzheng Primary School for his primary education. It was at Yangzheng Primary School that he took his first step into his musical career. His teacher, Ou Jianfu, first noticed Xian Xinghai’s musical talent, and he was enrolled into the school’s military band. Xian Xinghai received training in both musical instruments as well as music.

冼星海祖籍广东省番禺, 1905年出生于澳门。因为在他出生前父亲已经过世,所以早年生活随着母亲频繁搬迁。6岁时,冼星海随母亲搬到新加坡,在养正小学读书。在养正小学读书时冼星海音乐生涯开始的第一步。他的老师区健夫最先发现冼星海的音乐天赋,并选他进入学校军乐队,冼星海在那儿开始接触乐器和音乐训练。

He was later brought to Guangzhou for further education by his then school principal, Mr Lin Yao Xiang, along with 19 other students. Xian Xinghai started learning the clarinet in 1918 at the YMCA charity school attached to the Lingnan University in Guangzhou. In 1926 he joined the National Music Institute at Peking University to study music and in 1928 he entered Shanghai National Music Conservatory to study violin and piano. The same year he published his well-known essay The Universal Music. In 1929 he went to Paris where he met Ma Sicong who introduced him to many artists there and was disliked by his teacher first because he didn’t know how to play piano but one night he got home and was mad and composed a song and the teacher was fascinated with his work.


In 1934 he was the first Chinese student admitted to the Paris Conservatory to study senior composition with both Vincent D’Indy and Paul Dukas. During this period he composed Wind, Song of a Wanderer, Violin Sonata in D Minor and other works.


Musical career 音乐生涯

Xian returned to China in 1935 to the Japanese occupation of the northeastern part of the country. Using his music as a weapon to protest the occupation, he took part in various patriotic activities. During the Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945), he wrote a large body of works that encouraged the people to fight the Japanese invaders, including Saving the Nation, Non-Resistance the Only Fear, Song of Guerrillas, The Roads Are Opened by Us, The Vast Siberia, Children of the Motherland, Go to the Homefront of the Enemy, and On the Taihang Mountains, among others.

1935年,冼星海回国来到被日本人占领的东北。他以音乐为武器抗议日本的侵占,并参加各种爱国活动。在1937年到1945年的抗日战争期间,他创作了大量作品鼓舞群众与日本侵略者作斗争,其中包括《救国军歌》,《只怕不抵抗》、 《游击军歌》、 《路是我们开》、 《茫茫的西伯利亚》、 《祖国的孩子们》、《到敌人后方去》、《在太行山上》等作品。

In 1938, he and his newly-married wife went to the Yan’an , the headquarters of Chinese Communist Party, where he became dean of the Music Department at Lu Xun Institute of Arts.


It is at this time that he composed the famous Yellow River Cantata and the Production Cantata.


In 1940 Xian went to the Soviet Union to compose the score of the documentary film Yan’an and the Eighth Route Army. Before departure Mao Zedong invited him to dinner at home. In 1941 the German invasion of the Soviet Union disrupted his work and he attempted to return to China by way of Xinjiang, but the local anti-communist warlord, Sheng Shicai, blocked the way and he got stranded in Alma Ata, Kazakhstan. It was there that he composed the symphonies Liberation of the Nation and Sacred War. and the suites Red All Over the River.