
第19章 对外英语广播的主持艺术——“软新闻”(2)






这样的定位,不仅仅是因为“软新闻”的内容特点,更重要的是由于“软新闻”形成的“社会文化情境”。加之,在对外英语广播中设计多样节目类型以承载“软新闻”的内容,主要是形成使不同情境中的“社会人”间的情感沟通与人性共鸣的状态。在目前的媒体传播全球化形成的“新新闻生态”里,研究者们就已经把电影和电视剧都划到了这一生态里。如此,就使得媒体传播的全球化,实际是形成了各国间的以媒体产品为样貌的情感、人情、社会风貌、文化气质的沟通和传播。所以,在对这一形势的研究结果,就出现了“Sociocultural Mediation”的定义。而在这一过程里,起着有效传播作用的,就是“软新闻”的内容选择及掌控“软新闻”节目的主播们了。

首先,理解“Sociocultural Mediation”的意义。

根据Ingunn Hagen和Janet Wasko(2004,第276页)引用Martin Barbero(1993)的解释,“the theory of sociocultural mediation,arguing for a profound contextualization of media analysis in cultural analysis.…This launches an approach to media analysis based on the concept of mediations,with mediations defined as the articulations between communication practices and social movements and the articulation of different tempos of development with the plurality of cultural matrices.”显而易见,策划和制作“软新闻”节目内容的理论依据,就通过这一理论得到了具体的解释。也就是说,“软新闻”节目的内容源自不可分割的、由其所依存的文化和社会构成的情境。







丹麦广播电视传播学学者Thomas Tufte(2000,in:Hagen&Wasko, 第277页)在巴西的实地研究过程中,就电视剧于日常生活的关系作了深入地探讨。就相邻文化与混合空间的关系,提出了“Can the success of melodrama in Latin America be ascribed to the struggle of the people to be recognised,be it socially,culturally,or politically?”这样的问题。这是他经过对当地低收入女性的调查时研究后强调的,并且带着这一问题,提炼出一些对“软新闻”主播如何形成有效传播颇具启发意义的总结。Thomas Tufte(同上)总结道:In a study about the role of telenovelas in the everyday life of low-income urban women in Brazil,it was revealed how the women's identity construction was based on socioemotional experiences evolving from the social relationships found in the women's neighbourhood cultures.Five main socioemotional elements influencing their identity formation were identified,elements reflecting the hybridity of the cultures they live in and are part of:

(1)A concern and responsibility for the family,towards all members of the household.The women possess a high degree of loyalty to people they have“blood”ties with,including the whole extended family to which they open their homes.The outspoken sense of responsibility among the women often results in them having two jobs:one at home,keeping the household,and the other outside of the house,earning money;

(2)A daily struggle,and often an ambitious goal,is to obtain a decent and beautiful home of their own.Their dignity as human beings is very much linked to the organisation of their household,keeping it clean and orderly.This was also expressed in the decorations on the walls and in the cultivation of small plants and flowers in front of their houses.

(3)The women all have a strong solidarity with each other,expresed in a strong social network.It is a clear survival strategy that has to do with fulfilling the minimum need of each others families,but is also a means to make their lives easier and more enjoyable.

(4)Among the black women a racial discourse is present in their self-reflection,manifesting their regular experiences of racial discrimination when shopping,when waiting at the bus stop,and when applying for jobs.

(5)In relation to the world around them,a class consciousness and a feeling of marginality is present among all of them.They are keenly aware of the fact that they are poor and belong to the less privileged group of society.Although they are aware of their social position,most of them have dreams and aspirations of social change—more specifically,social ascent.

Thomas Tufte总结出这些因素后,进一步概述道(2000,第278页):These socioemotional elements that influence the audience's identity formation.…It is a sphere that constitutes a special organisation of time and space,linked with a special code of conduct and together these create a sphere,both symbolically and materially,that is central to the formation of Latin American cultural identity—heavily infused with emotion,and with the telenovelas as central agents.

可见,在对外英语广播电视节目中担任“软新闻”主播的掌控风格的形成,就要顾及到以上提及到的那些直接影响受众身份的建构“socioemotional elements”(社会情感因素)在节目中的体现上。而这种体现,还需要经过主播的个人体会后,将其融入自己的内心之中,进而通过语气、神态以及对节目内容的处理上,同异域里的受众形成心灵上的共鸣。如此,使得以“软新闻”形式承载的、需要被传播到异域的传播者本土之社会精神气质及文化蕴涵,得到有效的接收和理解。