
第63章 Northeastern University: Light, truth, courage



Back to its origin

Northeastern University (NU), is a private, secular, coeducational research university situated in the center of in Boston, Massachusetts. Northeastern was established in 1898 as the "Evening Institute for Younger Men" at the Huntington Avenue YMCA.The first class began in October 3, 1898, catering to the needs of the rapidly growing immigrant population in Boston. The school was officially organized as a college in 1916 and in 1922 it was renamed "Northeastern University of the Boston Young Men"s Christian Association". In 1935 the university"s name was simplified to "Northeastern University". Although located in the heart of Boston, the NU campus is still filled with trees, flowers, and grassy quads. It has twice won the "most beautiful new or renovated exterior space award" because of its unique design. Opened in 1910 and widely known as the Boston Arena, Matthews Arena is the world"s oldest surviving indoor ice hockey arena, located on the east edge of Northeastern University"s campus.

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System: Northeastern has eight colleges and offers undergraduate majors in 65 departments.At the graduate level, the university offers more than 125 programs and awards master"s, doctoral, and professional degrees. Its colleges and schools includes College of Arts, Media and Design, School of Architecture, School of Journalism, D"Amore-McKim School of Business, School of Technological Entrepreneurship, Colege of Computer Information and Science, College of Professional Studies, College of Science, College of Social Science and Humanities, School of Law, etc.

Co-op program: Northeastern"s cooperative education (co-op) program was one of the first of its kind in the world, with many corporate and non-profit co-op partners both in the United States and abroad. Employers have included major newspapers, popular television shows, international law firms, banks, government offices, and corporations and many Fortune 500 companies. Cooperative education is a structured method of combining classroom-based education with practical work experience. A cooperative education experience, commonly known as a "co-op", provides academic credit for structured job experience. And it is also the use of active participation methods in which students learn how to work together to solve problems. In 1909 Northeastern University began using co-op in their engineering program, becoming only the second institution to do so in this country. In the co-op program, students alternate periods of academic study with periods of paid professional employment related to their major. Most majors offer a four-year graduation option with fewer co-op placements, but the five-year program is more popular with students. The co-op program typically starts sophomore year.


quad [kwd] n. 四方院子

renovate [renuveit] vt. 更新;修复;革新

exterior [ekstiri] adj. 外部的;表面的

Technological Entrepreneurship 技术创新


东北大学位于马萨诸塞州波士顿市,成立于1898年,是全美最大的私立大学。其类型为研究型大学,自我定位为交叉学科的领航者,在各学科研究、城市活跃度、课堂理论和现实实践相结合等方面都处于领先地位,合作教育项目是世界上最大最具创新性的合作教育项目之一。1943 年开始实行男女同校制。


东北大学还有另外一个最突出的优势,就是学校能提供最完善的带薪实习项目(co-op program),它也是最早成立带薪实习项目的大学之一。带薪实习期间学生无需交纳学费,90%的本科生都有一年到一年半的带薪实习经验。因此,除了文理科之外,其他大多数学士课程都要修读五年,以让学生在工商机构实习和工作。参加带薪实习项目的公司包括富士通、Google、MTV以及UBS等。东北大学在众多领域都拥有极高的声誉,学生被誉为拥有"最实用的专业技术知识"。



He that thinks his business below him will always be above his business.


Never deter till tomorrow what you can do today.
