
第21章 对外英语广播的主持艺术——“软新闻”(4)

There was another clash in Britain tonight between police and gangs of youths.The latest incident was in the northern London district of Tottenham,where hundreds of youths overturned cars,threw gasoline bombs and set fires.Several policemen were reported injured.The incident followed the unexplained death of a West Indian woman during a police search of her home.

Let's see where that lead went wrong.The story had plenty of action that could have been reported with vigorous verbs.Instead,the writer began with the flabby there was.And then further weakened the sentence with another.When another is so high up,it often makes a story less newsy.

One way to pep up the first sentence of that :“Hundreds of young people in London went on a rampage tonight.They set fires,overturned cars and threw gasoline bombs.”Which approach sounds stronger?

7)Don't start a story with the name of an unknown or unfamiliar person.Names make news,but only if they'er recognised.An unknown name is a distraction.It cannot be the reason you're telling the story;you're telling it because that person figures in something unusual.If the name means nothing to listeners,they're not likely to pay close attention and thus will miss the point of your story.The best way to introduce an unknown is with a title,or a label or a deion.

7a.)Don't start a story with a personal pronoun.This started with a personal pronoun,he,and kept he-heing:

He walked out of a New York prison today looking a little slimmer and slightly grayer.But one thing has not changed.He's still followed everywhere he goes.

Who he?I want to know from the get-go who or what a story is about.So when I hear a start with he,I wonder whether I missed the first sentence,the one that identified the subject.

8)Don't write a first sentence that uses yesterday or continues.

Both words are bad news.Listeners tune in expecting to hear the latest news,the later the better.

8a.)Don't start a story with a sentence that has a no or not.At lead,try not to.

Rewrite your negative lead to make it positive.Instead of saying,“The President is not going to take his planned trip to Tahiti,”you will have a stronger opening by saying,“The President has canceled his trip to Tahiti.”The basic rule of writing or speaking is:Put your sentences in a positive form.

8b.)Don't start a story with another,more or once again.With few exceptions,those words are turn-offs.If we start a story with another,it sounds as if whatever the story turns out to be,it's bound to be similar to a story told previously,one that's not much different.Perhaps just more of the same.

9)Don't cram too much information into a story.Too many facts,too many names,too many numbers,too many words are just too much for too many listeners.They cannot process such a steady flow of facts.

10)Don't use newspaper constructions.Here's an example of a common newspaper construction:“The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said today North Korea should stop threatening Washington.Senator John Walton said….”

In broadcasting,this is better:

The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,John Walton,said today….

OR:Chairman John Walton told….

Or else:The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said that….

11)Don't lose or fail to reach a listener.The best way to keep a listener is by talking to the listener,not at the listener.

12)Don't make a factual error.That is the deadlest sin of all.It causes you to lose your credibility.And eventually your audience.Perhaps even your job.















