
第15章 Brown University: In God we hope



Back to its origin

Brown University, founded in 1764 as the College of Rhode Island, is in Providence, Rhode Island. It is the third-oldest institution of higher education in New England and seventh oldest in the United States.In 1804, the University was renamed Brown University in honor of Nicholas Brown, Jr., who contributed $5,000 toward an endowed professorship. The school boasts of being the only major research university in the nation where undergraduates design their own course of study.Brown was the first American college to accept students regardless of all religious affiliations, a testament to the spirit of openness that still typifies Brown today. Brown is the only major research university in the nation where undergraduates are the architects of their own course of study.

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Feature: The school is now known for its law school, engineering program (the oldest in the country), Alpert Medical School and Watson Institute for International Studies. It has the only undergraduate History of Mathematics department in the world.Brown was also one of the first institutions to emphasize computer science as well as media studies, with its department in Modern Culture and Media, where students study film, film criticism, and critical theory.

Open curriculum: Brown University is renowned for its distinctive student body-independent, energetic, mature, responsible, and self-directed-and for its educational culture that fosters and reinforces these qualities as essential elements of their education. This special quality of Brown achieves its fullest expression in the Open Curriculum for undergraduates.The philosophy it formed was based on the principle that "the individual who is being educated is the center of the educational process." In 1850, Brown President Francis Wayland wrote: "The various courses should be so arranged that, insofar as practicable, every student might study what he chose, all that he chose, and nothing but what he chose."


affiliation [filiein] n. 加入;附属;联系或关系


[testmnt] n.


typify [tipifai] vt. 代表;作为……的典型

architect [ɑ:kitekt] n. 建筑师

criticism [kritisiz()m] n. 批评;考证

critical [kritikl] adj. 批评的;危险的;决定性的;评论的

self-directed [selfdirektid] adj. 自主的;自我指导的








He who has health, has hope, and he who has hope, everything.


Hope is itself a species of happiness, and perhaps the chief happiness which this world affords.
