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The Online‐Social Capital Acquired of Social Network Site Users:Take the Student Users for Example
Song Qingqing
Abstract:This paper examines the relationship between the use of Social Network Sites and the formation and maintance of social cap-ital with the use and gratification theory and social capital theory。In this paper,we inspect how the initiative of individuals,s tructural features,the external environment and institutional factors of the SNS users influences the formation and maintenance of social capital,then build the Model of Personal Social Capital‐acquired in Social Network Sites.The results show that the traditional social status of individuals was weakened by the structural advantages of the offline society,and the influence of“off the center”is still affects in the so-cial network sites.The main purpose of use of the SNS users is to maintain the existing ties with the offline friends,instead of forming new ones.
They often engage in“searching”for people with whom they have an offline connection more than they“browse”for com-plete strangers to meet.The study suggests that the need for affilication positively associated with the intensity of SNS use,and the fear of rejections negatively associated with the preference of SNS interaction.Regression analyses conducted on results from a survery of undergraduate students(N=484)suggest a strong association between use of SNS and the two types of social capital,the preference of SNS interaction is the main predictor of both bridging social capital and bonding social capital,but the intensity of SNS use just predicted the bridging social capital.In addition,the people with better interper-sonal communication skills can get social capital easier,and the fe-male more accessible than man to bonding social capital.
Keywords:Social Network Sites,Social Capital,Use and Gratificati