
第20章 附录二王竹溪主要论著

[1] C. C. Wang(王竹溪). Turbulent wake behind a body of revolution.Sci. Rep. of National Tsing Hua Univ., 1934, A2:307-326.

[2] JwuShi Wang(王竹溪). On the diffusion of gases through metals.Proc. of the Cambridge Phil. Soc., 1936, 32:657-662.

[3] JwuShi Wang. Properties of adsorbed films with repulsive interaction between the adsorbed atoms. Proc. Royal Soc. of London, 1937,A161:127-140.

[4] J. S. Wang(王竹溪). Statistical theory of adsorption with long-range interaction. Proc. of the Cambridge Phil. Soc., 1938, 34:238- 252.

[5] J. S. Wang. The kinetics of adsorption with long-range interaction between adsorbed particles. Proc. of the Cambridge Philo. Soc., 1938,34:412-423.

[6] J. S. Wang. Statistical theory of superlattices with long-range interactionI. General theory. Proc. Royal Soc. of London, 1938,A168:56-67.

[7] J. S. Wang. Statistical theory of superlattices with long-range interactionsⅡ. The simple cubic lattice and the body-centred cubic lattice. Proc. Royal Soc. of London, 1938, A168:68-77.

[8] J. S. Wang. The evaluation of exchange integra1s by solving poisson’s equation. Chinese Journal of Physics, 1939, 3:67-75.

[9] J. S. Wang. The evaluation of exchange integrals by solving poisson’s equation(Errata). Chinese Journal of Physics, 1947, 7:48.

[10] P. S. Tang and J. S. Wang. A thermodynamic formulation of the water relations in an isolated living cell. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1941, 45:443-543.

[11] J. S. Wang. Note on Kirkwood’s theory of superlattices. Science Record, 1942, 1:116-120.

[12] J. S. Wang and Jnn-Yueh Mei(梅镇岳). On the application of Kirkwood’s theory of order-disorder transformation to adsorption.Chinese Journal of Physics, 1944, 5:64-88.

[13] J. S. Wang. On the principle of Le Chatelier and Braun. Science Record, l943, 1:364-374.

[14] J. S. Wang. Notes on phase transitions of higher orders. Science Record, 1946, 1:375-380.

[15] J. S. Wang. Approximate partition function in generalized Bethe’s theory of superlattices. Phys. Rev. , 1945, 67:98-106.

[16] J. S. Wang. Some properties of a van der Waals Gas. Chinese Journal of Physics, 1945, 6:27-35.

[17] J. S. Wang. A problem in thermodynamics. Chinese Journal of Physics, 1946, 6:100-107.

[18] J. S. Wang. A problem in thermodynamics(Errata). Chinese Journal of Physics, 1947, 7:49-52.

[19] J. S. Wang. Free energy in the statistical theory of order-disorder trans formation. Sci. Rep. of National Tsing Hua Univ., 1947, A4:341-360.

[20] J. S. Wang. Thermodynamics of equilibrium and stability. Chinese Journal of Physics, 1948, 7:132-175.

[21] 周培源,王竹溪. 中国近三十年来之理论物理. 科学,1949(4):104-106.

[22] 王竹溪. 在选绝对温标为标准后所引起的一些实际问题. 物理学报,1955(11):125-132.

[23] 王竹溪. 热力学. 北京:高等教育出版社,1955 年第1 版,1960年第2 版.

[24] 王竹溪. 统计物理学导论. 北京:高等教育出版社,1956 年第1版,1965 年第2 版[修订本].

[25] 王竹溪. 关于热力学第三定律. 北京大学学报(自然科学),1956,2:53-61.

[26] 王竹溪. 关于植物细胞吸水的热力学理论. 科学记录,1958,新2:94-99; Wang JwuShi. On the thermodynamic theory of the waterabsorbing action of plant cells. Science Record,1958,New2:104-109.

[27] 王竹溪,王守武,吴有训,等. 十年来的中国物理学. 物理学报,1959,15:507-512.

[28] 王竹溪. 物质内部有辐射的热传导问题. 物理学报,1962,18:11-26; Wang ZhuXi(王竹溪). Theory of heat conduction in the Presence of radiation. Scientia Sinica,1962,11:185-206.

[29] 王竹溪. 简明十位对数表. 北京:科学出版社,1963.

[30] 王竹溪. 热力学简程. 北京:人民教育出版社,1964.

[31] 王竹溪,苏步青,等. 数学名词汇编(英汉对照). 香港:香港商务印书馆,1964.

[32] Wang Zhu-Xi,Chang Li-Yuan(章立源). On the calculation of the Virialcoefficients of hydrogen gas from experimental data. Scientia

Sinica,1964,13:1212-1220;王竹溪,章立源. 由实验数据计算氢气的维里系数问题. 物理学报,1965,21:508-518.

[33] 王竹溪,郭敦仁. 特殊函数概论. 北京:科学出版社,1965;Z. X.Wang and D. R. Guo. Special Functions. World Scientific,Singapore,1989.

[34] 王竹溪. 统计物理学简明教程. 北京:高等教育出版社,1966.

[35] 王竹溪. 汉字检索机器化的一个方案. 自然杂志,1979,2:508-509.

[36] 王竹溪,等. 理论物理与力学论文集. 北京:科学出版社,1982.

[37] 王竹溪. 新部首大字典. 上海、北京:上海翻译出版公司与电子工业出版社联合出版,1988.